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IP属地:河南1楼2023-01-29 18:40回复
    原文1:“I am alongagain now. Strange to say that, surrounded as I am by the quadrillions of theThroneworld, and yet it is truer now than it has ever been.”
    - The Emperor’s Legion
    原文2:“Spinozashivered. The air was as caustic as ever, but so high up it had lost itspunishing heat. The humidity was still present, though — the massed respiratoryresults of the quadrillions down in their warrens, those narrow worlds of dampand desperation. She had left her helm locked to her armour, and the galeruffled through her short hair. Every so often a buffet would catch her, aswell of pressure that threatened to shove her over the edge.”
    - The Carrion Throne

    IP属地:河南2楼2023-01-29 18:42
      原文:They had no hair, no teeth and theirbodies marked with brands and maltreatment. This was humanity’s fate. This waswhy the orks waited for Terra’s surrender rather than simply levelling theworld as they had Ardamantua, Eidolica, and a thousand others. They did notwant another conquest.
      They wanted a client race.
      A trillion times a trillion, the citizens of the Imperiumwere numberless beyond count. As individuals they were negligible, to a certainmindset disposable even, but as a whole they were humanity. They were thegene-seed of Holy Terra, where He dwelt in His incorruptible glory.
      - End of the Long War

      IP属地:河南3楼2023-01-29 18:42
        原文1:'So the Emperortrod these lands, did He?'
        'So they claim.
        'A billion worlds, and each one says that the Emperor cameto them. I guess the Emperor must have been a Navy man, just like us.'
        - Relentless (Novel)
        原文2:'War was fadingaway in the Imperium of Mankind. The purposes for which the likes of theAdeptus Astartes had been engineered were dying out. They had done their job.Peace prevailed across a billion worlds.'
        - I Am Slaughter (Novel)
        原文3:'The Imperiumis vast and amongst it's billions of inhabited worlds there are countless forgeworlds, factories[...]'
        - Dark Heresy: Core Rulebook, Chapter V, page 127
        原文4:'The ImmortalEmperor’s Legiones Astartes, His Angels of Death – no, that wasn’t right – hisAngels of Death, created to protect mankind from threats beyond thes tars. Abillion, billion worlds; a million, million cultures all compliant – now atwar.'
        - Age of Darkness
        原文5:You see,Jaghatai, here’s the problem – we were made too well. Nothing in the galaxycould stand against us. We learned that we, and only we, held the destiny of abillion worlds in our own hands.
        - Scars
        原文6:Nearly all ofthe souls inhabiting the billion worlds of the Imperium of Man are reliant onthe blessings of the Omnissiah in their daily lives.
        - Rogue Trader: Hostile Acquisition
        原文:The Imperium of Man lays claim to twothirds of the entire galaxy, a volume of space encompassing billions of starsystems and untold numbers of planets. Evidence of hundreds, even thousands ofstellar empires long since reduced to dust is found across the entire galaxy.
        - Deathwatch Core Rulebook, Pg 304

        IP属地:河南4楼2023-01-29 18:42
          原文:Billions of lives are sacrificed uponthe altar of war every day to keep the enemy at bay. Yet the most insidiousthreat to Mankind’s survival may already have seeped into the bloodstream ofthe Imperium.
          - Warhammer 40,000 Index Xeno 2, 8th Edition
          原文:Everywhere the High Lords of Terraturned their gaze the armies and fleets of the Imperium were scattered,besieged, and out numbered. Untold trillions of Imperial citizens died witheveryday that passed.
          - White Dwarf 2019
          原文:"A billion die every moment,"snarled Aesor. "What good does it do me to die for billions of ignorantscum who will never know my name, and who will be dead the next day? Only gloryremains. Only glory is worth dying for."
          - Sanctus Reach

