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IP属地:重庆1楼2013-06-05 21:42回复
    So far I have to say that if fans of bass worried about the bass of VSD1 - they shouldn't. IMO it's the bassiest of the whole sub-$100 bunch and I haven't heard the gr07BE but I guess the VSD1 will be more in line with it as it is bassier than gr07 mk2. It's got thickness and impact, which should make vsonic reconsider the Bass Edition moniker of the GR02BE. I don't think there'll be any disappointed bassheads.
    目前为止 我觉得低频控完全不用担心VSD1的低频,我觉得它是100刀内低频最OK的了 (我没有听过GR07哟) 但是我觉得低频应该比07多一些。 低频的密度 下潜(?) 都可以秒了GR02的BASS版。低频控们不会失望的。。。
    渣翻译 见谅。。。

    IP属地:重庆7楼2013-06-05 21:46

      我可以吐槽这个老外左右戴反了么? 再次提醒大家 有字的一边是右边

      IP属地:重庆10楼2013-06-05 21:48
        老外第一批 跟中国大陆到货的时间没有差多久 5月20多号
        应该是在lendmeurears 这个网站代购的 30多刀 还免邮! 逆天了。。

        IP属地:重庆14楼2013-06-05 21:51
          Finally, after waiting for more than 2 weeks, the VSD1 I bought on a pre-sale have arrived. They sound amazing to my ears. Huge quantity of bass that does not swallow other frequencies. The bass presentation is better than MH1C and almost similar with GR07 BE. The midrange is thicker and more luscious than MH1C , Compare to GR07 BE and GR07 first version which I also have, they are slightly more forward. Treble is a little recessed or shall I say on the darker side compare to 2 versions of GR07 I have but they are smooth and you can feel its presence when needed and no trace of sibilance. I prefer them over VC1000 but thats only me, YMMV of course. The sound signature is tailored fit to my taste. For 30 USD, you will get an IEM with a mid tier sound plus 2 pairs of silicone tips and 4 pairs of foam tips which the quality is comparable to complys, what can I ask for? This the best 30 USD I ever spent on an IEM. I am not good at using technical terms to describe what I hear so please take this impression with a pinch of salt.
          等了2周后 预定的VSD1终于到了 我觉得听起来太爽了。低频量很大 但是又没有淹没其他的频段。 低频表现我觉得是比MHIC (SONY?)好的,应该跟GR07差不多。 中频厚度和饱满度都不MH1C好。 跟GR07比起来的话, 我觉得VSD1的人声更靠前一点点儿。高频跟GR07的两个版本比起来 都稍暗, 但是要平滑一些。 你想要它的时候 它就在那 而且齿音很小。 我觉得相比起VC1000,我更喜欢VSD1 (可能你会有你自己的偏好吧)。 整个声音感觉像是针对我的喜好量身定制的样(⊙﹏⊙b汗)。只要30刀,你就可以拥有这么好的声音外加一大堆各种套子(怎么没有吐槽海绵套坑爹?), 你还想怎样? 我觉得这是最超值的30刀的耳塞。我不清楚怎么用专业词语形容听感,你也可以把我当枪吧。。。。

          IP属地:重庆18楼2013-06-05 22:03


            IP属地:重庆19楼2013-06-05 22:05

              Ok, I bit... this will be my first VSonic IEM.
              My Sony XBA-4iP sounds great, but it protrudes out of my ears a bit. And I prefer to run the cable up around the ear lobe, which I can't.
              Monoprice 9927 sounds good, but the housing is uncomfortable for my ears.
              Hopefully these sound great, are flush in my ear and comfortable.
              OK,我定了 这将是我的第一个猥琐牌耳塞
              我的XBA-4ip 声音很不错 但是总是爱滑出来。 而且我喜欢绕耳式佩戴 但是它不能。
              Monoprice 9927 声音不错 但是佩戴不舒服

              IP属地:重庆24楼2013-06-05 22:11
                the cable and plug used are the same with VC02 and VC1000. build quality is the best compare to other entry level iems that i have like visang, astrotec, sunrise, and soundmagic.slightly microphonic if worn cable down but can be easily solved by wearing them over ear or use the clip. they are most comfortable IEM in my inventory, i can use them during workouts. This afternoon, I used them when I played table tennis and they stayed in my ears for two hours without any problem.
                线材和插头跟VC02和VC1000是一样的。做工秒了 我其他的耳塞像什么唯尚啊,阿思翠啊,新锐啊,声美啊 这些 (这个老外是中国牌子控么)。如果正戴的话 听诊器效应还是有点儿,但是绕耳戴或者用耳挂的话就OK了。VSD1是我所有耳塞中佩戴最舒适的(这个老外应该没有买过舒尔的耳塞吧), 平时锻炼身体的时候 听也不错。 今天下午我还戴着它打了2个小时的网球呢, 期间戴得牢牢的,完全没有问题。。

                IP属地:重庆29楼2013-06-05 22:22
                  I ordered the VSD1 but suspect I woulke the VSD1S more
                  我订了VSD1 但是又怕VSD1S更适合我 纠结啊。。。(老外也跟大家也有一样的纠结)。。

                  IP属地:重庆30楼2013-06-05 22:24
                    Can anyone confirm the left and right channel of the earphone? I was told that the VSD1 was designed to be worn downwards and not over the ear.
                    If you wear it over the ear, you will have the left going into your right ear and right into your left ear?
                    有不有大神出来确认一下到底哪边是右? 听说VSD1是按照绕耳佩戴设计的 但是如果绕耳的话 左右就反了啊!捉急!

