emme吧 关注:117贴子:673
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【Emme】来自Emme 暖暖问候o(∩_∩)o



通过百度相册上传1楼2014-03-31 23:19回复
    Hello my China Fans!
    I just wanted to write to say hello and thank you for listening to my music and supporting me!
    You have been kind enough to keep in touch and let me know how things are going for my music in China!
    If you ever want me to send you a package of my Cd’s or T-shirts, I’d be happy to. I’ll write you a message and autograph them.
    I hope you are all well and enjoying life! I’d be happy to answer questions for interviews if you have any.
    Much love, Emme.

    2楼2014-03-31 23:21
      如果有什么想对Emme说又不玩twitter、fb之类的 可以发在这里哦~ 我们会帮忙不定时通过邮件汇总发给Emme。她平时也很忙的,所以我们也不能经常打扰她的。

      3楼2014-03-31 23:26