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IP属地:英国1楼2019-09-26 15:08回复
    Emerald Tablet - volume I
    Tis true without lying, certain and most true.
    That which is below is like that which is above
    and that which is above is like that which is below
    to do the miracles of one only thing
    And as all things have been and arose from one by the mediation of one:
    so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.

    IP属地:英国3楼2019-09-26 15:10
      Emerald Tablet of Thoth
      The necessity of concealing the Art is one
      of the chief anxieties of alchemists.
      We are sworn to secrecy by heaven and earth
      and hell, by the four elements, by the height
      and the depth, by Hermes, by Anubis, and by the
      howlings of Kerkoros. An oath has been required
      of us to reveal nothing clearly to any
      uninitiated being.

      IP属地:英国4楼2019-09-26 15:11
        Emerald Tablet - volume II
        Thence is born a spirit white as snow,
        and another spirit red as blood, which two
        spirits are contained in a third hidden thing.

        IP属地:英国5楼2019-09-26 15:12
          Emerald Tablet - volume III
          Heed my warning or death and decay will follow.

          IP属地:英国6楼2019-09-26 15:12
            Emerald Tablet - volume IV
            The definition of death is the disjunction of the composite,
            but there is no disjunction of that which is simple, for it
            is one. Death consists in the separation of the soul from the
            body, because anything formed out of two, three, or four
            components must disintegrate, and this is death. Understand,
            further, that no complex substance which lacks fire eats,
            drinks, or sleeps, because in all things which have a spirit
            fire is that which eats.

            IP属地:英国7楼2019-09-26 15:13
              Emerald Tablet - volume V
              And the Lord spake, saying, 'First shalt
              thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt
              thou count to three. No more. No less.
              Three shalt be the number thou shalt count,
              and the number of the counting shall be three.
              Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou
              two, excepting that thou then proceed to three.
              Five is right out. Once at the number three,
              being the third number be reached, then, lobbest
              thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards
              thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall
              snuff it.'

              IP属地:英国8楼2019-09-26 15:16
                Emerald Tablet - volume VI
                Some Alchemists fancy that the work from beginning
                to end is a mere idle entertainment; but those who
                make it so will reap what they have sown -- nothing.
                We know that next to the Divine Blessing, and the
                discovery of the proper foundation, nothing is so
                important as unwearied industry and perseverance in
                this First Operation. It is no wonder, then, that
                so many students of this Art are reduced to beggary;
                they are afraid of work, and look upon our Art as
                mere sport for their leisure moments. For no labour
                is more tedious than that which the preparatory part
                of our enterprise demands.

                IP属地:英国9楼2019-09-26 15:17
                  Emerald Tablet - volume VIII
                  Woe unto all ye fools!
                  How ignorant are ye of this Art, for which ye would die if ye knew it!
                  I swear to you that if kings were familiar with it,
                  none of us would ever attain this thing.
                  O how this nature changeth body into spirit!
                  O how admirable is Nature, how she presides over all, and overcomes all.

                  IP属地:英国11楼2019-09-26 15:19
                    Emerald Tablet - volume IX
                    In this way, then, Nature generates by means of
                    this sulphur the different kinds of metals in the
                    veins of the earth, according to the diversity of
                    degrees and alterations.

                    IP属地:英国12楼2019-09-26 15:19
                      Emerald Tablet - volume X
                      Take, he tells us, the stone of gold, combine with humour which is
                      permanent water, set in its vessel, over a gentle fire until liquefaction
                      takes place. Then leave it until the water dries, and the sand and
                      water are combined, one with another; then let the fire be more intense than
                      before, until it again becomes dry, and is made earth. When this is done,
                      understand that here is the beginning of the arcanum; but do this many
                      times, until two-thirds of the water perish, and colours manifest unto you.

                      IP属地:英国13楼2019-09-26 15:20
                        Emerald Tablet - volume V
                        The gods appreciate abnegation of rewards when bringing tribute to them.
                        THE END

                        IP属地:英国14楼2019-09-26 15:20
                          Tabula Smaragdina
                          If all the mountains were of silver and gold, what would
                          they profit a man who lives in constant fear of death?
                          Hence there cannot be in the whole world anything better than our
                          Medicine, which has power to heal all the diseases
                          of the flesh.

                          IP属地:英国15楼2019-09-26 15:21