The Hand Of Destiny (12岁)
No matter what happens around us, or to us, through love our soul reaches immortality conquering all dimensions and all destinies.
As we experience punches of sorrow and touches of joy we cross different dimensions and participate in creating our own destiny.
This is a story of choosing happiness over sadness, and choosing to close the wounds of time, instead of becoming the wounds themselves.
The hands represent our decisions and choices. They move according to our free will. One of the hands is moving in a human realm helplessly. The other hand is moving in a spiritual realm and closing the separation – the wound of earthly reality. We have to desire our future. That is why I painted the left hand holding its own chosen destiny, according to divine plan.
手代表我们的决定和选择。它们根据我们的意志自由行动。一只手在人间无助地移动。另一只手在灵性王国移动,终止分离-- 地球现实的伤口。我们不得不渴望我们的未来。这就是为什么我画了左手(按照神的计划)紧握自己选择的命运。
We are all volunteers for this life, yet most of us have forgotten our commitment to these experiences. Without our permission and divine agreement these sorrows would not have been placed upon us. There are billions of dimensions throughout infinity. Maybe this one is the hardest, but the most sought after. In an imperfect human or spiritual life there would be no compassion without pain, no endurance without struggles, and no wisdom without real experience.
So this story is a bitter-sweet depiction of endurance, strength and choices as we go through our toughest struggles. And maybe, even in the slightest way, it will bring hope to those who have lost it.