Red/Lizzie Red:Lizzie Lizzie:you're a monster Red:I want you to know wherever I am, whatever I am doing, if you are in need, I will be there Lizzie:We're done Red:I can only lead you to the truth Lizzie:Have you ever had a selfless moment in your life? know that everything is gonna be oke Lizzie:I don't want you in my life anymore Red:Is she okay? Where is she? Lizzie:Go to hell Red:You can trust me Lizzie:God, you're a monster 外粉对叔和傻白对话总结,bitch感更足了~
外粉说傻白哈利波特看多了,哈哈 liz: you hated my dad and you were totally in love with my mom! yes! that’s why you’re doing this now. that’s why you are so obsessed with me red: *stares* liz: *stares back* red: sam told me you were a big harry potter fan liz: *narrows her eyes* red: i didn’t realize it was so… liz: don’t red: … sirius [cut to black] [assorted sounds of angry apartment demolition continue]
外粉对傻白说叔的公寓是奇怪的,怪异的,表示很不满 "Weird little apartment" Of all the hateful things Liz has said to Red, this may be the most. I got a lump in my throat when she said it. Attacking someone’s personal space, their treasures, the things they hold most dear…..not cool Liz. Not cool. That was uncalled for. Blatantly rude! Liz has been such a little shit the past few episodes when frankly there are way more important things going on than her quest to find out about herself. National security, her job, the future of the task force and her LIFE are put at risk and she’s playing games with Red to get him to talk about a picture? The man is five days out of being shot and the fucking fulcrum is in the wind… sorry but even I don’t give a shit about her past in comparison to all of that. Because it’s no longer remotely close to the most interesting thing going on with the show. Frankly Liz as a character is boring and unlikeable lately to the point that I don’t give a shit what she finds out. you all know me, I’ve been team Liz forever, I’ve put in SO much effort building up her character from what we were given in S1 to the point where I understood her COMPLETELY in fanon last year. She had so much potential. But practically every moment since 2.15 on, Liz has been so wildly OOC and childish. It’s disgusting the way they’re treating her in the writer’s room. It’s clear they don’t sympathize with her or understand her or have character sheets or infrastructure to fall back on. They want her to be a plot hole plug instead of a solid character and I see that now. it’s not like she has to be ~nice or ~strong or ~sympathetic, but recognizable would be good. The same character from season to season or episode would be good. Hell, even just a whole episode would be a start. I’ve seen some people saying the fandom is treating Liz badly, surely after all she’s been through she’d justified, you just want ‘strong female stereotype’ characters, etc. But honestly, her actions *aren’t* justified, and it’s the strong female character bullshit thats contributing to the writers doing what they are to her. They heard some people make some (unjustified) complaints last year that she was too “weak” so they tried to make her “strong” and instead made her warped. If it were a man acting the way Liz is, well I don’t know. Maybe the fandom would still make excuses because fandom does that for cis white erratic guys, but I’m pretty sure most of the same people would not be on board for that. After a certain point i looked at the screen and realized that, aside from Megan’s beautiful face, and her talents being steadily squandered on shitty, awkward scripts, there is nothing that I recognize of Liz anymore. Not in the sense of character growth. Of seeing her cope or not cope, seeing her react, grieve, grow defensive or weary, relearn how to lean on others, find directions and outlets for her anger, any of that. But in the sense that I don’t see a character anymore – a few glimpses here and there, but mostly she’s there to be tricked and trapped and make mistakes so ~crises can happen. I’m not angry at Liz, fanon Liz will live forever in my heart, I’m angry at the writers for what they could have had. And I’m done with excuses for her and the writers.
lizzington的元老级粉说想把账号名字改成redandsamar。傻白你再作就要让samar上位了。 redandlizzie: I’m considering changing the name of my blog to “Red and Samar”. Seriously, I’m not kidding even the tiniest bit. It’s hard to look at “Red and Lizzie" when they’ve made it incredibly difficult to like and respect the female lead. Or perhaps we should all change the names of our Blacklist blogs to titles of Tom worship since he’s the main focus of the show. Oh, that’s right, most of us remember what he did to Liz in S1, and have more substance than to be swayed by the Tom is hot propaganda.
又看到有人骂傻白像个孩子一样发脾气的外粉。说傻白自私、残忍又愚蠢。 I just saw the episode and I have to get something out of my system. I like Elizabeth. I like Megan. I want her to be a strong, independent woman. But THIS is NOT what I want to see. We saw her rushing out at Red a few times now both in the first and the second season. I could explain that behavior with the warrior gene. But tonight she overstepped her boundaries and acted like a spoiled little child. To go into Reds apartment and going around “destroying” stuff, taking his things and throwing them around … This is unacceptable. She wants answers? Great, good for her but not this way!! Only a few days ago Dembe asked her to go and find the key in the apartment but in the same time he begged her to never tell Red. He never was allowed to know she was in that apartment. With her move tonight she drove Dembe into it as well. Red will forgive Dembe for telling Liz about the apartment because he had no choice than tell Liz. Red was dying and Dembe, the good man he is, refused to leave his side which Red will appreciate. But Dembe will not forgive himself. He will tell himself he should have taken the key instead of sending Liz to do the job. She doesn’t think about others. She is so selfish, cruel and bluntly stupid. Her actions are NOT the actions of an independent woman but a weak one. I’m NOT a shipper of any kind. But seriously she wouldn’t deserve Red right now but rather Tom. Red needs someone who doesn’t act like a child but instead talk to him like any adult being would do. I wouldn’t tell her anything after what she’d done so she should be grateful for getting at least some information.