laser C. n. 激光 significant adj 重大的,数量可光的;有重大意义的 eg. Significant improvement over the old neighbour transerstite n c 爱穿着异性衣物的人 skin condition 皮肤病 commentary n 评论 widen circle 扩大交际圈
natural laxative 自然泻药 (美剧里真的什么都有哈。。) eg Curry is a natural laxative colon 结肠 luncheon 同lunch 较正式 bowel 肠子 context 上下文语境 eg I believe in the context of a luncheon invitation,you might want to skip the reference to bowel movements.
inaccuracy n 不准确,误差 accuracy accurate adj assume v 假定,假设 accelerate v 加速 initial n 初始 eg Jane is falling,accelerating at an initial of 32 feet per second per second Jane做自由落体运动... slice v 切(用刀....)
dolly n 小车,手推车 upper-boddy adj 上半身的 descendant n 后裔 intellectual adj 智力的 eg We are the intelectual descendants of archimedes fulcrum n 支点 lever n 杠杆 eg Give me a fulcrum and a lever and I can move the earth.