                    IP属地:重庆33楼2013-06-05 22:27
                      Just read on the Lendmeurears facebook page that the VSD1 is out of stock due to the strong demand and the next batch will arrive on the 15th of June. That's got to be the first time ever they ran out of stock on something 3 days after it's been released - the power of head-fi hype LOL
                      刚才看了下Lendmeurears的facebook主页,发现VSD1被一抢而光了,供不应求啊! 下一批听说要6月15号才到货,真是捉急啊。。。 这应该是历史上首次Lendmeurears上面的东西在发布后三天后被抢光吧 ---看来head-fi毒坛的毒文广告威力巨大啊,笑死我了

                      IP属地:重庆36楼2013-06-05 22:32
                        The bass extends well but is a bit boomy and lacks behind on speed in comparison the gr07 - if it tames after the burn-in then we'll talk about how it handles with the above-$100 competition
                        低频的下潜很好 但是有点肥了 而且跟GR07比起来回弹的速度有点慢。 如果通过煲机能够把低频收紧点儿的话,我们再来看它能不能爆600吧

                        IP属地:重庆41楼2013-06-05 22:41
                          edit: it's not very hard to drive - easier than gr04 and gr07 and that darned VC02, which for no reason is so hard to drive. Also, the VSD1 is not prone to pick up hiss, which is pretty good given that it doesn't have the lowest sensitivity. So far it's main drawbacks seem that it lacks a bit of control in the bass region and that affects the lower mids. The sounstage actually has pretty good width but is not particularly impressive in the depth department. Still, I'm not dismissing the claims by vsonic about its sound as it does have a lot of potential - mainly the bass needs to tighten a bit. It does have better highs than the gr04 flagship and they are smooth ans I'm not detecting any issues with sibilance although I'm not particularly sensitive to it. I'm not exactly sure why vsonic included only one pair of single flangle tips and one pair of bi-flanges and all these foam tips as IMO the last thing the VSD1 needs is more emphasis to the lower region and a more laid back treble?
                          煲后更新:似乎有点难推-但是还是比GR04和07,VC02好推点儿, 真是无力吐槽VC02这个价位的耳塞居然还考验推力?因为灵敏度不低,所以没有什么底噪。目前为止,VSD1最大的缺点就是感觉低频频段的控制欠缺,稍微有点儿影响到了中低频了。 声场的横向很好 但是纵向一般般。从这个塞子上还是体现了猥琐家的调音功底和风格。听上去还是有一定的潜力的-主要是低频可以再收紧点儿。高频一耳朵就比GR04要好些 顺滑些 而且基本上没有齿音,虽然我对齿音不反感呢搞不懂为什么猥琐家这次只配了一对单节套和一对双节套 还有一堆海绵套。 海绵套是想要加强低频 降低高频么?

                          IP属地:重庆43楼2013-06-05 22:54
                            Got my VSD1s in today.
                            First impressions based on about 10 minutes of music listening: Bassier than expected but well controlled and extended deep into sub bass territory, well appointed midrange, amazing clarity for something so far below $100, nice separation and soundstage. Very "fun" sound signature, though slightly dry in character (not that that's a bad thing) and very impressive resolution so far. Pretty amazing so far.
                            But...seriously? Printing the VSD1 logo in...Comic Sans of all fonts? Ewww...
                            我的VSD1今天到了。第一耳朵听了10分钟左右, 感觉低频比我想象中的更猛 但是控制力很好,下潜也不错。 中频位置不前不后正合适。 100刀以下,居然能有这样的解析,真是amazing! 分离度和声场都很不错。 听感很刺激。整体有点干(但也不是坏事)。强大的解析令人印象深刻。
                            但是用Comic Sans这种字体印成VSD1的logo, 请问郁总你是在卖萌吗?

                            IP属地:重庆本楼含有高级字体47楼2013-06-05 23:10
                              If they were marketing it toward younger people than they should have used Helvetica. Comic Sans is the go-to for elderly people who believe it makes their ad/poster/project more flashy. Helvetica was born and raised by Designers & Hipsters.
                              LOL You have no idea what is popular in China and as we all know vsonic couldn't care less about western countries and their preferences as it's only concern is the Chinese market. As far as the logo -it's grey and can be easily seen only at particular angles. Anyway, I couldn't care less - it's in my ear and I can't see. I would'n care even if there was male genitalia engraved on the housings if I like that iem.
                              关于logo的字体:如果是要卖给更年轻的爱好时尚群体,猥琐应该用 Helvetica这个字体啊。
                              Comic Sans这种字体是那种想要自己的海报和广告更闪亮的老年人才用的吧。@yxf33
                              Helvetica 这种字体才是适合设计师和时尚人群的。
                              你可能完全不知道中国的流行趋势,而且我们都知道,猥琐完全不顾及西方国家的喜好,只顾及中国市场。 至少目前看来 这个logo是灰色的而且要偏到一定刁钻的角度才看得到,所以就管不到那么多了,反正我是戴着听的,又看不到。这么说来就算是腔体上印有男性的JJ,我也管不了那么多了。。

                              IP属地:重庆55楼2013-06-05 23:21