mmpyc吧 关注:18贴子:1,268



dolly        n              小车,手推车
upper-boddy    adj          上半身的
descendant    n             后裔
intellectual   adj           智力的   
eg    We are the intelectual descendants of archimedes
fulcrum       n              支点
lever         n             杠杆
eg    Give me a fulcrum and a lever and I can move the earth.

17楼2011-02-03 22:40
    incline          v         有倾斜趋势,倾斜
    plane            n         水平面
    Great caesar's ghost       天!
    chaos             n         混乱
    valid            adj       有效的,合乎逻辑多的
    garage sale                跳蚤市场
    compulsive                 强迫症
    label           n          标签
    Did it occur to you that not everyone has the compulsive need to sort,organize and label the entire world around them?

    18楼2011-02-03 23:42
      cocktail dress            鸡尾酒礼服,
      evening gown               晚礼服
      cereal           n          谷类,纤维素
      numerical              adj   数字的
      Hard as it may be for you to believe that most peopel don't sort their breakfast   cereal numerically by fiber content
      straighten up              整理
      immaculate                 完美无暇的
      closet                     衣柜
      web cam                    网络摄像头

      19楼2011-02-04 00:21
           We'll get out of your hair              我们不打扰你了
        insane          adj              发疯的
        hallway                           走廊
        jury                             陪审团
        register                         音区          in a lower register
        rouse                   v        振奋,唤醒
        granted      conj                 即使。不把什么当回事
        sarcasm                   n       名词
        unorthodox             adj       非正统的
        enhancement             n        增强
        sneak in                         = slide into

        20楼2011-02-04 00:36
          cross a line                    过分
          for god’s sake                 拜托,我的天哪
          creepy         adj              令人毛骨悚然的
          snore                 v          打鼾
          weird             adj           怪异的
          chatty           adj            罗嗦的
          intoxicating        adj          醉人的
          perfume         n               香水

          21楼2011-02-04 00:54
            penny for your thoughts              告诉我你想什么
            chase   kiss                           追吻。。。(神马东西?)
            infatuation                     n      痴迷
            devolve                      v        转移
            jealousy                     n        嫉妒
            eg       Please don't tell me your hopeless infatuation   is devolving into pointless jealousy.

            22楼2011-02-04 11:30
              retrieve             v         收回
              wreckage              n          废墟
              a self taught expert           自学成才的专家
              bind bound bound    v          被动,成为...的边界,被束缚
              eg Have you ever harmed a human being or though inaction allowed a human being tocome to hurt?
              tedious         adj            乏味的
              eligible        adj            合适的
              sway            v              使摇摆,使摇动

              23楼2011-02-04 12:04
                sui 和谐BD cide

                24楼2011-02-04 12:26
                      sui 和谐BD cide     n  

                  25楼2011-02-04 12:27

                    26楼2011-02-04 12:27
                      compile             v            编写,编制
                      asthma             n             哮喘
                      cuddly             adj           可爱的
                      nevertheless                    尽管如此
                      obiligate           v            对。。。。有责任或义务

                      27楼2011-02-04 12:27
                        awesome               adj         棒极了的

                        28楼2011-02-04 15:09
                          idiot         n          白痴
                          freaky       adj         怪异的
                          humiliate     v          使耻辱,使丢脸
                          penitentiary   n         监狱
                          crawl         v          爬进,蠕动进。   crawl into a hole
                          affectionate adj        充满深情的,温柔亲切的
                          code         n           法律,规章,许可。
                          Doesn't that volite the health code?
                          make out                 爱抚,亲吻

                          29楼2011-02-05 23:56
                            imply           v               暗示
                            confidentiality    n            秘密,机密
                            betray            v             背叛
                            franchise        n              特约许可店
                            mandarin         n              普通话
                            screw             n              螺丝钉
                                             v               用螺丝拧紧       screw up
                            enslave          v              奴役
                            warlock           n              术士,魔法师

                            30楼2011-02-06 00:11
                              incredible        adj       难以置信的
                              disgusting        adj       恶心的

                              31楼2011-02-06 01:19