- More machines should now have their bouyancy auto-updated
- EZ groundscanners now always work underwater, they also now ignore height when looking for depoists
- Glowsticks get custom rendering while on and in the EZ inventory
- Chemicals and Organics now use a box shaped collider to stop them getting stuck in stuff
- Putting EZ nails further away from each other now uses the work spread math for strengthing the weld
- JMod inventory is no longer bound to whole numbers
- Improved the EZ armor menu to have more info about armor pieces
- Added EZ resource pop-up for putting EZ resources into your inventory, holding sprint skips this as well
- Added side displays for all crafting menus showing you what resources are nearby
- EZ machines that are ordered via airdrop now start full, depending on the spawn full config option
- Tenatively removed the vischeck requirement for EZ resources when crafting, might add it back if there are any issues
- Added some inventory item info, such as volume
- Buffed some tools and the ability to drag things with EZ Hands
- EZ sand should stay put better
- EZ sentries will now attempt to engage enemies who are holding props in front of them
- EZ sentries will now aim towards the direction of incoming damage even if they can't detect their attacker