英语吧 关注:1,550,865贴子:11,415,663




IP属地:广西1楼2018-07-14 11:49回复


    过去一年多,虽然觉得Nate大神画风清奇,但是英文中不是有句话么a cat can loot at a king,所以除了它猥琐Zeremine菇凉时,我一般很少评论他。

    IP属地:广西2楼2018-07-14 11:57

      IP属地:广西3楼2018-07-14 12:04

        IP属地:广西5楼2018-07-14 12:09

          IP属地:广西6楼2018-07-14 12:13


            IP属地:广西12楼2018-07-14 12:25
              1. Nate大神客观展示自己实力的第一个机会 - 文字回复

              IP属地:广西14楼2018-07-14 12:38
                2. Nate大神展示自己实力的第二个机会 - 第三方认证

                IP属地:广西18楼2018-07-14 12:46
                  3. Nate大神展示自己实力的第三个机会 - 讨论

                  IP属地:广西19楼2018-07-14 12:50

                    IP属地:广西22楼2018-07-14 12:53

                      IP属地:广西来自Android客户端67楼2019-07-18 21:19
                        1. 我也不知道为啥就莫名成了小吧。但是,既然是了,顶这个变成小吧之前很久发的老贴,看起来就像是管理方与用户的冲突了。
                        2. Nate翻来覆去只有那几句话。
                        Should primary school students read Agatha Christie's books?
                        The lexile measures of Harry Potter series are higher than those of Agatha Christie series. The beginners tend to prefer Agatha Christie series over Harry Potter series.
                        A student of English major loves reading Agatha Christie's books.But he refused to tell me exactly how many books he had read. He might have read less than 10 of them.He called himself a real fan of Agatha Christie.
                        When he knew a foreign primary school student had read about 100 of these books, he deleted all of the comments regarding the student in question like crazy(pun intended).
                        Other irrelevant replies were wiped out of existence in a timely manner as well.
                        I came up with several reasons why he was being a jerk.
                        1 protect the physical and mental health of the children. keep them away from violence and sex. We appreciate his kind gesture in making the world a better place.
                        2 reduce homework. Primary school students should not read more than 8 million words in the extracurricular books. It is a hard job even for English major students.
                        The kids would like to extend their thanks to him.
                        3 He just hates to see the kid read faster and better understand the text than he.
                        4 The kid is a threat to him and makes him less of a fan of Agatha Christie.
                        5 The kid can not understand Agatha Christie's books very well and will damage the image of the author.
                        6 He was born to be proud and reluctant to read the books that the kid read. Though he doesn't have any other choice.

