安好,我在,今天又闹矛盾了,我不高兴,你也不开心,我也不知道是怎么了,跟你说也说不清,就只是眼泪往下掉,我知道,我叫你删那个帖子不对,但我还是叫你删了,也没什么大不了,我们依旧是好基友啊,我愿君安好,我一直都在 !!! The reason we can't say those three words to each other,isn't because they aren't true -----月月
打了半个小时的电话,估计你舍友都快急死了,都喊你去打游戏,游戏,游戏,游戏,以后别给我说你眼睛跟腰疼,要不然,我们合伙把你两台电脑都搜刮来,亲爱的,晚安 !!! The reason we can't say those three words to each other,isn't because they aren't true -----月月
撒比,老子刚才在洗澡,就没接你电话,我艹,给你回过去,你也不接,闹哪样,中午说的是玩笑,尼玛,你还不了解我 !!! The reason we can't say those three words to each other,isn't because they aren't true -----月月
乖乖,以后要对我有信心,听见没,我知道一辈子不能轻易说出口,但是我既然说了,我就能做到,一辈子的友谊,我有信心做到,你没信心,我帮你树立,记得啦 !!! The reason we can't say those three words to each other,isn't because they aren't true -----月月