So far I have to say that if fans of bass worried about the bass of VSD1 - they shouldn't. IMO it's the bassiest of the whole sub-$100 bunch and I haven't heard the gr07BE but I guess the VSD1 will be more in line with it as it is bassier than gr07 mk2. It's got thickness and impact, which should make vsonic reconsider the Bass Edition moniker of the GR02BE. I don't think there'll be any disappointed bassheads.
目前为止 我觉得低频控完全不用担心VSD1的低频,我觉得它是100刀内低频最OK的了 (我没有听过GR07哟) 但是我觉得低频应该比07多一些。 低频的密度 下潜(?) 都可以秒了GR02的BASS版。低频控们不会失望的。。。
渣翻译 见谅。。。
目前为止 我觉得低频控完全不用担心VSD1的低频,我觉得它是100刀内低频最OK的了 (我没有听过GR07哟) 但是我觉得低频应该比07多一些。 低频的密度 下潜(?) 都可以秒了GR02的BASS版。低频控们不会失望的。。。
渣翻译 见谅。。。