                        IP属地:广西78楼2021-04-02 18:03
                          Finally. After year's of waiting, we can have a look at your writing.
                          @ 乾元_用九 has pointed out several of your mistakes. He's a busy man. You should be grateful that he took some of his valuable time to help you improve. I am probably wrong here, but I think he was being too polite in that he only mentioned a small fraction of the writing problems.
                          Before I move any further, there are two things I'd like to mention first.
                          1. I GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE. What you've written in thread #5 is better than most homework I've received. Some of my students are going to study in the UK next year. You're being compared to some of the most talented kids I've ever met. I'm paying you a compliment. Please bear this in mind.
                          What you've written here is especially remarkable, considering that you were unable to produce ANY proof that you could write complete sentences, just a few years ago. I'd call it a great achievement.
                          2. I'm not claiming everything I am about to write is correct, or the only way of looking at things. If any member has different opinions, I'd love to discuss with them, that is, when I’m lucky enough to have another half-day break. I may have spent more years on this language. But this doesn't change the fact that I'm a learner, too. I’m bound to make tons of mistakes and by telling me my mistakes, you’re helping me improve.
                          Nate, the following words are for you. YOU HAVE A TRACK RECORD OF BEING EVASIVE AND REPEATING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER LIKE A TODDLER. You do it here and I will take it as "Sorry, your words are too difficult to understand and I chose to give them a miss."
                          Right. Let's start.
                          1. "The beginners tend to prefer Agatha Christie series over Harry Potter series."
                          "Agatha Christie series"? What do you mean by this?
                          LDOCE says series means "several books, articles, etc that deal with the same subject or tell stories about the same characters." Are you suggesting that you're referring to a series of books centering on a character called Agatha Christie?
                          Lexico.com says series means "A set of books, periodicals, or other documents published in a common format or under a common title". Perhaps you're alluding to a number of different books which happen to share the same title that is Agatha Christie?
                          You've said on many occasions that you don't use dictionaries. As has been shown, that is not a very good idea. Stick to "Agatha Christie's books".
                          "Harry Potter series"
                          @ 乾元_用九 said " you often use the definite article where it is not needed". It seems you often omit the definite article where it is needed. Are there any other Harry Potter series that I'm not aware of?
                          2. "When he knew a foreign primary school student had read a bout 100 of these books, he deleted all of the comments regarding the student in question like crazy."
                          What is a foreign primary school student?
                          LDOCE says foreign means "from or relating to a country that is not your own". Are you suggesting that a random primary school student from any country that is not China "had read about 100 of these books"? That does sound plausible, doesn't it?
                          For people who have known you for a while, your intended meaning is clear. You like talking about how many books certain children from English speaking countries are expected to have read, in a way that makes people feel you're suggesting that you're in actual fact on par with them, and the numbers you quote, more often than not, are mainly intended to make your claims sound convincing.
                          Bear in mind that a lot, if not most, of your readers know little about you. Make your meaning clear. Do it for them.
                          What do you mean by "these books"? These is used to indicate something just mentioned. What books have you just mentioned? You title suggests you're referring to Agatha Christie's books here. Agatha Christie wrote, according to The Sun, 75 novels, 28 collections and 16 plays. All together that's about 120 books. It's possible that a small group of enthusiasts might have gone through the majority of these books. However, when you write an essay, you're expect to use facts to SUPPORT your argument. You'd have to tell your readers why, merely because a few enthusiastic children have done something, other children should follow suite.
                          "Like crazy."
                          Have you noticed that this phrase has a rather informal register. Another such word is "jerk". This is not in line with the rest of your writing, especially considering you've, on several occasions, used rather formal structures. One such example is "The kids would like to extend their thanks to him."
                          Unless you're intentionally trying to amuse your readers, sticking to one register is a better option. Plus, you're trying to make a point about language learning here. Your readers expect to hear good arguments. Making such attempts could undermine your efforts, and, to say the least, lead to your readers questioning your competency, as you've failed to demonstrate that you can observe the subtle differences between various registers.
                          3. "protect the physical and mental health of the child. keep them away from violence and sex."
                          Emsr2d2 is one of my favourite teachers from UE. She has a famous quote: "Remember - if you don't use correct capitalisation, punctuation and spacing, anything you write will be incorrect."
                          I don't think you don't know this. This rule is, after all, as another famous detective would say, "Elementary, my dear Watson". In addition, in reason #6 you've used more than one sentence and, correct capitalisation. You're not consistently wrong, or correct, as in this case. This shows you've not reached a level where you can notice these small errors with ease.
                          You tend to look down on English majors, while, most English majors, as far as I know, can avoid making such basic mistakes, after four years of whatever training they're given. What does this say about you?
                          "keep them away from violence and sex"
                          If you were not against the idea of using a dictionary, you might have noticed "keep away from" doesn't really fit here.
                          Thefreedictionary.com says the phrase means "To cause someone or something to keep a physical distance from someone or something else. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "keep" and "away."" It seems you're suggesting that by taking Agatha Christie's books away from Children, you can ensure they won't become victims of certain physical action. How does this work? Do your books often force you to have intercourse with them? Do "Harry Potter series" look for opportunities to jump up and bite you?
                          Perhaps what you really meant to say is something on the lines of "limit their exposure to violent content".
                          4. "We appreciate his kind gesture in making the world a better place."
                          "We appreciate".
                          What's this? The royal we? His Imperial Royal Highness The Prince of Non-existent Land Nate Noffink?
                          A pronoun is used to replace a noun that's been previously mentioned. Having read thus far, I'm not aware of anyone other than you who might hold such an opinion. If you have other people in your mind, you should list them explicitly beforehand.
                          "his kind gesture"
                          Lexico.com lists three definitions and in all three senses gesture is used as a countable noun. LDOCE clearly states that when the word is used to mean "something that you say or do, often something small, to show how you feel about someone or something", it is countable.
                          As far as I know, you've exchanged remarks on many occasions. Why did you consider them as a single event? I'm at a loss.
                          "in making the world a better place"
                          I'm confused. Are you on his side now? Do you believe by doing so someone was making the world a better place? I have a feeling that you actually intended to say "in TRYING TO make the world a better place".

