GS上还有一段姑娘自己的详细解释~~其实看来看去,只想问问罗刹这边的负责人,就算电话打不通,难道不知道房间号么?不晓得亲自去敲门看看什么情况么?而且手机打不通,难道不能借助于酒店前台的电话拨房间的分机么? fm I was very sad after the FS. And was so tired that did not think of anything. I decided not to watch the sportsmen – I was not in the mood. The was a thought about the medal ceremony but it was already evening, then boys and pairs. For some reason I decided that the ceremony would be tomorrow. I went to the hotel. Took a bath, removed the makeup, and went to bed. Then around 11 the telephone rang from the committee: are you representative from Russia who won the second place. I answered: yes. They: there is a medal ceremony now. Where are you? I: in the hotel. Silence, then they hung up. What to do? The head was wet, no make-up. The dress is in the closet. It is about 15 minutes to the rink by taxi which one has to catch. I dressed up, rushed downstairs, we caught a taxi. Then another ring: too late. I am shocked. How could it be? Did not look at the time-table and forgot about the ceremony – decided it would be the next day. It was late. What could I say? Could happen to anyone. The consequences turned out to be quite grave. It is clear that we did not miss it on purpose, like everybody thought. And if people are waiting for my apologies, my apologies to everyone. One more time it was not planned. An accident. We are all people. Next morning they started to threaten: international scandal, no prize money, no stipend for 3 months. It is not final yet but it is very unpleasant.