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【至爱sasuke 原创】>>>Eyes Close [鼬佐清水/英语/佐自述]



1楼2012-08-08 09:25回复
    TVT 如果有语法错误请亲们多包容-V-

    2楼2012-08-08 09:25
      Every individual has their own peculiar emories. Among those memories, there must be one particular piece that is special and profound. For instance, a person's dad passed away due to lung cancer, or one had been betrayed deeply by his or her closest friend. These events are like needles pierced into your heart, you will hardly ever forget it.
      There is this one particular event happened to me when I was seven, and it became anightmare to me. Amost every single thing will remind of that man who created the tragedy in my life.

      4楼2012-08-08 09:29
        part 2.
        How should a younger brother react when his older brother constantly arriving hoe late and argue with his fatehr? I don't know. All I did was waiting, expecting, waiting, expecting.
        Waiting for my beloved brother coming home in the darkest hour of night, expecting the argument become silent, while the happiness and bliss refill the room. My expectations only occurred in my dream. The relationship between my parents and my olderbrother became worse, and Itachi sometimes didn't returen home until one week after.
        I couldn't fall asleep without Itachi by my side. I stayed out in the yard all those night when he was gone. You will certainly not understand my feeling unless you have a older brother who is Uchiha Itachi.
        I remember one of a month was January. It was wintry and snowy. The wind was piercingly cold, I felt like there were thousands of knives tabbed into my skin. I didn't give up on waiting for him.
        I began imagine the pieces of flying snow was brother, he's watching me, protecting me. I have to show him I'm a good younger brother, that he will start be proudof me. So then I began practice ninja skills in the night.
        Once in a while my mom or dad would come out, persuade or force me to go back. I refused to. The bed without his body temperature was an icy hell, the room without him and his gorgeous eyes was a cold prison. I wouldn't and couldn't do anything those days besides waiting for him and practice ninja skills.
        Then he came back.

        7楼2012-08-08 09:42
          -V- 这里是文废求前辈们拍砖0.0

          8楼2012-08-08 09:43