电影名:Bring 'Em Back Alive,1932年的电影,全片64分钟。
Ajungle adventure documentary filmed in Malaya. Frank Buck, Americanhunter/collector/trader of wild animals, travels with Dahlam Ali, “his numberone boy”, on an expedition into the Malayan jungle. From their jungleheadquarters just north of Singapore, Frank, Ali and a team of native helpersroam the area from Northern Johore to Perak in search of interesting wildanimals, reptiles and birds.
在马来半岛拍摄的丛林冒险纪录片。Frank Buck,针对野生动物的美国猎人/收藏家/贸易商,和Dahlam Ali的旅行,探险队远征马来亚丛林。Frank,Ali和他们团队从柔佛州北部到霹雳州寻找野生动物、爬行动物和鸟类。