【God’sMessage】 Lyrics by MikeWyzgowski h tt p://evangelion.w iki a.com/wiki/Gods_Message 《神谕》 Teachings of ancient prophets Teachings of ancient prophets Scriptures of god's own message 远古先知的教诲 远古先知的教诲 天神本尊的卷轴 Delivering gods message moral codes by which we have chosen to heed Biblical instructions which will govern our existence 传达神之意志 枷附道德于人 圣言教诲吾等 敬畏神而生存
【TheUltimate Soldier】 Lyrics by Mike Wyzgowski h tt p://evangelion.w iki a.com/wiki/The_Ultimate_Soldier 《战争之雄》 A fist of fury, a deadly weapon, rapier of havoc, raised up in anger, born to do battle, without compassion, more than a soldier, more than a killer 暴怒的拳头 是致命的武器,混沌的长剑 在暴怒中觉醒,为战争而生 冷酷而无情 比兵士更无情 比杀手更冷酷 And in his trail is mayhem, destruction always followed. By stricken enemies of, the soldier of no sorrow. The band of menace beckons, in numbers his protection. The leaders of the raiders, the brothership forever 怒者之路,遍野荒弃,天毁地灭 不知痛苦之军士,挫败寇敌 响应召唤之凶兵,拥护领袖 战争之雄,兄弟之谊,天荒地老
【DarkDefender】 Lyrics byMike Wyzgowski h tt p://evangelion.w iki a.com/wiki/Dark_Defender 《守望者》 Engines on... feel the noise feel the heat... power surge in the air... soaring in to the skies... sentinel 引擎燃烧,噪声震天 热浪滚滚,澎湃激昂 弥漫四境,直冲云霄 希望之舰,护天卫士 Nothing compares power with grace and beauty on high 九天之上,她的雄伟壮丽无与伦比 up in the clouds hear the majestic thunder rain down 在那云端,恁她神罚之雷骤如雨下 Watcher of all sheltering from all danger we perceive there could be metal machine guardian of our right to harmony that we seek. 吾等一直苦苦追寻 高高在上的守望者 一切危难的庇护所 就是这钢铁的雄魂 和平之路的坚守者
【TheAnthem】 Lyrics byMike Wyzgowski h tt p://evangelion.w iki a.com/wiki/The_Anthem 《圣歌》 Victory over this land we will fight for our liberty Armed with the greatest of men and machinery this is the fight for our truth and our destiny 胜利! 我们越过这片大地,为自由而努力 武装战士中的精英,最强悍的兵器 我们用这场战争,捍卫真理与命运! As one into the skies, under the sea, over the land, we will remain free. 我们团结一心 上天入海,越过大地,我们终将自由 To the fight we will take stealth in the air, jet fighters flare take them apart, all out attack, strength on the ground, tanks will abound nowhere to run from our guns cunning of the sea, in submarines silently run then we strike we will be mastered by no one we fly the flag of the triumphant 在这场战争中 战机鬼行天空 火力四射,血染天空 坦克匍匐大地 炮火之下,无人能逃 潜艇潜游大海 无声无息,击杀寇敌 我们不会被任何人奴役 我们高举着胜利的旗帜 Victory!! 胜利!
【Out ofthe Dark】 Lyrics by Mike Wyzgowski h tt p://evangelion.w iki a.com/wiki/Out_of_the_Dark 《创世纪》 Out of the dark when the world was nothing from emptiness he began creation on the first day where no light had shown and so lit the sky for the first time ever 在无垠黑暗外的混沌之初 他从虚无中开始了创世纪 在光暗尚未分离的第一日 一缕光明打破天空的宁静 after light the heavens opened for us all to have a place where our spirits go let there be a great expanse of air dividing water from above and below this was his heaven the seas did gather dry land did follow light in the heavens the sun and moon and all living creatures were then created to be forever 在那缕光明之后,天堂敞开大门,供我们的灵魂来此静息 诸水之间要有空气,将水分为上下 天空就此诞生 大海汇聚了水 大地从中显露 天上之光 日月星辰 世间万物 从此创生 万世不息 注释: 《圣经》 创世纪 1:4 神看光是好的,就把光暗分开了。 1:6 神说,诸水之间要有空气,将水分为上下
【Trust】 Lyrics by Mike Wyzgowski h tt p://evangelion.w iki a.com/wiki/Trust 《信赖》 Learn to trust, if you must, learn to love then learn to trust turn your back, close your eyes, open minds will learn to trust 如果不得已,就学会信赖吧,要学会信赖,先要学会爱 浪子回头,闭眼静思,打开心灵,学会信赖 and be trusted so the guardian of all that is secure and precious is you 得到了信赖,你就将成为一切珍重事物的保卫者 注:鄙人真心琢磨不出来第二句话怎么翻比较雅观
【Returnto Ash】 Lyrics by Mike Wyzgowski h tt p://evangelion.w iki a.com/wiki/Return_to_Ash 《化为灰烬》 Time stands still as battle worn beneath your feet the blood runs cold no one moves 战争洗不尽时间的沧桑 脚下的鲜血却已然冰凉 无人移步 Death, wasteland, razed to the ground, gone, perished what life therewas and ghostly in the darkness, there cast a shadow, mirroring madness Echoes the work of the devil the death and destruction the symbol of Hades the heat and the hatred the breakdown of life leaves us sorrow and strife and we all will return to the ash 过去生命繁衍的地方,已然夷为荒芜,化为死亡之野 无垠的黑暗之中,冥冥射出一缕阴暗,映射着无稽的疯狂 回响着恶魔的杰作 死亡与毁灭 冥王的符号 酷热与憎恨 生命的崩毁 留给我们痛苦与不和 我们最终将化为灰烬 注释: the work of the devil the death and destruction the symbol of Hades …… 几句是并列的,主语是上面的shadow
【It will mean Victory】 Lyrics by Mike Wyzgowski h tt p://evangelion.w iki a.com/wiki/It_will_mean_Victory 《胜利在望》 Stand up for the fight, time to be counted new warriors come deadly invasion scum from hell fire 时日已至,起身战斗 新的敌人无情的进攻凶残犹如地狱的赤炎 thousands are the beast in number right to the end we will battle our demons we'll kill every one as we fight for our freedom 擢发难数的野兽蜂拥而来我们将与这群恶魔背水一战我们将为自由杀的他们片甲不留 So let nothing put asunder dissipate all that has come to demolish (us) punish the enemy once and for all (and then) 不要让任何外物离间我们 放逐所有前来造访的敌人 惩戒他们,一了百了! Only the banishment of our aggressors'will finally mean victory. 只有永远的放逐来犯者才会带来最终的胜利! 注:so let nothingput asunder似乎会有歧义,请各位自行分辨吧
【Betrayal】 Lyrics by Mike Wyzgowski h tt p://evangelion.w iki a.com/wiki/Betrayal 《背叛》 With vengeance retribution will be sought with time the sacrifice the crime 伴随着复仇,无法被时光洗净的惩罚 终会和牺牲与罪恶一起降临 Apostles feed upon the flesh and in return the poor soul reaches our wrest crippled mental torture the chance to be immortal 信徒们食下血肉,扭曲自己可悲的灵魂 用残缺的心灵换来一线永生的机会 Once friends betrayed so ruthless, now dead his friend and friendship once friends betrayed so heartless, memories crushed to ashes 过去的朋友如此冷酷的背叛,友谊与伙伴如烟般逝去 过去的朋友如此无情的背叛,与他们的回忆化为灰烬