Hey everyone!
You can now download Update 1.9.5 - Birds of Paradise! This a huge update we've been working on for a while and are very excited to finally have it out. Just as a reminder we are still working hard on multiplayer and will be updating you on that progress soon!
Here's a look at what you can expect in Update 1.9.5.
你现在可以下载更新1.9.5 -鸟的乐园!这是一个巨大的更新,我们已经努力了一段时间,非常可以非常兴奋的把他展现出来了。正如你们时常提醒的,我们仍在努力开发多人游戏,并将很快将成果展现给你们看
You can now download Update 1.9.5 - Birds of Paradise! This a huge update we've been working on for a while and are very excited to finally have it out. Just as a reminder we are still working hard on multiplayer and will be updating you on that progress soon!
Here's a look at what you can expect in Update 1.9.5.
你现在可以下载更新1.9.5 -鸟的乐园!这是一个巨大的更新,我们已经努力了一段时间,非常可以非常兴奋的把他展现出来了。正如你们时常提醒的,我们仍在努力开发多人游戏,并将很快将成果展现给你们看