换好了@顾北荒 --- There is a sky illuminating us,someone is out there 天空照亮着我们,人们离开了这里 That we truly trust 也许那是我们真实的期盼 There is a rainbow for you and me 这里的彩虹(美好)属于你我 A beautiful sunrise eternally 美丽的日出是那样的永恒……
可能是WIFI不好吧@顾北荒 --- There is a sky illuminating us,someone is out there 天空照亮着我们,人们离开了这里 That we truly trust 也许那是我们真实的期盼 There is a rainbow for you and me 这里的彩虹(美好)属于你我 A beautiful sunrise eternally 美丽的日出是那样的永恒……