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Semnai - Brother Semnai was serving his second vigil of the Long Watch(second vigil of the Long Watch是否是指守望生涯的第二次行动?如何理解second vigil?) at the time of a notable operation, his first spent as a Kill-marine in the Koronus Expanse. The exact nature of Brother Semnai's service in that far distant region of the galaxy remains a mystery, and it appears he travelled on the bridges of as many as a dozen different Rogue Trader vessels. Many suspect Brother Semnai had been tasked with hunting down a specific enemy of the Deathwatch in the Koronus Expanse, and that he finally cornered that unknown foe on the very brink of the Hecaton Rifts(Hecaton Rifts是什么意思?).
Other than the fact that Brother Semnai discharged his Apocryphon Oath during that final battle, all that is known is that he sought to return to his Chapter's homeworld, his vessel laying up at Watch Fortress Erioch during its long voyage.
上文中discharged his Apocryphon Oath during是否是殉职的意思?return to his Chapter's homeworld这里有疑问,这篇文章讲的Semnai来自恸哭者战团,恸哭者战团是没有母星的,这里的homeworld是否指的是战团本身?
Needless to say, Brother Semnai never completed the journey, deciding instead to stand a second vigil after Inquisitor Ramaeus approached him and specifically requested his aid in some undisclosed task. Brother Semnai served during the Hadex Anomaly operation and the reason for his continued interment in the Erioch Reclusiam is a complete mystery.
最后一段的意思是否是审判庭派Semnai去执行一项秘密任务但是他没有成功,但是他参加Hadex Anomaly和他能埋葬在Reclusiam的原因不明。
Semnai是否是一个科技星际战士?因为我在查Apocryphon Oath的时候在Techmarine的词条里面发现这个词。

IP属地:广东1楼2020-01-07 17:36回复
    @雷克斯连长 感谢你的回复,不知道原因可能你的帖被吞了,但是我的记录里还有所以帮你贴出来
    second vigil:应该是他第二次受到征召,就是第一次加入死亡守望之后功成身退,回到战团,结果又被叫回去了discharged his Apocryphon Oath: 完成征召,Apocryphon Oath是在加入死亡守望时候的誓言,主旨是保密:我看到什么都不会告诉别人,所以这就是代表他成功完成任务,可以回战团了。整个这段话是说他虽然活到任务结束,也总跟别人说完成任务我就要回家结婚,但是FLAG的力量让他回不去了。他没死,还在给审判官Ramaeus打黑工。没有提到他死的事。查到原文通篇重新看了一下,基本就是说:这哥们被抓了壮丁之后,据说一直在克罗诺斯边疆区,蹭各种行商浪人的船,到处追杀某人/事/物?费了不少劲,才把对方堵在Hecaton Rifts地区(Hecatoncheires 百手巨人,或者直接译赫卡顿裂缝)。应该是事成之后,他打算功成身退回家结婚。结果还没走就被审判庭又叫走了,到现在还给Ramaeus 打工中。

    IP属地:广东5楼2020-01-07 21:13

      IP属地:广东6楼2020-01-07 21:18