          IP属地:河南5楼2023-01-29 18:43
            原文:The Cathedra Crosium was definitelyimpressive.
            Even a man like Archimedis Van Leeuwen – no stranger to thesegmentum’s wonders – found himself staring.
            Towering high above the low-gravity world of Incandesica,the cathedra’s crown of steeples and chapel towers reached for the heavens.Incandesica was situated at the heart of the Crozier Worlds and was the hub ofAdeptus Ministorum affairs in the sector. The mighty Cathedra Crosium sat atthe heart of Incandesica’s high-rise continental expanse of City-Sanctus. Onefat hive, expanding for thousands of kilometres and dominated by dormitoryspires, temple complexes and the magnificence of gothic shrines, theCity-Sanctus was swarming with priests and pilgrims.
            Doubling as a palace of planetary governance, the greatstate rooms of the cathedra were vaulted chambers of ornate stonework - ancientand beautiful. Colonnades of statues ran up the centre, depicting cardinals andother high ecclesiarchs heralding from the sector, and saints that had inspiredthe faithful of the Crozier Worlds.
            - Sons of the Hydra
            原文:The industrial city was a great darkstain across half a continent, its manufactoria standing as titanic cathedralsto the Imperial hunger for munitions and war machines.

            IP属地:河南6楼2023-01-29 18:45
              原文:One of the most widely known planetaryclassifications is that of hive world. These long-settled planets have becomeso built up and populated that they are marked by vast, continent-spanningcities that reach high into the skies, with levels literally built atopprevious foundations.
              - Core Rulebook, 6th Edition
              原文:Not all hive worlds go upwards; othersdescend many dozens of miles into the ground, the surface world remainingunseen for so long it is considered legend.
              - Core Rulebook, 7th Edition
              原文:From the best visions his Sorcererscould conjure, it appeared as if the defence batteries were concentrated aroundthe mighty continent-sized hive cities.
              - Codex: Crimson Slaughter, 6th Edition
              原文:A few hundred kilometres west of the northernhemisphere’s administrative nerve cluster, there was a region where the cloudsdid not flash. The area covered a full hive quadrant, almost a thousandkilometres square.
              - Death of Antagonis

              IP属地:河南7楼2023-01-29 18:45
                原文:Mars is the centre of the AdeptusMechanicus and the greatest of its forre worlds. A sprawling world of ancientfactories, towering hive cities and maze-like mines, it is home to billions ofTech Priests and Servitors. In the skies above the planet, gigantic orbitingmanufactorums burn bright with the fires of industry, void-lifts ferryingtrillions of tonnes of cargo every day down to the surface or up into space.
                - Imperial Knight Companion
                原文:First and Foresmost, Trade-Admiral Saulis a merchantman. His fleets crisscross the Expanse, carrying trillions ofmegatonnes of bulk freight per annum and serving even the most benighted andbackwater worlds. In their holds they've carried guns and grain, penitents andprisoners, detachments of the Adpetus Astartes and even high ranking officialsof the Ecclesiarchy.
                - Edge of the Abyss

                IP属地:河南8楼2023-01-29 18:46
                  原文:When the tithe ships arrived with ahive-world’s demand of a billion Guardsmen, all they found was a dead planet.”
                  - Redemption Corps

                  IP属地:河南9楼2023-01-29 18:47

                    这里推算一下每年征收帝国卫队的人数。上面这张图展示了一些比较值得注意的、征收帝国卫队的世界。其中,有Lalnita Prime、Trement、Birmingham(这个明确标注了是个蛮荒世界)、Cellephera、Myr、Calderia、Loriar、Somonor、Moltova、BlackReach、Dreer、Dreadhaven、Drisinta、Pintax、Rassios、Banna、Boucherin、NeoBaku、Aspen II、Drask、JoJo、Mordian、OgrisMajor、Lanorra、Rans Eglise、K'phara和Kronite是每年需要缴纳500万到1000万帝国卫队的,而Athnos、Krieg、Tallarn、Atilla、Archona、Valhalla、Armageddon、Catachan、Vostroya、Morox、Aten III以及Kaledon是每年需要缴纳五千万帝国卫队的。这意味着在帝国的那么多世界里仅这40个世界每年就要征收7.4亿到8.8亿名帝国卫队。

                    IP属地:河南10楼2023-01-29 18:49
                      原文:"Imperial Guard regiments are oftencalled upon to fight gruelling wars of attrition lasting standard years or evensolar decades. "
                      - Codex: Astra Militarum (8th Edition), pg. 41

