0经核实吧主Humphrey_Kirk 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 defenders吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
7科科酱还在这里吗 0 0
0You and I are almost out of time to avoid a heartbreaking tragedy. Two different American wolves could become extinct in the wild within the
5这吧都快成费吧了。。。。。 没什么人发帖,连最后一次发帖时间还在8月15号。。。唉。。。。
00Idaho’s wolves are headed for disaster. More than 1,100 wolves have been killed since the premature delisting of Idaho’s wolves in 2011. F3Red wolves still in dire straits, and the Service isn’t helping: With fewer than 100 wild red wolves left in the wild, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently announced that it will complete an evaluation of the Red Wolf Recovery Program. However, it seems that the wolves’ best interests aren’t truly being considered. The evaluation does not meet legal requirements that govern completion of status reviews for endangered species, including adequate public notice and opportunity to comment. The Service is giving the public less than two-weeks’ notice about public meetings which have4这个吧好像没有什么人了(我是pony),感觉好无聊。。。。15Bringing Climate Change Home: New Assessment of U.S. Climate Impacts1本吧更新为何如此之慢1Idaho has made it clear that it plans to kill as many wolves as possible. It’s time to take decisive action. That’s why Defenders has form1Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund puts together an annual report card that evaluates how all members of Congress voted on key conservation i1感谢Defenders of wildlife吧吧友光临我野生动物保护吧,我代表野生动物保护吧对此进行诚挚的谢意。愿我们两吧越办越好,更愿两吧友谊长存。2翻译:H. Kirk9It’s Time for a Serious Course Correction on Wolves124 JANUARY 2014 Wolf Weekly Wrap-Up Posted by: Melanie Gade | 2 comments | Share:15No Wolves Killed In Idaho Hunting Derby: Despite outcry from the environmental community and Defenders’ best efforts – which resulted in o3十二月27日1022@wangzihe0822Putting Politics Before Science Won’t Save the Lobo9翻译: @wangzihe08 @humphrey_kirk