[16:51.73]4.) The Understanding 领会
[18:10.10]We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones 我们会死去,这让我们成为了幸运的少数
[18:16.26]Most people are never going to die because 大多数人不会死去,只因
[18:19.49]They are never going to be born 他们从未诞生过
[18:22.35]The potential people who could have been here in my place 本有机会站在这里的
[18:26.12]But who will in fact never see the light of day 却事实上未曾见过日过的人
[18:29.28]Outnumber the sand grains of sahara 比撒哈拉的沙粒还多
[18:33.94]Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, 那些还未出生的灵魂中,肯定有比济慈更伟大的诗人
[18:38.46]Scientists greater than Newton 比牛顿更伟大的科学家
[18:42.03]We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA 我们知道这个因为DNA允许的可能的人类组合
[18:47.26]So massively exceeds the set of actual people. 远超过实际存在的人数
[18:52.77]In the teeth of those stupefying odds 顶着这骇人几率而存在于此的
[18:55.85]it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here 是平凡的你和我
[19:01.64]We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds 我们这些有幸赢得生命乐透的少数
[19:07.17]How dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state 怎么有胆抱怨我们必将回复的原初状态
[19:12.17]from which the vast majority have never stirred? 那大多数人从没机会扰动的状态
[20:40.07]5.) Sea-Worn Driftwood 海水侵蚀的漂流木
[21:32.77]There is grandeur in this view of life with its several powers, 生命及其蕴涵之力量
[21:35.88]Having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one 最初注入寥寥几个或者一个形态之中
[21:40.94]And that whilst this planet has gone cycling on 当这颗行星持续运行
[21:44.23]According to the fixed law of gravity, 按照固定的万有引力定律时
[21:47.01]From so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful无数最漂亮和伟大的生命形态从如此简单的开端开始
[21:52.24]Have been, and are being, evolved. 演化而来,并且正在演化,何等恢宏壮丽!
[18:10.10]We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones 我们会死去,这让我们成为了幸运的少数
[18:16.26]Most people are never going to die because 大多数人不会死去,只因
[18:19.49]They are never going to be born 他们从未诞生过
[18:22.35]The potential people who could have been here in my place 本有机会站在这里的
[18:26.12]But who will in fact never see the light of day 却事实上未曾见过日过的人
[18:29.28]Outnumber the sand grains of sahara 比撒哈拉的沙粒还多
[18:33.94]Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, 那些还未出生的灵魂中,肯定有比济慈更伟大的诗人
[18:38.46]Scientists greater than Newton 比牛顿更伟大的科学家
[18:42.03]We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA 我们知道这个因为DNA允许的可能的人类组合
[18:47.26]So massively exceeds the set of actual people. 远超过实际存在的人数
[18:52.77]In the teeth of those stupefying odds 顶着这骇人几率而存在于此的
[18:55.85]it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here 是平凡的你和我
[19:01.64]We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds 我们这些有幸赢得生命乐透的少数
[19:07.17]How dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state 怎么有胆抱怨我们必将回复的原初状态
[19:12.17]from which the vast majority have never stirred? 那大多数人从没机会扰动的状态
[20:40.07]5.) Sea-Worn Driftwood 海水侵蚀的漂流木
[21:32.77]There is grandeur in this view of life with its several powers, 生命及其蕴涵之力量
[21:35.88]Having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one 最初注入寥寥几个或者一个形态之中
[21:40.94]And that whilst this planet has gone cycling on 当这颗行星持续运行
[21:44.23]According to the fixed law of gravity, 按照固定的万有引力定律时
[21:47.01]From so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful无数最漂亮和伟大的生命形态从如此简单的开端开始
[21:52.24]Have been, and are being, evolved. 演化而来,并且正在演化,何等恢宏壮丽!