布谷鸟的呼唤吧 关注:195贴子:2,758
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1楼2013-07-27 13:36回复
    罗伯特·加尔布雷思是J.K.罗琳的笔名,他在今年4月出版了一本犯罪类题材小说 The Cuckoo's Calling,《布谷鸟的呼叫》。直到7月中旬真相才渐渐浮出水面,与罗伯特同名的官网也于7月18日正式上线。罗琳在问答版块写了不少有意思的回答,我就试着汉化下。早先已经在哈吧贴过,现在重新组织润色,加了几条注解,希望这里能比哈吧多那么一两个潜在读者吧。

    2楼2013-07-27 13:43
      Why did you choose to write a crime novel and why under a pseudonym?
      I’ve always loved reading detective fiction. Most of the Harry Potter stories are whodunits at heart (‘Order of the Phoenix’ is more of a why-did-he), but I’ve wanted to try the real thing for a long time.
      As for the pseudonym, I was yearning to go back to the beginning of a writing career in this new genre, to work without hype or expectation and to receive totally unvarnished feedback. It was a fantastic experience and I only wish it could have gone on a little longer.

      3楼2013-07-27 13:49
        Why the name Robert Galbraith? Do you have anything to say to all those Robert Galbraiths out there?
        I can only hope all the real Robert Galbraiths out there will be as forgiving as the real Harry Potters have been. I must say, I don’t think their plight is quite as embarrassing.
        I chose Robert because it is one of my favourite men’s names, because Robert F Kennedy is my hero and because, mercifully, I hadn’t used it for any of the characters in the Potter series or 'The Casual Vacancy'.
        Galbraith came about for a slightly odd reason. When I was a child, I really wanted to be called ‘Ella Galbraith’, and I’ve no idea why. I don’t even know how I knew that the surname existed, because I can’t remember ever meeting anyone with it. Be that as it may, the name had a fascination for me. I actually considered calling myself L A Galbraith for the Strike series, but for fairly obvious reasons decided that initials were a bad idea.
        Odder still, there was a well-known economist called J K Galbraith, something I only remembered by the time it was far too late. I was completely paranoid that people might take this as a clue and land at my real identity, but thankfully nobody was looking that deeply at the author’s name.
        起名加尔布雷思的原因就有点奇怪。小时候我特别想叫「埃拉·加尔布雷思」,我都不明白为什么。我甚至都不知道自己是怎么发现这个姓的,因为我不记得遇到任何人姓这个姓。不管怎样,这名字令我着迷。实际上我还考虑过给自己取名 L.A. 加尔布雷思来写斯特赖克系列【1】,不过显然用首字母缩写是个糟糕的主意。
        更奇怪的是,居然有个著名的经济学家叫做 J.K.加尔布雷思【2】,等我想起来之后已经来不及了。想到人们可能会沿着这条线索识破我的真实身份,我简直要疯了,不过幸好还没人那么仔细地调查作者名字。

        5楼2013-07-27 14:17
          Why did you choose for the “author” to have a military background?
          It was the easiest and most plausible reason for Robert to know how the Special Investigation Branch operates and investigates. Another reason for making him a military man working in the civilian security industry was to give him a solid excuse not to appear in public or provide a photograph.
          Born in 1968, Robert Galbraith is married with two sons. After several years with the Royal Military Police, he was attached to the SIB (Special Investigation Branch), the plain-clothes branch of the RMP. He left the military in 2003 and has been working since then in the civilian security industry. The idea for protagonist Cormoran Strike grew directly out of his own experiences and those of his military friends who have returned to the civilian world. 'Robert Galbraith' is a pseudonym.

