[开发者] 10月13日下午8:34 Hi, I've marked this weapon as incompatible as it causes the bots using this weapon to freeze and become invincible ingame. I'm still investigating what the cause of this is, but so far I haven't found anything specific. Let me know if you want help solving this issue. 【其实开发者早在13号就发现了这个问题 但是谁又会没事去看那个MOD的评论区呢】【大意:HI,我已经表明这MOD会导致机器人在使用时【在这停顿】,从而无敌。我还在排查,但目前为止我还没找到具体的原因,如果你想帮我解决这个问题,请跟我讲。】