                          IP属地:广西79楼2021-04-02 18:06
                            5. "reduce homework. Primary school students should not read more than 8 million words in the extracurricular books."
                            What are "extracurricular books"?
                            Surely you, our genius friend who doesn't need dictionaries, are aware that extracurricular means "(of an activity at a school or college) pursued in addition to the normal course of study." If, for some mysterious reason that no one can account for, you happen to be looking at the example sentences listed under definition 1 at lexico.com, you will find the adjective is invariably followed by "activity" or "activities". Two requirements have to be met for a book to qulify as "extracurricular". It cannot be part of the national education plan, while at the same time it must have some educational value. You may argue Agatha Christie's books have some level of educational value. I will give you that. But you will most certainly have a very difficult time trying to convince parents that Agatha Christie's books have enough of such value to be part of a educational plan designed for a native English speaker who's receiving their primary education.
                            6. "The kid is a threat to him and makes him less of a fan of Agatha Christie." "The kid can not understand Agatha Christie's books very well and will damage the image of the author."
                            I've completely failed to see how these two arguments work.
                            Is there some sort of a fan club competition going on? Or, is Fan of Agatha Christie a title that is only given to a limited number of people, and you'd have to fight to keep it? What are the standards? How far is the said English major behind that "foreign primary school student"?
                            Agatha Christie passed away a long time ago. How's it possible that her image depends on whether a random child can understand her books well or not?
                            You said you "came up with several reasons" to account for one mystery. I'm afraid in trying to do so you've created more mysteries and solved none. Unless you think and write logically, your readers will be confused from time to time.
                            7. "He was born to be proud and reluctant to read the books that the kid read."
                            "He was born to be proud."
                            Did you know him when he was a young child? Did he tell you so? If the answers are no, I cannot see how you can come up with this conclusion in a reasonable fashion. Unless, of course, you don't know the differences between guessing and sound reasoning.
                            "... reluctant to read the books that the kid read."
                            He doesn't seem reluctant at all. He likes Agatha Christie's books, reads them and passionately talks about them with many forum members. He just doesn't want to discuss it with you, because, well, apparently a discussion would be extremely boring when all one party does is constant repetition of what's been repeated for ages. The title of this thread says it all. "[Original] Should primary school students read Agatha Christie's books?"
                            Original means "existing first, from the beginning, or before other people or things" or "completely new and not copied or derived from something else".
                            You posted two photos, and, by definition, there is no way these photos came into being before the creation of that web page.
                            You put down two sentences. These two sentences are part of a long line of similar utterances. They are not new and they were copied from your earlier posts.
                            This shows you don't understand the meaning of what could be said as one of the most common English words.
                            "He was born to be proud." alone is a very nice-sounding sentence. I won't be surprised, if one or more books use it as part of their title. That said, a sentence, however nice it may sound, must fit the context. It is a giant step forward when starter learners can produce generally faux pas-free sentences. They should be proud of themselves. That's no mean feat. But you have to understand that when writing things, we don't simply throw sentences around. They should be put together in a logical order, or as many would say, should make sense. This is an area into which you will have to invest heavily.

                            IP属地:广西80楼2021-04-02 18:06


                              IP属地:广西82楼2021-04-02 18:16