gmod沙盒吧 关注:20贴子:219
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IP属地:辽宁1楼2024-09-01 21:48回复
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    IP属地:辽宁2楼2024-09-01 21:54

      IP属地:山东来自Android客户端3楼2024-09-06 16:34

        IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端4楼2024-11-16 16:39

          IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端5楼2025-01-19 19:06
            武器里面有个others,里面jmod hand可以对着物品右键捡起来,同时按r可以出来一个菜单,可以调整数量然后给塞到自己背包里。背包可以在c菜单打开,聊天框输入*inv*,控制台输入具体什么我忘了

            IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端7楼2025-01-19 19:08

              IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端8楼2025-01-19 19:08

                IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端9楼2025-01-19 19:10
                  更新日志原文# December Update
                  ## Features / Machines
                  - Nukes will now EMP LVS vehicles
                  - Resource crates can now drop resources with a wire input
                  - Added a new type of gas for JMod machines that's not quite as lethal
                  - Added 'spalling' to certain explosions, detonating large exlposives next to metal props will cause a frag explosion on the opposite side
                  - New toolbox view model
                  - Added skin, bodygroup, and color params to crafting for recipies
                  - API ammo setting now costs Munitions on the EZ sentry
                  - Glowsticks can always be active in the player's inventory
                  - You can now jump to autocolor with color GUI entities by holding the sprint key

                  IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端10楼2025-01-19 19:14
                    ## QoL Improvements
                    - Fallout has a chance to remove itself on map edges
                    - Did some balance changes for EZ rockets against LVS
                    - You can now configure inventory size multiplier
                    - Extended the force load resources config option to include bomb bays and rocket pods as well
                    - Rebalanced fragnade and other fragmentation devices + increased shrapnel perf again
                    - Improved the machine connection menu more, added status indicators for connected machines
                    - Entities dump out their inventories if they are destroyed
                    - Improved the various cookoff mechanics for EZ resources, EZ gas now pushes things when destroyed
                    - API shot now only explodes on the first impact
                    - Bombs now will only drag when welded, all other constraints will allow them to drag and point
                    - Some better chat prints for EZ radios
                    - Fixed icon precaching for props that haven't been viewed yet
                    - Balanced some things in regards to sentires and Wire
                    - Inventory hints should repeat more now
                    - API now goes through chainlink, most of the time at least
                    - Improved radio's re-connectivity

                    IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端11楼2025-01-19 19:14
                      - More machines should now have their bouyancy auto-updated
                      - EZ groundscanners now always work underwater, they also now ignore height when looking for depoists
                      - Glowsticks get custom rendering while on and in the EZ inventory
                      - Chemicals and Organics now use a box shaped collider to stop them getting stuck in stuff
                      - Putting EZ nails further away from each other now uses the work spread math for strengthing the weld
                      - JMod inventory is no longer bound to whole numbers
                      - Improved the EZ armor menu to have more info about armor pieces
                      - Added EZ resource pop-up for putting EZ resources into your inventory, holding sprint skips this as well
                      - Added side displays for all crafting menus showing you what resources are nearby
                      - EZ machines that are ordered via airdrop now start full, depending on the spawn full config option
                      - Tenatively removed the vischeck requirement for EZ resources when crafting, might add it back if there are any issues
                      - Added some inventory item info, such as volume
                      - Buffed some tools and the ability to drag things with EZ Hands
                      - EZ sand should stay put better
                      - EZ sentries will now attempt to engage enemies who are holding props in front of them
                      - EZ sentries will now aim towards the direction of incoming damage even if they can't detect their attacker

                      IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端12楼2025-01-19 19:15
                        ## Console Commands/Variables
                        - 'jmod_cl_blurry_menus 1' Enables/disables the blur on JMod GUIs, on by default
                        ## Bug Fixes
                        - Made resource transferring more standardized to fix issues with negative values
                        - Lots of sentry bug fixes
                        - Don't cough if you are wearing a respirator
                        - Primitive bench now duplicates properly
                        - Fix error when the player is dreaming but they have no screenshots
                        - Plants should now update appearance when pasted
                        - Flamethrower detonating on players' backs is more consistent now
                        - You can no longer load rockets into multiple pods at the same time
                        - Fix hold angle of EZ tools
                        - Fix armor durability not being updated when the player dies
                        - Players now also drop their EZ suits on death
                        - Some more security fixes for entities that are labeled persistent when pasting
                        - Fix sprinklers not being able to water small seeds and such
                        - Fix not being able to pickup EZ sand with the grav gun very well
                        - Stop gas particles spamming errors if the armor doesn't have a defined defense value
                        - Fixed JMod inventories not displaying their scrollbar correctly
                        - Don't display the grade of machines that can't be upgraded
                        - Fixed JMod weapon bipods
                        - Various Security issues resolved, huge thanks to @RUS LAN CONNECTION
                        ## For Devs
                        - Radio available packages are now shared
                        - Added a `JMod_CalcArmorSpeed` hook that runs after Jmod has calculated the weight of the player's inventory and the speed
                        - Changed how the `JMod_OnRadioDeliver` hook works, returning true or false will mean good drop or bad, and returing a float as the second argument will modify the time it takes for the outpost to be ready again.
                        - `JMod.FragSplosion` can now take a damage object in its fragDmg argument instead of just a damage number
                        - Please use the `JMod.IsAltUsing(ply)` function instead of `ply:KeyDown()` thank you

                        IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端13楼2025-01-19 19:15

                          IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端14楼2025-01-19 19:16