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就和之前流行的猜测一样 他就是浮士德
文章在铁皮官网 可能放链接在一楼被删了不知道多少次了...原文我会在下面一楼作翻译

来自iPhone客户端1楼2019-06-28 14:20回复
    故事从一条名为为浮士德的龙开始讲起, 我知道, 亲爱的读者们, 你们会有许多困惑 。请耐心听我道来...
    This story begins with a dragon named Faustus, and I know, dear reader, you may ask why. Bear with me, and you will soon know...
    当精灵族诞生的时候, 女神艾纳妮选择魔龙浮士德去保护并看守精灵族直至时间的尽头。因此艾纳妮将浮士德的灵魂与她最珍贵的宝藏相连结-那个宝藏的名字叫“艾纳妮的眼泪”(一颗水晶)
    When the elves were created, the Goddess Elynie chose Faustus to protect and watch over them until the end of times, and thus she linked his soul to her most cherished treasure:the tear of Elynie.
    魔龙浮士德在精灵族文明繁衍茂盛之时守护着他们。精灵公主艾莉瑞雅出生的时候浮士德也守护身旁赋予她恩赐。精灵族人们用尊敬和爱戴来回报他长久的守护, 而每一个精灵巫师的梦想都是从浮士德身上学到高级的魔法咒语。
    Faustus watched over the elves while their civilization strived and bloomed. He was there
    to bless the little Princess Alleria when she took her first breath.
    The elves, in return, respected and loved him and it was every elven wizard's dream to learn the advanced incantations techniques from him.
    浮士德一直忠诚于保护精灵族的誓言, 直到改变命运的这么一天到来-恐怖的蜘蛛女王大肆侵略, 所经之处横尸遍野。最后大战时, 她腐化了水晶精华, 同时也腐化了浮士德的灵魂....腐化了那个保卫精灵族为初衷的守护者....
    被黑暗力量污化的浮士德, 放弃了他生前所学的魔法和龙巫术, 反而转变成了黑魔法——一种强大的能腐蚀掉他肉身的力量, 让他只留下躯干和骨头。
    这位精灵族守护者没有保留他生前的任何东西, 甚至他的名字。他现在是另一个存在 , 他是——骨龙 BONEHART.
    He remained devoted to this task until the fateful day the dreadful spider Queen corrupted the cristal`s essence and in the process, also Faustus`s soul.
    Tainted by the dark forces, he gradually abandoned the draconian sorcery and turned into the dark magic arts, a powerful force that consumed his flesh, leaving only his bones behind.
    Nothing remained of the former elven protector, not even his name as he was now known as Bonehart.

    来自iPhone客户端3楼2019-06-28 14:23
      Bonehart一直是我最喜欢的英雄角色 ,除了当年carry了我很多关卡之外 ,我一直都被他强大的压迫感/气场和独特酷炫的招式所深深吸引...
      同时我也觉得这条龙不简单 ,他的定位是Dracolich ,能拥有鬼龙的形象又得到开发者重用 ,肯定是个有故事的龙。我希望铁皮以后不仅要把骨龙再搬上银幕 ,而且还要在剧情中到中流砥柱的作用(一个塔防说什么剧情最后不要领便当就行。
      我相信这个起源也应该是铁皮早就拟好的了 ,至于为什么现在才放出来我也是毫无头绪呀...最近他们的确在逐个逐个公布了很多背景故事 ,比如Wilbur(三代飞机发明家英雄)发明了我们熟知的很多矮人科技 ,三代初始绿箭和一代公主不是兄弟姐妹也不是情侣(绿箭侠对公主一见钟情一直没敢表白...大怂 b)。总之越多故事越好 ,小故事我也能看得津津有味...

      来自iPhone客户端6楼2019-06-28 14:37

        来自iPhone客户端7楼2019-06-28 14:51
          补张图 (Wilbur和他的发明&神雕侠侣)

          来自iPhone客户端10楼2019-06-28 15:13