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The two-stroke engine - Design and Operation


The two-strokeengine - Design and Operation
Thetwo-stroke engine 二冲程发动机
Three important reasons make the two-stroke engine particularly well suited forchain saws and other power driven equipment: firstly, it is ofsimple design, which also facilitates servicing and maintenance; secondly, it has a very good performance/weight ratio, and thirdly it willoperate in any working position. In the case of the two-stroke engine everysecond piston stroke is a power stroke.

IP属地:辽宁1楼2016-04-02 16:35回复
    1. Suctionand compression stroke

    When the pistonmoves from bottom dead centre to top dead centre, a fuel-air mixture, suppliedby the carburetor, is drawn into the crankcase. At the same timethe fuel-air mixture above the piston is being compressed. This mixture hadearlier on passed from the crankcase into the cylinder. Immediately before this mixture is ignited, the exhaust port is closed by the poiston.

    IP属地:辽宁2楼2016-04-02 16:36
      2.Power and evhaust stroke

      Followingignition, the expanding gases force the piston downwards. On its downwardmovement the piston first uncovers the exhaust port. Before reaching its bottomdead centre, the upper edge of the piston uncovers the transfer passage,through which the mixture, precompressedin the crankcase, passes into the combustion chamber. The scavenging effect ofthe-air mixture entering from the crankcase assists in flushing out thecombustion gases from the cylinder.

      IP属地:辽宁3楼2016-04-02 16:37
        Piston活塞 Piston pin活塞销 Spark plug火花塞 Cylinder汽缸
        Crankshaft曲轴 Crankcase曲轴箱 Crank pin曲轴销
        Con rod连杆 Oscillating weight摆轮 Carburetor汽化器
        Suction port进气孔 Transfer port传送孔 Exhaust port排气孔
        Inpuls line脉冲管路

        IP属地:辽宁4楼2016-04-02 16:38
          Suctioning吸气 P=-0.2 to -0.5 bar(3-7 psi)
          Power做功 P=30 to 3 bar(435-43 psi)
          Exhausting排气 P=3to 0.1 bar(43-3psi)
          Transferring换气 P=0.5 to 0.2 bar(7-3 psi)
          Compressing压缩 P=8 to12 bar(116-174psi)
          Pre compressing压缩前 P=0.3 to 0.5 bar(4-7 psi)

          IP属地:辽宁5楼2016-04-02 16:39