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We’re back with another dose of Prodigium Galaxy goodness and the team is excited to share all the juicy details with you guys!
To tide everyone over until the next chapter of the story is fully released, we’re going to be dropping a brand spanking new game-mode called the Gallery soon.
The Gallery is basically an advanced 3D model viewer where you can ogle your waifus from any angle you desire. It is very much a part of your ship, and we’re going to be tying it in with the rest of progression. Think of it as your private little photography studio, just above Killi’s bar.
We wanted a system where you guys had more freedom to set up the poses in the way you see fit. Don’t forget to show your friends.
We hope to update the gallery with many more features as they come online, so stay tuned for more info!
The Gallery is currently being worked on and will drop as the first of our “Feature-updates” sometime next month.
As you guys know, the next chapter revolves around feisty revolutionary Elaisha Sorn. But before you can get your hands on those juicy tanned melons, there’s the small matter of breaking her out of a maximum-security prison.
As part of this experience, there is a unique space mission that you will be able to play inspired by the Battletoads turbo tunnel level. We’re introducing an exciting new side-scrolling mechanic as well as a special boss encounter.
We’ll also be integrating more sex into the main story, as requested by our fans. The Elaisha recruitment mission will be the first example of this design philosophy.
We’ve got some really cool updates in the works for the Mantic system. The goal is to make them worth collecting and to keep them relevant for the duration of the game by evolving them. We want you to see the fruits of your labor present in Grid Combat and PANDORA in a meaningful way. We’re also in the process of replacing some of the placeholder Mantic meshes with much, much cooler-looking critters. I’m pleased to say that we’re collaborating with a special artist that we can’t reveal yet on the hogs for these bad boys, and we think the results will come out stunning!
Not so much an overhaul as a quality-of life improvement, we’re going to be making this part of the game much smoother and comfortable to play. The new upcoming faction will also get an ability or two that might take you by surprise. Some of the tweaks and improvements we’re looking to roll out in the near future are:
– Directional Damage (backstabs)
– Environmental Hazards (exploding barrels)
– Greater variety of maps in both layout and looks
– New AI patterns and priorities
– Moveset tweaks to the Mantics
– More interactions from the waifus
– UI and optimization tweaks
As mentioned previously we’re bringing in a lot of new people to the studio. This means that the senior members have had to dedicate a bit of time to make sure the new people are getting up to speed. Naturally, this leads to a temporary decline in the senior members’ output, but think of this as an investment. Over time we hope that these new members will become veterans in their own right, leading to much better productivity in the long term. This buddy system philosophy has served us well in the past and we hope that it continues to do so over Subverse’s lifecycle.
That’s all for now! As mentioned above, our current release strategy is to get some feature drops to you guys in-between the big chapter updates. This will give you something to play instead of waiting for one massive content drop every few months that would contain everything. We believe this is the best solution for everyone.
Signing off!

IP属地:美国1楼2021-06-11 07:56回复
    我们带着另一剂 Prodigium Galaxy 的精华回来了,团队很高兴与你们分享所有有趣的细节!
    新模式 - 画廊
    Gallery 基本上是一个先进的 3D 模型查看器,您可以从任何您想要的角度观看您的 waifus。它在很大程度上是你飞船的一部分,我们将把它与其余的进展联系起来。把它想象成你的私人小摄影工作室,就在 Killi 酒吧的正上方。
    Gallery 目前正在开发中,将在下个月的某个时候作为我们的第一个“功能更新”发布。
    作为此体验的一部分,您将能够在 Battletoads 涡轮隧道关卡的启发下进行一项独特的太空任务。我们将推出令人兴奋的全新横向卷轴机制以及特殊的 Boss 遭遇。
    我们还将根据粉丝的要求将更多的性融入到主要故事中。Elaisha 招聘任务将是这种设计理念的第一个例子。
    MANTIC 升级
    我们为 Mantic 系统提供了一些非常酷的更新。目标是让它们值得收集,并通过进化它们来保持它们在游戏过程中的相关性。我们希望您以一种有意义的方式看到您的劳动成果出现在 Grid Combat 和 PANDORA 中。我们还在用许多看起来更酷的小动物替换一些占位符 Mantic 网格。我很高兴地说,我们正在与一位特殊的艺术家合作,我们还不能透露这些坏男孩的生猪,我们认为结果会令人惊叹!
    – 定向伤害(背刺)
    – 环境危害(爆炸桶)
    – 布局和外观的地图种类更多
    – 新的 AI 模式和优先级
    – 对 Mantics 的 Moveset 调整
    – 来自 waifus 的更多交互
    – UI 和优化调整
    如前所述,我们为工作室带来了很多新人。这意味着高级成员不得不花一些时间来确保新成员跟上进度。自然而然,这会导致高级成员的产出暂时下降,但可以将其视为一种投资。随着时间的推移,我们希望这些新成员能够凭借自己的力量成为老兵,从长远来看会带来更高的生产力。这种伙伴系统哲学在过去一直为我们服务,我们希望它在 Subverse 的整个生命周期中继续如此。

    IP属地:美国2楼2021-06-11 07:57

      IP属地:美国3楼2021-06-11 07:58