                      IP属地:河南11楼2023-01-29 18:49
                        原文:The fight lasted ten seconds. In thatbrief time, the two men traded almost fifty strikes and counterstrikes,whip-snake fast, the precise martial skills of the Throne agent pitted againstthe brute force and cunning of a game hunter who had survived the dangers ofcountless bar-fights and rip worlds.
                        Passers-by from the main street gawped at what they sawoccurring down the alleyway. Two men, blurs, engaged in a level of physical warthat was seldom seen, even in a city that boasted the Carnivora. Every punch,every kick, was a potential killer; every block, every smash, bone-breaking.
                        - Ravenor Returned

                        IP属地:河南12楼2023-01-29 18:50
                          原文:Tempestor Prime Vigilian volunteers hismen for an orbital drop that he believes will thwart the defences. Turning hisships so their hulls are parallel to the planet's surface, Vigillian orders hisScions to cram themselves into each of the ship's starboard airlocks beforeforcefully ejecting them towards the planet.
                          - Codex: Militaruim Tempestus, 6th Edition
                          [(100kg)*(11000m/s)^2]/2 = 6.05*10^9焦耳
                          冲击动能:6.05*10^9焦耳 或1.45吨TNT当量

                          IP属地:河南13楼2023-01-29 18:50
                            原文:He'd have had more chance making abull's-eye on a target ten kilometres away with a wrong-sighted lasgun.
                            - Ghostmaker

