这是S2E1 Sherlock对irene的血淋淋的推理

我说不是的I said no.
就差一点了 但还不成功Very, very close, but no.
你也被冲昏了头脑You got carried away.
这个有游戏太精益求精了 你玩的太开心了The game was too elaborate, you were enjoying yourself too much.
永远没有太开心这种事There's no such thing as too much.
享受追猎的快乐当然可以Oh, enjoying the thrill of the chase is fine.
太贪馋于游戏的假饵部分Craving the distraction of the game,
我理解 可是感情用事?I sympathise, but sentiment?
感情用事是失败者的催化剂Sentiment is a chemical defect found in the losing side.
感情用事 你在说什么?Sentiment? What are you talking about?
上帝啊Oh, dear God.
看看这个可怜的男人Look at the poor man.
你不会真以为我对你有兴趣吧?You don't actually think I was interested in you?
因为你是伟大的夏洛克·福尔摩斯Because you're the great Sherlock Holmes,
带着搞笑帽子的聪明侦探?the clever detective in the funny hat?
因为我测了你的脉Because I took your pulse.
你的瞳孔放大Your pupils dilated.
约翰·华生大概以为爱对于我是个谜团I imagine John Watson thinks love's a mystery to me,
但那些化学反应非常简单 充满破坏性but the chemistry is incredibly simple and very destructive.
我们第一次见面时你告诉我When we first met, you told me that
化装通常像自画像 说的太对了disguise is always a self-portrait - how true of you.
你保险箱的密码 是你的三围the combination to your safe, your measurements -
可这个 还要私密得多but this, this is far more intimate,
这是你的内心 你绝不该让它控制你的头脑this is your heart and you should never let it rule your head.
你本可以随便选一组数字You could have chosen any number
带着一切战利品走出这里and walked out with everything.
可你就是没法抗拒 对吧?But you just couldn't resist it, could you?
我一直觉得爱是种危险的弱点I've always assumed that love is a dangerous disadvantage.
谢谢你给了我最终证明Thank you for the final proof.