1. In an age where there is more information available than ever before, we may end up being one of the least informed people in recent history--content with sitting by a computer or cell phone texting some inane personal comment about of a nonexistent story while the world goes up in flames around us.
2. Russia grabbed the headlines last month by planting a flag on the ocean bed to dramatize its claim under the UN Law of the Sea to oil and mineral rights beneath a large part of the ocean. Other nations surrounding the ocean are equally determined to grab a slice of the action.
3. Although people cannot choose their parents or slow down the march of years, they can do a great deal to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, first and foremost by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Avoid being overweight; follow a prudent diet; and incorporate physical activity into your daily life, as this helps you avoid disorders of the blood fats, development of diabetes or pre-diabetes, and the onset or aggravation of high blood pressure. Moreover, do not smoke, or stop if you do.