kumomu云梦吧 关注:32贴子:501
  • 6回复贴,共1

1楼2013-10-08 22:48回复

    2楼2013-10-08 22:53

      一重塔 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2763932711

      30楼2013-12-23 16:41
        Minecraft Bar is for discussing Minecraft specifically the main PC version.
        For discussing the Pocket Edition, click here: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=minecraftpe
        [Game Download] http://minecraft.net/ http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2735714718(guide)
        [Index of Basic Tutorials] http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2731364882
        [Minecraft Wiki (zh-CN)] http://minecraft-zh.gamepedia.com
        [Q&A (for freshmen)] http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2736076049
        [Server List] http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2736076049
        [Server Recruitment] http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=minecraft%C1%AA%BB%FA
        [Long Post Application] http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2736076049
        [Free to Add Water](only here) http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1469490318
        Minecraft Bar QQ Group :222786844 YY Channels:57444812

        本楼含有高级字体36楼2014-03-31 19:52
          [Disclaimer: This rule system is new and the rules may changedrastically and rapidly.]
          Minecraft Bar is not affiliated with Mojang in any official capacity. We do not deal with disputes between users and server owners. We are only here to share our experiences with other Minecraft fans.
          This section gives you information on what you are and are not allowed to do with your Minecraft Bar account, as well as various states your account may be in. The moderators here have the right to ban your account and delete your submissions if necessary according to the rules listed below.These rules are in place to keep the community healthy.
          Acceptable Posts:
          Projects: Screenshots of your building/redstone/texturepacks or other project to show members what you have created and a clear description explaining the project and what it is.
          Tutorials: Theseare posts that are meant to teach people something. Low-quality tutorials maybe removed.
          Vlogs/Let's Plays:Videos on their own are considered a medium of written content. Please note however that writing a short description of the video is recommended, so to not limit the readability.
          Journals/Experiences:Relating what happened to you in your Minecraft world, sharing your feelings and events that happened to you either in the game. If you want to keep updating a long journey, you need to submit an application to Moderator first.
          Articles: These postsinclude research and well-thought ideas about Minecraft or the community. Slander is not tolerated and will result in a ban.
          Stories/Graphics and Artwork: Creations made of the written word/graphic with the purpose to entertain with fantastic events that don't normally happen in the real world.If you want to keep updating a long story or comic strip, you need to submit an application to Moderator first.
          Constructive Criticism/Opinions:These posts include your opinions or constructive criticism about Minecraft/MinecraftBar, or an individual. This is different to a "Negative Criticism"(See Below). Constructive criticism is defined as a piece of work that picks apart and critiques a person or thing and possibly gives advice on how this person/thing could change.
          Micro Blogs: Creative(original) stuff or experience in your daily life and virtual life. But remember that Moderators sometimes may remove some of them to keep to the main topic of the community.
          Unacceptable Posts:
          Advertisements: Submissions solely to advertise servers, QQ groups, YY channels, websites, commercial stuff are considered spam.
          Spam/Nonsense/Random: The making of a thread by the slamming of the keyboard, the tying of a single/few characters, not-words, sentences that make no sense, copy-paste, is considered spam and will result in a ban.
          Recruitment/Teams/Groups: Recruitment, Teams, and Groups are not allowed within the blog section, thereis an area of the forums specifically dedicated to this.
          Negative Criticism/Complaints: Creating threads to attack, harass, or demean users, servers, games, organizations, groups or the community will not be tolerated and will result in a ban/blacklist or removal of the submission.
          Herobrine/False Information: Threads solely to promote Herobrine or other false information will be removed "under the command of Lord Herobrine".
          Questions/Requests: Questions which can be easily googled or found under the guidelines may be removed. Requesting stuff may also result in a removal of the submission.
          Copycat: A copycat is someone who imitates someone else. Stories, articles, opinions, projects and journals copycatted from recent threads will result in a removal of the submission.
          "Bump": A "bump" is a nonsense post that does not contribute to the thread at hand, but is aimed to move a thread to the top of the recent posts in the forum (ex. "Anyone?", "Still need help!", "Hello?", "Bump"). Any reply can bump a thread however. You should only bump a thread if 6 hours has passed since the last post/reply, including the original post, regardless of if the post was yours orif it was or wasn't a "bump". Bump a thread frequently may result in a ban or removal of the submission.
          Other Inappropriate Posts: Including but not limit to some low-quality posts, especially which have almost nothing to do with Minecraft. If you had a post that was inappropriate, or made on an inappropriate discussion, there is a chance that the post or thread was deleted.
          Making a post about a moderator's removal or decision willalso not be tolerated and will result in a removal of the submission. If you have a problem, contact the moderator in question or in general to bring up questions and/or concerns you may have.
          Bans and Removal of Content:
          If you believe that a moderator has made a mistake in their deliberation, or you feel that their decision was unnecessary or incorrect, please remember that communication is key. Disrespect, flaming, and other disruptive behaviors during your appeal will likely result in your issue being ignored, regardless of correctness.
          Follow the steps below to appeal your ban /removal:
          1.Remain calm. Moderators are humans - sometimes they will make mistakes.
          2.Send a Private Message to the moderator who has banned youor removed your content, do not post about this publically in the forums.
          3.If you do not understand the reason for removal, kindly ask the moderator to explain it to you.Ask them if there is anything that you can do to fix the issue.
          4.If the moderator is being disrespectful or you feel as if they are singling you out, please send a message to a moderator of higher rank (or send to me).

