标题:Henan Rebecca Hair ProductsSales Channel Streamlining Sharpens Strengths
发布日期:2016-04-18 10:23:23
内容: Company Profile Henan Rebecca Hair Products (600439: SH) manufactures wigs, fiber hair, and hair pieces usedfor hair styling, hair extension, and training purposes in beauty salons. The Company exportsits products mainly to the United States and Europe. Event Henan Rebecca Hair Products has recently released its 2015 financial report, stating that thecompany recorded CNY 1.95 billion in operating revenue, up 0.67% YoY. The net profitattributable to the parent company was CNY 141 million, down 9.56% YoY. Earnings per sharewas CNY 0.15. The company declared to pay cash dividend of CNY 0.5 per ten shares.
发布日期:2016-04-18 10:23:23
内容: Company Profile Henan Rebecca Hair Products (600439: SH) manufactures wigs, fiber hair, and hair pieces usedfor hair styling, hair extension, and training purposes in beauty salons. The Company exportsits products mainly to the United States and Europe. Event Henan Rebecca Hair Products has recently released its 2015 financial report, stating that thecompany recorded CNY 1.95 billion in operating revenue, up 0.67% YoY. The net profitattributable to the parent company was CNY 141 million, down 9.56% YoY. Earnings per sharewas CNY 0.15. The company declared to pay cash dividend of CNY 0.5 per ten shares.