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The autumn has started nominally and summer heat is reducing. Let sing for the season switching, speculating the beauty of this season and our life.

IP属地:北京来自Android客户端1楼2024-08-11 20:53回复
    [Greeting Lunar July] 迎凉月
    Authored by MooreYuan
    4 Aug 2024
    Summer heat is reducing
    Autumm is soon coming/
    And will see more smiling
    And our joys of season turning
    This would spark passions
    Of those who fall into relaxation
    Or cherish the sweet attraction
    Of blessed fruits and melons
    But it's a time to honor
    The stirrups of golden color
    Who would focus attention
    On the orchid's aroma
    Now it's a time to outlet
    How hot this summer's onset
    How beautiful the sunset
    How wonderful the coquet

    IP属地:北京来自Android客户端2楼2024-08-11 20:54
      [First Autumn Lyric] 立秋吉祥
      Authored by MooreYuan
      7 Aug 2024
      A roar at the autumn beginning
      Switched immediately all things
      Into a new, fresh season
      Under the Heaven's blessings
      Good lucks we are holding
      Bountiful harvests soon coming
      The dry gusts will blow loud
      The dew chirps quite proud
      To all the passing crowds
      We hug a longer, cold night
      But passersby sharpen the sight
      To stare at the bugs' delight

      IP属地:北京来自Android客户端3楼2024-08-11 20:57
        Dew droplets I shot

        IP属地:北京来自Android客户端4楼2024-08-11 21:22

          IP属地:北京来自Android客户端5楼2024-08-11 21:23
            [Autumn Gusts Blowing]
            Authored by MooreYuan
            9 Aug 2024 (76 words/ 112)
            Oh! Powerful autumn gusts
            Your blowing comes steadfast
            All things expect certain fruits
            Or look to bountiful harvests
            Our earth welcomes you
            Fertile or barren, old or new
            Why are our diligent silkworms
            Often worried a storm
            Oh! I saw powerful sweeping!
            Under this, those insects
            Are crying or mourning
            But for what? Longer staying?
            Our impure world needs this
            Our noisy world needs silence
            You'll be the big justice
            You'll be the big decence
            Today's heavy rain greets
            The C-Valentine that tweets
            Telling sadness and sweets
            Residing in lovers' heart beats
            These storm and thunders
            Will wash away the dirts
            And frighten away fake lovers
            Leaving a world ever cleaner

            IP属地:北京来自Android客户端7楼2024-08-12 04:05
              Summer is bright, lush, and full of passions, even the heat is nearly intolerable.
              But some don't like it, because it's too green, it's too noisy, and it's a world filled up completely. After all, we need empty spaces. When our brains are full, we are stuck there, difficult to learn new stuff. When out stomach is full, we must take care and move slower.
              This is the reason why we need autumn.

              IP属地:北京来自Android客户端8楼2024-08-12 05:54
                In some ponds, the lotus leaves are overwhelming, over six or seven feet tall above the water surface. Do you love these robust jumbos? My first reaction is a thought of a fat swine, walking slowly, swaying its butt violently. I don't like those jumbo potatos or eggplants either.

                IP属地:北京来自Android客户端9楼2024-08-12 06:11
                  Don't be busy all the time. Try to manage some EMPTY time of a life.
                  Don't make your drawer on the verge of spilling.

                  IP属地:北京来自Android客户端10楼2024-08-12 06:17
                    [Bye To Zhongfu] 送中伏
                    Authored by MooreYuan
                    12 Aug 2024.
                    Zhongfu is coming to its end
                    The heat peak won't offend
                    Healthy days have been friends
                    With a passion that extends
                    The following romantic stage
                    Will open a North charm page
                    A timely season shift
                    Shines nature's equality gift
                    The time left is quite short
                    But locusts and cicadas not amort
                    While dragonflies and ants
                    Won't tend be a bit blunt
                    As the autumn gusts blow
                    Green grass is turning yellow
                    Black hair turning sort gray
                    Passersby find footfalls heavy

                    IP属地:北京来自Android客户端11楼2024-08-12 14:48
                      We honor the wind here today, and could be heard by the sky, as the true autumn gusts have been blowing from the early morning in this city. So in the whole day we are completely soaked in a feeling of the autumn season, not only nominally.

                      IP属地:北京来自Android客户端12楼2024-08-12 19:16
                        I'm not sure what will happen tomorrow, since not necessarily similar to those forecasts. That is actually irrelevant with our refreshing feelings today.

                        IP属地:北京来自Android客户端13楼2024-08-12 19:19
                          Context mentioned by floor 12.
                          [Drunk In Autumn Gusts]
                          Authored by MooreYuan.
                          13 Aug 2024.
                          Nothing made me so soaked
                          Than today's vigorous gusts
                          That refreshes our August
                          Removing heat and downcasts
                          Turn off A.C. for a long breath
                          Watch clouds forming wreaths
                          Feel the charms of a blue sky
                          Listen to the cicadas' new cry
                          The wind seems to whisper
                          About her absence and savor
                          That allows me to feel tender
                          That moves me into tears
                          We are drunk not from liqor
                          But from that gentle whisper
                          The beautiful is not a beauty
                          But the wind and her purity

                          IP属地:北京来自Android客户端14楼2024-08-13 14:13
                            [Autumn Cleans Up Spaces]
                            Authored by MooreYuan
                            15 Aug 2024.
                            As in autumn gone is the mature
                            Often we are shedding tears
                            And expect new spring starters
                            It's the gentle autumn gusts
                            That makes our space cleaner
                            Where bred are new comers
                            Vanity of vanities, saith Preacher
                            Any new is blocked by jammers
                            Who are also fortune purgers
                            Waiting in an empty space
                            Offers fortunes and grace
                            Our tears thank all the gusts

                            IP属地:北京来自Android客户端15楼2024-08-15 08:14
                              We need a space to learn new things, to digest, or to relax. We need a space to think and plan and to make a final determination. So, we must forget all far from our new focus. If that's a dislike, we could put those to the remote end of our memory banks. That's the reason to thank the autumn gusts.

                              IP属地:北京来自Android客户端16楼2024-08-15 09:34