-其实,你比我们都幸福。 -难过了,有那么多的人安慰你。 -无聊了,有那么多人陪着你。 -你还有什么不满足的。 -In fact, you're better than we are happy. -Sad that so many people comfort you -Boring, and there are so many people with you -What you have not satisfied
-你说,你没朋友,没人和你玩。 -我们找你的时候,你理过我们么,不每次都用脏话叫我们滚。 - You say you do not friend, and you did not play. - We find you, you What reason have we not always told us to roll with the bad language.
-我们完了几年,你说不理就不理 -好吧,你不理我,我何必理你 -你为何又在别人面前说我坏话 - We finished a few years, you say to ignore to ignore - Well, you ignore me, why should I care about you - Why did you say ill of me in front of others