选中音效: "A new task?"新任务吗? “Aren't there other units to bother?"就不能去找其他单位吗? "Oh, here we go again."噢,又来了 "Oh, more orders."噢,更多的命令 "So tired... last night was amazing."太累了……昨晚真是美妙 "This better be good."这最好有用 "What?"什么? "What do you want now?"现在又要怎么了 "What's up? Any infected around?"怎么了?附近有僵尸吗? "Yes, tell me. But be quick."是的,告诉我,但是快一点 "You again?"又是你? "You are going to pay me for this, right?"你要为此付我钱的,对吧?
移动音效: "Are you sure?"你确定? "Gotcha."懂了 "Great."好极了 "Great idea! No, I'm just kidding."好主意!不,我开玩笑的 "I hope you're not wasting my time."希望你不是在浪费我的时间 "Okay."好的 "Whatever you say. As long as you pay me."只要你付钱,你说什么我都照办 "Yeah."好的 "Yes."好 "You call that a plan?"这也能叫计划? "You order, you pay."你下令,你付钱
攻击音效: "Faster than my bow!"有本事比我的箭快! "Let me put an arrow in his head!"让我一箭射穿他的头 "My bow is ready!"我的弓准备好了! "Right between the eyes."正中眉心(本句实际上还有“突然发生”的意思,不知道游侠想表达的是哪一种) "Straight to the heart!"正中心脏! "Taste my arrows!"尝尝我的箭!
(官方资料) The Ranger is a unit in They AreBillions. The Ranger is built in Soldiers Center. 游侠是亿万僵尸中的单位,可由军营训练出来 It is a cheap, quick unit with a bow andarrows as a weapon. According to the in-game description this unit is best usedto scout and hunt down small groups of infected since its weapon is silent anddoes not attract many infected. 她是一种用弓箭攻击的廉价、快速的单位。根据游戏内描述,由于游侠的弓箭不会造成噪音(僵尸只会被噪音吸引),她们最适合于侦查以及消灭小股尸群。 Because of their low cost and maintenance,they can easily be built in masses. After the early game, however, they areoften replaced with Soldiers and Snipersdue to their lack of overall firepower. 由于造价和维护费低廉,玩家可以很容易地训练出大批游侠。但是在游戏初期结束后,游侠往往会因为综合火力不足而被士兵和狙击手所取代。 They are really useful when near a Village of Doom, because they don't triggeradditional zombie waves and don't attract many nearby zombies when attackingunless in large groups. 游侠在靠近厄运小屋(小王)时十分有用,因为她们不会造成暴动或者引来尸潮,除非游侠数量过多(按贴吧大佬们说的单位时间噪音不为0了)
出场音效 "Reportingfor duty!" 向您报道! 选中音效: "Atyour service." 为您效劳 "Anyorders?" 有命令吗? "Commander?"指挥官?(玩家) "Iseverything okay?" 一切都还好吗? "Justtell me what to do." 只需告诉我要做什么 "Orders,sir." 命令,长官 "Readyand waiting."准备并等待着 "Tellme." 告诉我 "Justguide me to the Infected." 只需引我前往僵尸处 "Sorrysir, was just cleaning my weapon." 抱歉,长官,我刚在擦拭我的武器
(官方资料) The Soldier is a unit in They AreBillions. The Soldier is built in Soldiers Center. 士兵是亿万僵尸里的单位,可由军营训练出来。 Soldiers are versatile units thatprimarily act as hardy frontline infantry, having more health than Rangersand more armor than both Rangers and Snipers. 士兵是用途广泛的单位,主要充当着坚韧的前线战斗者,拥有多于游侠的生命值,以及多于游侠和狙击手两者的护甲值(减伤)。 Their submachine gun is powerful enoughto stop small groups of infected with relative ease, but the noisethey generate can attract nearby infected if the player is not careful,possibly triggering Villages of Doom. 他们的轻机枪有足够的能力去相对轻松地解决较少的僵尸,但是玩家走神的话他们可能会引发暴动或者招惹到老王(轻机枪单位噪音比较大)。 The Soldier acts as a middle groundbetween the Ranger and Sniper in terms of firepower, having a faster firingrate than both. This allows them to be better at defending against normalinfected and reasonably good against Infected Venoms because they have resistanceagainst venom (50%), making them effective defensive units, especially whenplaced in towers to extend their range. 士兵的火力在游侠与狙击手之间,但射速超过两者。这一优势使得他擅长防御普通僵尸以及五娃(50%的毒抗),让他成为聚居地坚实的防御力量,尤其是上塔扩程之后更是威力倍增。
A unique bonus that this unit has isthat it acquires more experience of the zombies than the other units, allowingit to reach the veteran degree faster. Another extra bonus of Soldiers is thatthey regenerate their health at the rate of 5 HP/sec, making them usable fasteragain, after taking heavy damage. 士兵的独有特性是获得经验的速度比其他单位高,这使得士兵成为老兵的速度也随之提高。此外士兵能以5点/秒的速度回复生命,这让士兵们即使遭受重创也能在短时间修整后重新投入战斗。 Squads of soldiers can be adequate forclearing the map of normal infected, but caution must be taken when they willbe attacked by Infected Harpies. 小队士兵可以有效剿灭正常僵尸群,但是请注意鹰身女妖的威胁。(这段话结尾的“infected Harpies”即指鹰身女妖)
出场音效: "Sniper is ready."狙击手就位 选中音效 "Death, lovely death."死亡,美好的死亡 "I need to kill something."我得杀点东西 "I need to 'splode a skull."我要在人头上打洞 "Just give me something to shoot."随便给我点东西打 "Just tell me what to kill."告诉我杀谁就行 "Last night I dreamt of brains exploding."昨晚我梦到了脑子爆炸(没有主语,狙击手此处表达的不知道是谁的头爆炸,应该指的是尸群被爆头) "My rifle is ready."我的(狙击)步枪准备好了 "Your sniper, at your service."您的狙击手为您效劳 "Nothing better than to put some bullets through somebrains."没有什么比爆头更好的事了 "So many targets, gonna love it."这么多目标,一定会喜欢的(仍然是由于没主语造成的表意不明) "Tell me your darkest thoughts."告诉我你最黑暗的想法 "Who do you want me to punish?"你希望我惩罚谁?