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IP属地:广东1楼2015-05-14 19:17回复
    以下内容为吧友@KBAIkelly 与我的问答
    Q:麻烦请教一下avatar出版的系列和chaos出版的系列 剧情上有没有联系?
    Q:那麻烦再问下Boundless出版的系列和avatar出版的系列 有么有啥关系?
    Q:之前认真学习了一下你发的帖子,目前感觉是不是这样子的逻辑,如果按发布时间来算是boundless的26集新著先发布,然后2015年boundless发布的ld才讲述death queen 篡权的事情,也算是和之前的26集联系起来了。如果按时间轴来算应该是2015年的ld回忆了往事,然后具体连接新著的26集,最后2015的ld在讲述新的故事?

    IP属地:广东2楼2015-05-14 19:23

      IP属地:广东3楼2015-05-14 21:10
        Lady Death 1/2
        The Reckoning
        Between Heaven and Hell
        Chaos Quarterly
        The Oddysey
        The Crucible
        Lady Death - All Hallows Evil - FanEdition
        Lady Death - Death Becomes Her
        The Series - Wicked ways, TheCovenant, The Harrowing
        Lady Death - Dragon Wars
        Lady Death - Retribution
        The Series - Inferno
        The Rapture
        Armageddon Crossover
        Dark Millenium
        Untold Tales Of Lady Death
        Love Bites
        River Of Fear
        Last Rites
        Mischief Night
        The Gauntlet
        Goddess Returns
        Lady Death Re-imagined
        Dark Alliance
        The Mourning
        Brian Pulidos Lady Death
        The Wild Hunt

        Abandon All Hope
        The Wicked
        Lost Souls
        Medieval Lady Death(剧情衔接crossgen系列,世界观与avatar系列的其他作品不一样)

        IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体4楼2015-06-06 00:45


          IP属地:广东5楼2015-06-06 01:00


            IP属地:广东6楼2015-06-06 01:04


              IP属地:广东7楼2015-06-06 01:11

                IP属地:广东来自Android客户端23楼2017-08-26 22:35

                  Chaos! Comics
                  Lady Death hadher beginning in the black and white pages of Evil Ernie's first seriespublished by Eternity Comics.Her initial designs by Steven Hughes became the template for her look for thevast majority of her time with Chaos Comics. It was only towards the end ofChaos Comics that Pulido branched out into different areas with one-shotre-imaginings of his characters that she was given a makeover and also with thesad passing of Steven Hughes other artists stepped in and took her look indifferent directions.
                  The DVD film"Lady Death The Movie" also suffered from the end of Chaos as it wasin production over the time of the split and necessitated the removal of majorcharacters from the back-story as they were sold off to various publishers.

                  CrossGen Entertainment
                  Her story has spread from her medieval beginnings to ruler of Hell, savior of the universe, avatar of death and even back to life. With the collapse of Chaos Comics the properties were sold and Pulido went with Lady Death firstly to CrossGen Entertainment where they pursued a new medieval origin story that was necessitated by the splitting of the tightly interwoven characters of Chaos Comics being sold to different publishers and so no longer practical to weave into her story. The slight change in artwork style was not well received and some felt a reduction in quality as well as more grounded storylines less grand and epic in scale.
                  This was not hugely popular, as one of Chaos Comics most popular aspects as a company was its strong cast of supporting characters. A supporting character in one characters arc would have its own primary comics and story arcs that interwove elegantly with many others. Of course as a marketing strategy it was brilliant as to get the complete picture of one character you really needed to follow the others but you were also rewarded with insight into motivations that enrich, rather than retcon, every other storyline.

                  Avatar Press / Boundless Comics
                  A mere two yearslater CrossGen filed for bankruptcy and she was sold on to Avatar Press (andhad enjoyed a resurgence). The Avatar/Boundless run was meant to be the returnof the original Lady Death in style and attitude, though Pulido wanted to pullback from the more cosmic style of storytelling in the original Chaos comicsstories. While she would enjoy a similar style and background to her originalrendition, these tales would mainly take place in a dimension similar to Hellcalled the Blacklands. Pulido was providing "scriptments" for thestories, and another writer would flesh out the scripts.
                  Parallel withthis they were also maintaining a Medieval Lady Death series that roughlycontinued the CrossGen Medieval Lady Death, with a few minor retcons betweenthe end of her Crossgen run and the beginning of this new run. The artwork withAvatar seems to meet with the approval of the the original fans more and thestories grander scales and return to bigger cross-series arcs also provedpopular.
                  Due to issueswith Boundless trying to eventually cut Pulido out of the process in working onLady Death, and after various lawsuits by Pulido, the Avatar/Boundless versionof Lady Death ended with the "Lady Death Apocalypse" series.

                  Coffin Comics
                  The characterrights were finally given back to Pulido, and the tales and adventures of LadyDeath are now being continued with Pulido's new company, Coffin Comics. Therewas a Kickstarter campaign created, which resulted in the recently released Lady Death ChaosRules, which sees the return of Lady Death descending back into thedepths of Hell itself. While at this point the truth of her background remainsa bit of a mystery, we find Lady Death being awakened with altered memories ofher past.
                  The new story seesthe return of a few familiar faces from her original Chaos comics run, and ofcourse a brand new sword, Chaos. There is a follow up that is currently in theworks, Lady DeathDamnation Game.

                  IP属地:广东24楼2017-08-27 15:23