Evenbalance Ticket:
http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/update_ticket.php?ticketnumber=EB9852000888156&password=a38bc17f766443d5c59f53f210d7d1&special_message=new_ticketDear admin,
I was so excited want experience this game that I forgot to turn off the bad program .
I'm so sorry for my mistake, and swear never happen again.
lifted the ban, please I really want play this game
PB方面回话是我们这里不处理第三方的封禁,然后楼主又给GGC方面回应了PB的原话 并且说了是不是我应该找咱GGC的管理员才能解ban
reply from EvenBalance:
We do not find this violation to be triggered in error, and it will not be removed. It is at the discretion of the third-party ban list administrator to remove any ban given as a result of this violation.
GGC as third-party is zero tolerant in regards of cheating. As this violation is obviously not the result of an error, we cannot and will not remove the ban linked to the GUID. The ban remains for lifetime.
Further discussion is futile.
Best regards,
Chany, GGC Admin