9六一儿童节快乐(总感觉哪里不对) 好不容易等到当叔新专,刚打开电脑激动坏了 翻译完我感到了中华文字的博大精深emmmmm When the road is long And your strength is gone 路仍长,力不足 Remember I am just a prayer away When the way is hard 但请记住,当路途艰险,我会在你背后祈祷 And you are faint of heart Remember I am just a prayer away 当心怀胆怯,我会在你背后祈祷 Hold fast, I'll guide you through the night 勿停下脚步,我将作一盏明灯,引你穿越黑暗 And fear not, for I am by your side 不
2991.格式:开头必须为【OC】XXX(字数不限),违反者先劝告,然后进行修改,重新发贴。 2.图片:无论谁都可以开图片贴,但同一时期内尽量不要出现一个人发的很多图片贴子。这个还有必要再说明一下,近期本吧出现了很多类似于图片贴但本质上是水贴的贴子,这些我会加以警告。图片贴的话可以出现为搬运资讯(像我开的转载贴子),也可以是图楼(自己创作的或他人作品都可以)。 3.水贴:在专门为水贴准备的水贴贴里发,尽量发一些有意义的内122151190嗯这里是@乐观的一碗靓汤 的小号,水楼好久不开了,会定期更新的144吧主上线是3个,现在还剩两个名额 小吧主上线是10个(有的吧是30个,不过没什么必要),现在剩余名额10个 要求的话实际上也没什么,能做到比较活跃,能定期帮助清理广告就可以啦 有兴趣的猫头鹰们可以报名参加啦,大概哪位想申请在楼下说一声就好,嗯大概就这样 (楼主真的没什么经验,只当过一个吧的小吧主,没什么经验,还是请大家多多关照):D1276首先,祝大家新年快乐啦 然后,嗯......无视那些箭头嗯........... We wrote a prelude to our own fairy tale我们为自己的童话故事写了一篇序幕 and bought a parachute at a church rummagesale又在教堂义卖会上买了一个热气球 and with a mean sewing machine and miles ofthread用破旧的缝纫机和好多线 we sewed the day above L.A. in navy and red织出了洛杉矶那深蓝与红相间的天空 we roamed a racetrack through your mom's kitchenchairs我们在你妈妈的厨房椅子旁边走出了一条赛道 and fought the shadows back down your da45度娘盘资源,需要请自取。主要来源是动画电影吧吧友的慷慨分享(鞠躬)。应该都比较清楚,如果资源不合适我还可以帮忙找……吞了艾特我,我可以重发。爱丽丝漫游仙境和北京遇上西雅图的原声带里貌似有oc的歌,但电影中据说歌曲没出现,所以在此不放资源。45新歌斐济矿泉水,之前说好的歌词翻译,让大家久等了。最近比较懒→_→ 歌词只用了一小阵翻译,这次比较匆忙,没翻押韵,措辞和细节也会有不足,还是希望大家多指教吧。10之前说好的第二个版本的折翼鸟翻译……这次是【意译版本】,基本做到歌词相同的段落我根据情况采用了不同翻译~ 折翼鸟是我在mobile orchestra中最喜欢的一首歌,所以我就执着的翻译了两个版本……这首歌的歌词很哲学,在不同的时候读就会有不同体验吧。 歌词也可能有翻译不周全的地方,毕竟是个人理解,可能与原作有偏差。(自以为轻松鄙视qq音乐的翻译QAQ……一般我是看网上翻译不太好我才自己翻译的,像fireflies这种有大神翻译的超级厉害的6#OwlCity# Adam对新歌<Fiji Water>的官方视频介绍! <Fiji Water>、<The 5th of July>以及<All My Friends>这三首歌曲将作为新专的第一张Reel!12月1日正式发布! 原文+翻译: Fiji Water is a song I wrote about the very beginning of my career I was 22 years old I got on a plane for the first time in my life flew to New York City and I signed a deal with major record label. I wrote this song because it’s a story I haven’t told very many times it was this really pivotal moment in my life this weekend in 2008. And the more I thought back abou8Adam对新歌<The 5th of July>的视频介绍(原文+翻译) 这首<The 5th of July>是第一张Reel之一,另外两首是<Fiji Water>和<All My Friends>!12月1日(周五)正式发布! 视频在线:https://m.weibo.cn/2817894354/4179430185980000 以下原文+翻译: The 5th of July is a song about the night I was born. I sat down with my parents and I said can you guys tell me everything you can remember about that night. And what it was like for you and they said it was the middle of the night we jumped in the car and raced to the nearest hospital. My mom likes181314来自@我是屁股123 和 @枭城居士 的翻译。 留个纪念。13这个是去年翻译的歌词,今天搬运到贴吧上来…… 因为这首歌的歌词很短,所以我把它翻译成了一首七言小诗,两句一个押韵(全部押韵实在是达不到),希望你们会喜欢! 还有一件事:翻译的语句和文采方面欢迎提意见~43412111521#OwlCity# 新专辑<Cinematic>首单<All My Friends>已经上架新西兰区iTunes,新专辑也同时开启了预购2018年6月1日正式发行! 今年6月16发行的父亲节单曲<Not All Heroes Wear Capes>也收录首其中! 共18首曲目: 01 Fiji Water 02 The 5th of July 03 All My Friends 04 House Wren 05 Not All Heroes Wear Capes 06 Montana 07 Lucid Dream 08 Always 09 Cloud Nice 10 Winners Never Quit 11 Madeleine Island 12 Be Brave 13 New York City 14 Firebird 15 Cinematic 16 All My Friends (Alt Version) 17 Montana (Alt Version) 18 Firebird (Alt Version) 新单有1827023Hi guys, At long last, I've completed what I set out to do with the Adam Young project. Over the course of 2016, I created 11 full scores, a total of 106 cues, and as a result, I’ve gained new skills and fresh perspective. I’m excited to begin working on new Owl City music, but I’ve enjoyed creating these Adam Young scores so much, I’ve decided to leave the door open to continue releasing new music through ayoungscores.com. Starting January 1, my plan is to focus on Owl City, but I'm keeping the Adam Young portal active for moments of inspiration that move me to create new scores. I’194176418648某人想更新这类贴子结果被度娘疯吞………………把他叫来@乐观的一碗靓汤 (表示跟我没关系,只是帮忙发主题贴)(度娘别吞)