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( Being is also apresent tensepart ofto be
The wordbeingmeans a livingpersonoranimal. "Human being" means the same as "person".Men,women, andchildrenarehuman beings.
Some people write stories or makemoviesabout beings from otherplanets. Mostreligionstalk aboutsupernaturalbeings, for examplespirits,angels,devils,gods, orGod.
( Realitymeans anything thatexists. Aneventthat has actually happened, or a thing which really exists is said to have "reality." Something close to reality isrealistic.
Reality is the state of things as they are, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined.[1]In a wider definition, reality includes everything that is and hasbeen, whether or not we can see it and understand it. An even wider definition includes everything that has existed, exists, or will exist.
Reality is often contrasted with what isimaginary,delusional, in themind,dreams, what isfalse, what isfictional, or what isabstract. Thetruthrefers to what is real, whilefalsityrefers to what is not.Fictionsare not real.
All the same, what is abstract plays a role in everyday life and inacademicresearch. For instance,causality,virtue,lifeandjusticeare abstractconcepts. They are difficult to define, but they are not pure delusions.
Television programsthat are notscriptedare calledReality TV.
Viewpoints on reality
Philosophylooks at the nature of reality itself, and the relationship between themind(as well aslanguageandculture) and reality.
Science: the view that the world described by science is the real world. The scientists' view of reality depends onevidence, tests andexperiments, worked out by specialists. In the end, what ends up intextbooksis what an "invisible college" of scientists has agreed on.[2][3]Philosophy of scienceandsociology of scienceare studies of how scientists think and work.
Jump up↑Compact Oxford English Dictionary of Current English. Oxford University Press, 2005. Full entry forreality: "reality • noun (pl. realities) 1 the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. 2 a thing that is actually experienced or seen. 3 the quality of being lifelike. 4 the state or quality of having existence or substance".
Jump up↑Ziman, John 1968.Public knowledge: essay concerning the social dimension of science. Cambridge University Press.ISBN 978-0-521-06894-9
Jump up↑Crane, Diana 1972.Invisible colleges: diffusion of knowledge in scientific communities. The University of Chicago Press: Chicago and London.ISBN 0226118576

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