          本楼含有高级字体37楼2014-03-31 20:16
            All right reserved including the right of final interpretation.

            本楼含有高级字体38楼2014-03-31 20:19
              [Disclaimer: This rule system is new and the rules may change drastically and rapidly.]
              Minecraft Bar is not affiliated with Mojang in any official capacity. We do not deal with disputes between users and server owners. We are only here to share our experiences with other Minecraft fans.
              This section gives you information on what you are and are not allowed to do with your Minecraft Bar account. The moderators here have the right to ban your account and delete your submissions if necessary according to the rules listed below.These rules are in place to keep the community healthy.
              Acceptable Posts:
              Projects: Screenshots of your building/redstone/texturepacks or other project to show members what you have created and a clear description explaining the project and what it is.
              Tutorials: These are posts that are meant to teach people something. Low-quality tutorials maybe removed.
              Vlogs/Let's Plays: Videos on their own are considered a medium of written content. Please note however that writing a short description of the video is recommended, so to not limit the readability.
              Journals/Experiences: Relating what happened to you in your Minecraft world, sharing your feelings and events that happened to you either in the game. If you want to keep updating a long journey, you need to submit an application to Moderator first.
              Articles: These posts include research and well-thought ideas about Minecraft or the community. Slander is not tolerated and will result in a ban.
              Stories/Graphics and Artwork: Creations made of the written word/graphic with the purpose to entertain with fantastic events that don't normally happen in the real world.If you want to keep updating a long story or comic strip, you need to submit an application to Moderator first.
              Constructive Criticism/Opinions:These posts include your opinions or constructive criticism about Minecraft/MinecraftBar, or an individual. This is different to a "Negative Criticism"(See Below). Constructive criticism is defined as a piece of work that picks apart and critiques a person or thing and possibly gives advice on how this person/thing could change.
              Micro Blogs: Creative(original) stuff or experience in your daily life and virtual life. But remember that Moderators sometimes may remove some of them to keep to the main topic of the community.
              Unacceptable Posts:
              Advertisements: Submissions solely to advertise servers, QQ groups, YY channels, websites, commercial stuff are considered spam.
              Spam/Nonsense/Random: The making of a thread by the slamming of the keyboard, the tying of a single/few characters, not-words, sentences that make no sense, copy-paste, is considered spam and will result in a ban.
              Recruitment/Teams/Groups: Recruitment, Teams, and Groups are not allowed here, there is an area specifically dedicated to this.
              Negative Criticism/Complaints: Creating threads to attack, harass, or demean users, servers, games, organizations, groups or the community will not be tolerated and will result in a ban/blacklist or removal of the submission.
              Herobrine/False Information: Threads solely to promote Herobrine or other false information will be removed "under the command of Lord Herobrine".
              Questions/Requests: Questions which can be easily googled or found under the guidelines may be removed. Requesting stuff may also result in a removal of the submission.
              Copycat: A copycat is someone who imitates someone else. Stories, articles, opinions, projects and journals copycatted from recent threads will result in a removal of the submission.
              "Bump": A "bump" is a nonsense post that does not contribute to the thread at hand, but is aimed to move a thread to the top of the recent posts in the forum (ex. "Anyone?", "Still need help!", "Hello?", "Bump"). Any reply can bump a thread however. You should only bump a thread if 6 hours has passed since the last post/reply, including the original post, regardless of if the post was yours or if it was or wasn't a "bump". Bump a thread frequently may result in a ban or removal of the submission.
              Other Inappropriate Posts: Including but not limit to some low-quality posts, especially which have almost nothing to do with Minecraft. If you had a post that was inappropriate, or made on an inappropriate discussion, there is a chance that the post or thread was deleted.
              Making a post about a moderator's removal or decision will also not be tolerated and will result in a removal of the submission. If you have a problem, contact the moderator in question or in general to bring up questions and/or concerns you may have.
              Bans and Removal of Content:
              If you believe that a moderator has made a mistake in their deliberation, or you feel that their decision was unnecessary or incorrect, please remember that communication is key. Disrespect, flaming, and other disruptive behaviors during your appeal will likely result in your issue being ignored, regardless of correctness.
              Follow the steps below to appeal your ban /removal:
              1.Remain calm. Moderators are humans - sometimes they will make mistakes.
              2.Send a Private Message to the moderator who has banned youor removed your content, do not post about this publically in the forums.
              3.If you do not understand the reason for removal, kindly ask the moderator to explain it to you.Ask them if there is anything that you can do to fix the issue.
              4.If the moderator is being disrespectful or you feel as if they are singling you out, please send a message to a moderator of higher rank (or send to me).

              39楼2014-03-31 20:49