fazza3吧 关注:270贴子:3,445
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1楼2017-12-04 22:17回复

    3楼2017-12-23 15:58

      4楼2017-12-23 15:58

        5楼2017-12-23 15:59
          丹丹将来会是一个好爸爸,他会对我们的小孩很有耐心,in future ,dandan will be a good father,he will be very patient to our children我们将来生的小宝宝们长得很像我们俩,是我们俩的完美结合,不但健康还很漂亮,男孩子帅,女孩子美丽,our children will look like both of us,they are our perfect combinations, they will be not only heathly but also beautiful,the boys will be handsome and the girls will be beautiful让我想象一下我们的婚后美满生活,let me imagine our wonderful life after marriage 丹丹和我共同创造我们的新未来,dandan and i will create our new future together我们俩会越来越相爱,we will love eacher deeper and deeper丹丹会是一个好老公和好爸爸,dandan will be both a good husband and a good father每天早上他去上班之前会给我跟可爱的小宝宝们一个温暖的拥抱和甜蜜的亲亲,every morning he will give me and our lovely children a warm hug and sweet kiss before he go to work下班回来也一样,the same as it is after work 然后他会抱着我们俩的小孩跟他玩游戏,then he will hold our children in his arms and play little games with them 晚上会跟小宝宝们说童话故事哄他们入睡,at night he will tell them the children's stories to help them to sleep,啊,多么明亮的未来oh,how bright the future is

          6楼2017-12-23 17:12