At some point in time, sack up and compete in something, whether it's physique or strength related. This process will teach you lessons that you'll carry with you for years to come.
Your options are endless. For physique-related competitions you can do bodybuilding, men's physique, women's physique, women's figure, women's fitness, and women's bikini.
For strength competitions you can do Olympic weightlifting, strongman and strong woman, CrossFit, and powerlifting. In powerlifting alone, you'll find full meets, push-pull, bench-only, and deadlift-only competitions.
Compete in multiple arenas to expand your horizons. Olympic lifting will build your quads, teach you how to keep an arch, how to bottom-out a squat, and maximize your overhead prowess.
Powerlifting will help you learn the precise stance widths, foot flares, grip widths, and styles that optimize your squat, bench press, and deadlift strength.
Strongman will build your erectors, improve your grip strength, and explode your strength endurance.
Bodybuilding will teach you how to minimize body fat, tease out maximum muscle growth in every head of every muscle, and eat according to your goals. Competing forces you to buckle down and make magic happen.
2.Train With Pros
Train alongside professionals if you can. There's so much to learn from competitive athletes, and most tend to be generous with their knowledge, especially when they see you working hard in the gym.
Find out where the serious lifters train and sign up. There's probably a gym nearby that specializes in powerlifting, bodybuilding, weightlifting, or strongman training. Do your homework and get after it.
3.Master Multiple Forms of Resistance
We all love the barbell. If you're a lifter, that's expected. But take time to master dumbbells, machines, resistance bands, kettlebells, sleds, weighted vests, suspension systems, specialty barbells, cable columns, and more.
Exercises are tools, and a good carpenter possesses a large toolbox. Granted, you'll use your hammer more frequently than your Allen wrenches or chisel, but these tools serve extremely valuable purposes when the time is right.