1.height to architectural top
2.highest occupied floor
3.height to top of roof
4.height to tip
in the running 有取胜的希望
the floor where people can be 人们能够到达的楼层
the measurement 测量
the United Arab Emirates 阿联酋
the criteria 标准
名词前用 the 特指某物,比如一栋建筑或一个组织。
I've never seen the Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia. 我从没看过马来西亚的双子塔。
Our firm works with the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. 我们公司与高层建筑和城市住宅委员会合作。
最高级结构中使用 the。
It isn't easy to determine which building is the tallest in the world. 要确定世界最高建筑并不容易。
使用 the 为特定事物下定义。
They're the long pieces of metal on top of buildings that receive TV and radio signals.
使用 the 特指已知事物或各方都了解的事物。注意在下例中,a man 是如何变为 the man 的:
I saw a man trying to get into the Empire State Building without paying. The man was caught by security guards and thrown out. 我看到一名男子不买票就想进入帝国大厦。那名男子给保安抓住,然后撵走了。
I prefer the country because there are no tall buildings. 我喜欢乡村,因为乡村没有高楼大厦。
I couldn't find the museum because of the fog. 由于雾太大,我找不到那家博物馆。
在指代自然界独一无二的物体时使用 the,比如 the sun、the moon、the stars、the sky 和 the universe。
The average distance from the Earth to the sun is 150 million kilometers. 地球到太阳的平均距离为 1.5 亿千米。
The stars in the sky were bright and beautiful as we walked along the dark road. 天空繁星点点,明亮而美丽,我们走在漆黑的路上。
How big is the universe? Nobody knows. In fact, there may even be other universes out there we don't even know of. 宇宙有多大?没人知道。事实上,甚至可能存在我们根本都不知道的其他宇宙。
大洲、国家、州或城市的名字前不要使用 the,除非是复数形式或属于名字的一部分。国家名字中含有定冠词的并不多。请看下面一些例子:
the Netherlands
the Philippines
the United Arab Emirates
the United Kingdom
the United States of America
日期、月份或季节之前不要使用 the,除非你是指特定的某天、某月或某个季节。
The summer of 2012 was one of the hottest in years. 2012 年的夏天是多年来最炎热的一个夏天。
The month of May is my favorite season. 五月是我们最喜爱的季节。
It's an intriguing blend of the old and new. 它是新旧的迷人融合。
The architecture is odd. 建筑风格很奇怪。
The area is comparatively noisy. 那一地区比较嘈杂。
The arches are profoundly beautiful. 这些拱门非常迷人。
I have no doubt that Shanghai's reputation for innovative architecture will be maintained. 我毫不怀疑上海在创新建筑方面的名声会延续下去。
The Bund has a special place in my heart. 外滩在我心中占据着特殊的位置。
The Temple of the Town God is genuinely fit for a heavenly being. 城隍庙非常适合祭祀神灵。
The Oriental Pearl Tower makes you feel like you've been kidnapped by aliens. 东方明珠塔让你感觉好像被外星人绑架了一样。
Discovering the old and the new
by Fiona Mills
The buildings of Shanghai are simply breathtaking in their size and diversity. The city has an impressive number of modern skyscrapers – more than a thousand, according to some counts – that are in sharp contrast to several styles of architecture from different time periods.
The Bund offers the perfect tour of sophisticated European buildings, many constructed in the mid-1800s to early 1900s in various gorgeous styles, including Renaissance, Baroque and neo-classical. The area is attractively situated along the Huangpu River. Look across the Huangpu for one of the city's most intriguing architectural contrasts: Pudong, with buildings that look like they belong in a science-fiction movie. Here, you'll immediately notice Shanghai's most famous building, the Oriental Pearl Tower. It's definitely not the world's most beautiful building, but it is one of the tallest (at 468 meters) and most unusual. The spire and antennas reach an impressive 118 meters high. Near the Pearl is the Shanghai World Financial Center, which, with 101 floors, is China's tallest building.
Don't miss the former French Concession, which has a special place in my heart. The comparatively quiet streets are lined with French architecture and vibrant green trees. Two favorite buildings are the Little Red House, which used to be a record company and is now a restaurant; and the Normandie, an exquisite, eight-story apartment building that invites you to dream about how the people of Shanghai lived in the 1930s.
Shanghai's Shikumen houses are a masterful blend of Chinese and European stone architecture. Each house features a large, stone entrance that opens up onto a small courtyard. The Old City is the best place to see traditional Chinese architecture. Shanghai's Temple of the Town God was first constructed in the early 15th century. The temple is topped with the delicately profound arches of traditional Chinese roofs.
All in all, there's more to Shanghai than meets the eye. Whether you're a slave to modern architectural fashions, or prefer getting lost down traditional tree-lined streets with old buildings to either side, there's something in Shanghai for everyone.