1. In an age where there is more information available than ever before, we may end up being one of the least informed people in recent history--content with sitting by a computer or cell phone texting some inane personal comment about of a nonexistent story while the world goes up in flames around us.
2. Russia grabbed the headlines last month by planting a flag on the ocean bed to dramatize its claim under the UN Law of the Sea to oil and mineral rights beneath a large part of the ocean. Other nations surrounding the ocean are equally determined to grab a slice of the action.
3. Although people cannot choose their parents or slow down the march of years, they can do a great deal to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, first and foremost by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Avoid being overweight; follow a prudent diet; and incorporate physical activity into your daily life, as this helps you avoid disorders of the blood fats, development of diabetes or pre-diabetes, and the onset or aggravation of high blood pressure. Moreover, do not smoke, or stop if you do.
4. The U.S. Department of Agriculture banned Canadian beef in May after mad-cow disease turned up into a single calf there. Now it is America's turn. More than 30 countries have banned U.S. beef imports since the disease was detected in a slaughtered six-year-old in Washington State on Dec 23rd.
5. Gordon Brown has not been short of crises since becoming prime minister, with everything from incompetent terrorists plots to record-breaking floods to contend with. The most recent began on August 3rd, when cows at a farm near Guildford, in southern England, tested positive for foot-and-mouth disease, a contagious and debilitating sickness that mainly affects cloven-hoofed animals.
6. The old Utopian dream that the Internet would undermine the very notion of the nation state belongs in the dustbin of hisotry. The reality is rather more mundane: the sorts of disagreements that characterize other global issues, such as trade, the environment and human rights, are now migrating to the net work, as the Internet becomes part of the fabric of everyday life.
7. Today's vehicles bear little resemblance to the shaky craft flown at Kitty Hawk on December 17th, 1903, by Wilbur and Orville Wright. New craft have broken the sound barrier, mastered vertical take-off and landing and visited the moon.