                            IP属地:河南14楼2023-01-29 18:51
                              原文:For minutes he fell in silence. The surfacewas so far away he appeared to be making no progress.
                              There is no sharp delineation between a world’s air envelopeand the void, but instead a region of increasing attenuation where, atom byatom, air gives way to vacuum. But there does exist a point where the airbecomes thick enough to support atmospheric flight – the Kármán line – andthere, air becomes thick enough to feel. Justinian hit it with a jolt. Heatfollowed almost immediately as friction, imperceptible only moments before,quickly built around his armour. A plasma-torch roar filled his ears.
                              The coming moments were critical. Gaining a good angle ofdescent at this stage would ensure mission success – a colourless statementthat meant only that he would not die before the enemy got a chance to shoot athim.
                              An alarm sounded in his ear. Cordus’ signifier flashed.
                              ‘Cordus, correct course two points vertical, you aredrifting,’ said Justinian.
                              ‘Yes, brother sergeant,’ Cordus responded. His signifier dotand its accompanying rune moved across Justinian’s display, and the graphicceased blinking.
                              The others spread out into a wide dispersion pattern. Threetargets awaited the demi company’s attention: a series of closely bunchedbastions, each one bristling with ordnance.
                              A bright corona of heat streamed around Justinian, mostintense about the reinforced ceramite of his boots. It became uncomfortable,but not dangerous. Provided there was no breach in his Inceptor battleplate, hewould be safe.
                              Soon after, he reached terminal velocity and stoppedaccelerating. The curve of the world grew quickly, filling his vision with theground. As the minutes passed, space retreated to the periphery of his visionand vanished. When the last of the black was gone, he finally felt like he wasfalling. Individual surface features resolved themselves, details popping intosharp definition, though all were flattened by his relative height, so thatmountains appeared as painted flourishes upon a round canvas.
                              Below him, fighting raged upon a plain bordered by a rangeof hills pierced by a wide valley. Across the valley mouth was a great wall,and a strong fortress not far behind. Two battle lines became visible. Theirexchanges of fire were startling weaves of light. A vast phalanx of AstraMilitarum tanks, supported by Adeptus Mechanicus cyborg troops and warmachines, advanced on the wall from the drop zone.
                              The wall looked like a ribbon, but in truth it was almostone hundred metres tall, and forty wide. The Titans of the Legio Metalicaswelled, their carapace insignia taking on form. They were now the size of men,and the warriors milling about their feet had become the insects. The scenegrew before Justinian’s eyes, unfolding like a fractal tapestry.
                              Aircraft sped below, swift as avians, duelling with draconicdaemon engines for control of the sky.
                              ‘Demi-company split,’ ordered Sarkis. ‘Squads to targetdesignated mission objectives in three, two, one. Fire jets. Formationdisperse.’
                              ‘Fire jets!’ ordered Justinian. A smaller reticle ignited inthe centre of his pelorus and settled over his own squad’s landing zone: themiddle tower of the wall. The tallest one.
                              His jets roared furiously against the drag of the planet.Justinian slowed only a little, but his course altered, and he was senthurtling laterally towards the tower.
                              They avoided firing their jets until the last second of adrop. When the Inceptors had first been deployed, the enemy had mistaken theirsquads for falling debris or stray munitions. In the chaos of battle, they hadbeen paid little attention until it was too late. Lately, the foes of theImperium had become wise to Inceptor drop tactics. The sky filled with a stormof flak moments after their jets finished burning.
                              Justinian fell through a wash of fire. Shrapnel pinged offhis armour. The thunder of atmosphere lessened. The demi-company’s attackspread widened, the dots that denoted each warrior perfectly positioned inthree clusters, one for each defence tower.
                              The target went from a child’s toy to a towering edifice ina matter of seconds.
                              ‘Fire jets, prolonged burst,’ he ordered. ‘Decelerate toengagement speed. Rouse the spirits of your weapons.’
                              He hefted his own guns, eager to unleash them upon the enemy.His jets ignited again, and this time they stayed burning. The fuel gauge inhis display rapidly fell from full to a third as he braked. He was no longerfalling but flying, and that ate up his fuel quickly. In a graceful arc, he andhis squad thundered towards the upper battlements of the tower. The bastion wasludicrously embellished with screaming daemonic faces, its crenellations talland fashioned into unnecessary spikes, but it was well armoured, and four quadflak cannons squatted in heavy turrets at each corner, banging off shots at theattacking Space Marines. Heretic Astartes opened fire as the Inceptorsapproached, and their fire was more worrisome than the flak cannons. A boltround spanked off the cowling of Justinian’s left jet nozzle, staggering hisflight. More bolts came, then a flurry of them.
                              Cordus’ ident signifier blinked to red and fell away fromJustinian’s display. Justinian risked a glance back. Smoke and explosions hidCordus’ fate, and he did not see his comrade die.
                              Another bolt smacked into his breastplate, cracking theouter casing and fracturing the power cabling beneath. Smoke blew from thecrack and his jump pack engines coughed. A lurching drop made his stomach flip.Icons blinked, alarms squealed. Justinian prepared to fall to his death whilehe sought a solution to his power failure. At his urging, the cogitator in hissuit rerouted power. The jets roared again, and he surged on with renewedspeed. Sealant foam bubbled up to plug the breach in his armour.
                              The enemy would have to try harder to stop him than that.
                              Justinian dropped down then burst upward and over thebattlements, Aldred beside him. Half a dozen members of the Iron Warriors linedthe parapet. Boltguns flashed, revealing horned helms and faceplates cast withdaemonic visages. They were terrifying foes, made Adeptus Astartes by theEmperor and granted greater vigour by their Dark Gods. Once, they were themightiest warriors in the galaxy.
                              They were the mightiest no longer.
                              Your death has been too long coming!’ Justinian roared, hisvoxed shout blasting from his helm as he descended on pillars of fiery smoke.‘Prepare yourselves for the Emperor’s judgement!’ He came down with abone-jarring thump hard enough to crack the ferrocrete of the tower, gunsalready blazing fire. Assault bolters were powerful weapons, but if usedunwisely they would run through their ammunition stores in seconds. Justinianchecked his fury. The resupply pods had yet to land.
                              - Dark Imperium
                              原文:Whilst wearing their power armour, anunarmed Space Marine typically stands slightly over 2.1m tall and weighsbetween 500~1,000 kg.
                              - Deathwatch Rulebook
                              [(1500kg)*(11000m/s)^2]/2 = 9.075*10^10焦耳
                              冲击动能:9.075*10^10焦耳 或 21.69吨TNT当量

                              IP属地:河南15楼2023-01-29 18:52