phusker吧 关注:10贴子:1,099
to speak damagingly of; criticize in a derogatory manner; sully; defame
1. When religious zeal is injected into science, and the role of human sensibilities in the pursuit of knowledge denigrated, the consequences are equally dismaying.
2. I wouldn't for a moment wish to decry or denigrate the very real achievements made by disabled people.

IP属地:福建1楼2023-07-12 11:02回复
    SM1: It's unfair to denigrate the pioneering work by the physicist simply because of his marrriage to a young lady.

    IP属地:福建2楼2023-07-12 11:08
      to gather into storage. b. : to deposit as if in a granary
      1. No scientist should be deceived by a pretense of objectivity; and no information can be garnered on delicate issues by single researchers acting alone.
      2. Through years of research, the scientist had garnered enough knowledge to develop a revolutionary new drug.

      IP属地:福建3楼2023-07-12 11:15
        to grant or give especially as appropriate, due, or earned; to bring into agreement
        accord sth to sb,accord sb sth
        1. This view was not widely held, nor does it accord with the observational data on the men's practice while doing beat duty.
        2. The rule itself is out of accord with modern medical conditions and should be abolished.
        3. With one accord, the delegates walked out of the conference.
        4. Any willingness on the part of our courts to accord supremacy to community law is thus limited by two factors

        IP属地:福建4楼2023-07-14 10:25
          go back over (a path or one's steps
          put a new tread胎面 on (a worn tire):
          1. Clearly they have run out of ideas and are retreading old ground.
          2. With long treadwear, maximum durability and competitive warranty, retread semi truck tires from Tire Recappers are your best option for commercial truck tires

          IP属地:福建6楼2023-08-13 08:54
            peas and carrots
            1. Krista's my very best friend—we've always been like peas and carrots.

            IP属地:福建7楼2023-08-13 09:03
              A gherkin is a small variety of a cucumber that's been pickled. It's a little cucumber that’s been pickled in a brine, vinegar, or other solution and left to ferment for a period of time

              IP属地:福建8楼2023-08-15 09:54
                n.(糕点盘上的)网眼纸垫圈,网眼布垫圈; (置于家具上的)装饰小垫;

                IP属地:福建9楼2023-08-15 09:58
                  paddling pool
                  n. (尤指小型的塑料)浅水池,嬉水池;

                  IP属地:福建10楼2023-08-15 10:01
                    n. 德国牧羊犬

                    IP属地:福建11楼2023-08-15 10:16
                      爱发牢骚的; 烦躁的
                      1. Without proper intervention, whining can get worse—and a whiny kid is likely to turn into a whiny adult.
                      2. People get rude and whiny and exacting when they are exhausted.

                      IP属地:福建16楼2023-08-19 08:57
                        adj. 详尽的
                        1. A blow-by-blow account of an event describes every stage of it in great detail.

                        IP属地:福建17楼2023-08-20 09:51
                          n. (小型)护卫舰;
                          A modern frigate is a 3000-7000 ton warship, equipped with an array of missiles, guns and radars, and is designed to operate autonomously, along with a battle group or act as an escort for non-combatants, in order to fulfill a variety of tasks depending on the mission.

                          IP属地:福建18楼2023-09-16 16:30
                            n. 送别; 送行;
                            1.They gave him a rousing send-off at the pier.

                            IP属地:福建19楼2023-09-18 16:08
                              only just; almost not:
                              You use scarcely to emphasize that something is only just true or only just the case
                              1. American media on Russia today are less objective, less balanced, more conformist and scarcely less ideological than when they covered Soviet Russia during the Cold War.
                              2. Monastyrski, scarcely known in this country but influential in Russia since the days of the Soviet Union, is a founding member of the Collective Actions group, largely credited with the advent of contemporary Russian performance art.

                              IP属地:福建23楼2023-11-24 10:06