2.there are shrines near each team's secret shop and new ancient Camp locations. shrines can be teleported to. shrines becme vulnerable whenever all tier 2 towers fall for the respective team
游戏时间0:00后才能使用 Activates once you are in melee range after right-clicking on it. Shrines ability becomes available to ues outside of the base once creeps sawn at 0:00
roshan attack range increased from 128 to 150 Roshan armor increased from 5 to 15 Roshan HP reduced from 8000 to 5500 Roshan HP gain per 4 minutes increased from 0.7 to 1.1 肉山的攻击距离从128增加至150 肉山的护甲5增加至15 肉山的初始血量8000降低为5500 肉山的每4分钟HP增长 从0.7增加至1.1系数