75.锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。 度娘:ChuHeRiDangWu, sweat wo soil. Who knows Chinese food, every grain of hard work.【锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土壤。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。】 谷歌:Hoe Wo day when afternoon , sweat Wo soil . Who knows dishes on the menu , fruit of hard toil .【锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知道菜单上的菜肴,粒粒皆辛苦。】谁知道我翻译的有多辛苦…度受尼玛你第一句是要闹那样啊
76.执子之手,方知子丑。泪流满面,子不走我走。 度娘:Holds hand of the child, I know the ugly. In tears, I'm leaving the son.【执子之手,我知道丑。在流泪,我离开的儿子。】 谷歌:Hold hands , we know Zichou . Burst into tears, the child does not take me away .【紧握双手,我们知道子丑。泪流满面,子不走我走。】 谷君终于找到了小伙伴
77.我要说的只有三句。这一句加上前面的一句。我的话说完了! 度娘:I have to say that only three sentences. This is a plus in front of a sentence. I finished saying!【我要说的只有三句话。这是在句子前加上。我说完了!】 谷歌:I would say only three . This is a plus in front of one . I finished saying !【我想说的只有三个。这是一个加在前面的一个。我的话说完了!】 有个字么??我有说么??
78.不要问我有没有十五字你自己不会数吗 度娘:Don't ask me to have fifteen words you do not count【不要问我有十五句话你不算】 谷歌:Do not ask me if I had fifteen words you do not count【不要问我,如果我有15个字,你不要指望】你不要指望了…/流泪