General Gameplay Changes:
Default graphics settings and presets have changed. You may need to adjust your settings again after this update.
Primary Fire should now properly accept the selected option on a radial wheel instead of canceling the radial wheel action (Alt Fire still cancels the wheel action as intended.)
Various localization updates.
客户端现在可以通过转到退出菜单 > 服务器配置文件来删除他们的角色存档。这将把所有物品放在职员沃伦的袋子里。这将导致玩家断开连接,但他们可以重新加入并创建一个新的角色。
Clients can now delete their character save on a server by going to the Escape Menu > Server Profile. This will place all their items in a bag by Officer Warren. This will cause the player to disconnect, but they can then rejoin and create a fresh new character.
Scientists can now offer food, iodine tablets, and some liquid items (like a soup bowl) to one another by pressing Alt Fire when holding the item.
Many items deemed important, hard-to-craft, or critical, will now ask for confirmation before allowing them to be scrapped when manually scrapping.
改进了部分Dr. R(女性科学家声音)台词,并清理了音质,还尝试去除一些台词中的模糊性。我们还移除了或替换了一些台词,以实现更好的连贯性。她的跌落死亡声音现在也有了适当的混响效果。
A handful of Dr. R (Fem Scientist Voice) lines have been improved and audio quality cleaned up, and some efforts have been made to remove some ambiguity in several of her voice lines. We've also removed or replaced some lines to achieve better consistency. Her falling death sounds now have proper reverb as well.
Buffs and debuffs on the left-hand side of the HUD now take up slightly less room.
Updated the crosshair icon when looking at interesting interactables & interactable corpses.
A text chat message now displays when joining/starting if your corpse bag has been relocated to Officer Warren’s kiosk.
Tutorial panels and hints are now saved and will no longer show repeatedly if you have already seen them. However, tutorial pop ups will still show every time when playing the intro.
These saved tutorials will now also be clearable by pressing Reset Tutorial Popups in the Gameplay Settings menu.
Added a radial indicator to the HUD, above the health screen keybinding prompt and gesture keybinding prompt to help scientists understand they can be accessed by holding down the key.
Added two new hint pop ups when bleeding, one for suggesting crafting a bandage if the player has no bandages, and one for using the medical quick-use wheel if a bandage is present.
Rotation in the character window can now be stopped by unticking the rotation checkbox at the bottom of the Equipment Slot window. This will center the character towards the camera.
Inventory Slots can now be favorited with right-click. This will cause any item inside the slot to not be taken when using a Distribution Pad or similar stacking action.
Adjusted Trinket positions on all backpacks and the character’s waist when not wearing a backpack.
Updated radiation symbols in the UI to better match other UI shades.
Updated the UI for Respawn Options after death, for better clarity and to encourage players to make beds and use Check-In Terminals.
Shifted HUD "You are dead" / bleedout instructions upwards slightly to accommodate the Respawn UI update.
There is now a second Trinket slot available, allowing scientists to equip two Trinkets at once. Due to the anomalous properties of Trinkets in close proximity to one another, Trinkets of the same type will not stack, with one Trinket canceling out the effects of the other. This also applies to light emitting trinkets, where only one light will be available.
An active ammo type icon is now shown in the corner of the HUD by the ammo counter.
Character movement on moving objects (like trams and elevators) is now far more reliable and carries motion more appropriately.
Linked conversational characters will now properly reset regardless of which character you interact with to perform the reset action. This will also fix certain situations where some scientists became softlocked and weren’t sure how to restart the conversation.