          6楼2013-07-27 14:54
            Why set the novel in London? Why not Edinburgh?
            I love Edinburgh and the city makes a stunning and tempting backdrop for crime fiction, but I felt that there were enough compelling literary detectives pounding its streets already.
            Both my parents were Londoners and I spent a lot of time there during my childhood and teens, visiting relatives. I lived there in my twenties and still love the place. You could write about London all your life and not exhaust the plots, settings or history.
            【1】之所以会有这个问题是因为07年曾有位苏格兰作家 Ian Rankin 在爱丁堡的咖啡馆里见到罗琳正在写侦探小说,故事背景据说设定在爱丁堡。后来他不知为何承认自己在开玩笑。当时的新闻报道链接还未失效:http://www.cbc.ca/news/arts/books/story/2007/08/19/rowling-crime-novel.html 另外,近几年来罗琳貌似一直住在苏格兰爱丁堡

            8楼2013-07-27 16:06
              Why the title 'The Cuckoo’s Calling'?
              The title is taken from the mournful poem by Christina Rossetti called, simply, A Dirge, which is a lament for one who died too young. The title also contains a subtle reference to another aspect of the plot, but as I can’t explain what it is without ruining the story, I’ll let readers work that one out.
              【1】《布谷鸟的呼叫》为暂译名,一则考虑到「呼叫」除了「呼唤」、「叫唤」还有另一层意思,即罗琳暗示情节里会涉及的点,但这么翻又不至于太露骨,不至于严重剧透。二则是头韵的使用,Cuckoo 和 Calling 都以字母 C 开头,整个书名用的是罗琳特别喜欢用的头韵(她就像《偶发空缺》里的肥仔一样,无法克制爱用头韵的习惯),而「鸟」和「叫」好歹能押上尾韵,也算是勉强忠于原文了吧。

              9楼2013-07-27 16:16
                Where in the world has the book been published?
                'The Cuckoo's Calling' is available throughout the world in the English language, with other languages to follow.

                11楼2013-07-27 16:47
                  Have you previously signed any copies as Robert Galbraith? How do we know they are genuine?
                  Yes, I was asked by the publisher to sign a few copies of 'The Cuckoo’s Calling' as Robert Galbraith that were made available for sale around publication. While we can't verify whether any particular book currently on eBay etc is genuine, any future books I sign in this way will be authenticated. My Robert Galbraith signature is distinctive and consistent; I spent a whole weekend practicing it to make sure.
                  是的,出版前后我的出版商要求我用罗伯特·加尔布雷思的名字给读者签了几本《布谷鸟的呼叫》。虽然我们没法鉴定挂在 eBay 之类上面每一本书的真实性,今后我用这个名字签的名都会验明真假。我签的罗伯特·加尔布雷思十分特别,也是一致的,我可花了一整个周末练习确保无误呢。

                  12楼2013-07-27 16:53
                    Was revealing the true identity of Robert Galbraith not simply an elaborate marketing campaign to help boost sales?
                    If anyone had seen the labyrinthine plans I laid to conceal my identity (or indeed my expression when I realised that the game was up!) they would realise how little I wanted to be discovered. I hoped to keep the secret as long as possible. I’m grateful for all the feedback from publishers and readers, and for some great reviews. Being Robert Galbraith has been all about the work, which is my favourite part of being a writer. This was not a leak or marketing ploy by me, my publisher or agent, both of whom have been completely supportive of my desire to fly under the radar. If sales were what mattered to me most, I would have written under my own name from the start, and with the greatest fanfare.
                    At the point I was ‘outed’, Robert had sold 8500 English language copies across all formats (hardback, eBook, library and audiobook) and received two offers from television production companies. The situation was becoming increasingly complicated, largely because Robert was doing rather better than we had expected him to, but we all still hoped to keep the secret a little longer. Yet Robert’s success during his first three months as a published writer (discounting sales made after I was found out) actually compares favourably with J.K. Rowling’s success over the equivalent period of her career!
                    正当我被「揭发」的当口,罗伯特售出了8500本英文版本的小说,包括各种形式(有精装、电子书、留给图书馆的书以及有声书版本),另外还收到了两份来自电视制作公司的邀请。后来情况变得越来越复杂了,主要是因为罗伯特的表现比我们想的更好,不过我们还是希望能把秘密藏得更久些。罗伯特作为作家在最初的三个月里取得的成绩(不算我被发现之后的销量)事实上一点不比 J.K. 罗琳当年同一时期的表现差!

                    13楼2013-07-27 17:08
                      Will you continue to write as Robert Galbraith? Will there be more books with Cormoran Strike in them?
                      Yes, I intend to keep writing the series as Robert. I’ve just finished the sequel and we expect it to be published next year.

                      14楼2013-07-27 17:11

                        15楼2013-07-27 17:11