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【2017前来考古/翻译】一些细节资料 ヾ(´・∀・)ノ



IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端1楼2017-05-30 19:29回复

    IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端2楼2017-05-30 19:29
      【Stick Sean/肖恩】
      • Stick Sean is roommates with Stick Brian.
      • It's unknown if Stick Sean's portals could lead to anywhere else without him looking. Judging by the cutscenes from Slush Invaders: Game, he requires a line of sight to create portals.
      • Thanks to his warping abilities, he is one of the fastest fighters.
      • He has something toward Steric.
      In all Slush Fighter-related works, Stick Sean is shown shouting "IM THE MAN" (yes, in all caps) for about half a second or less (the end of the movie, the 1-minute recap, and a cutscene in Slush Tile Rush). It can safely be assumed that this is his self-entitled catch phrase.
      • Stick Sean's locked image shows him stuck in a glass box.
      • Stick Sean's portal generating abilities are a reference to the game Portal.
      • Stick Sean's ultra (Wormhole) is one of few supportive (no damage) Ultra Attacks.
      • Stick Sean was the Slush Fighter that saved everyone from being blown up on the moon (well, using Steric's rifle, that did)...
      It would be noted that, even though Steric didn't do anything, both of them saved everyone from the Moon Explosion. Steric helped indirectly, and Stick Sean saved everyone.
      • Whenever Stick Sean opens a portal, his hand can be seen on the inside waving (Note that he may or may not be on the other side while the inside him waves).
      • Sean is the only fighter to have an animated sprite.
      • If you take a look closely at his portals, you can see his hand making the portal. It's unknown how he makes those portals and still attack at the same time.
      • Stick Sean's portal's match the color of the portals in the game "Portal".
      • Stick Sean is also one of the Slush Fighters in the game whose name has a dual color, unlike the other Slush Fighters.
      His name colors are Violet and Orange.
      • His powers defy the fact that, stated in the Portal games, portals can only be shot onto a surface with liquid moon rock on it.

      IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端3楼2017-05-30 19:29
        【Ben Stickobi/本】
        Ben Stickobi (Ben) is a green stickman with a white outline who is a member of the Slush Fighters. He wields a blue lightsaber that he can throw. His name, weapon, and abilities are a reference to Ben Kenobi from Star Wars.
        In addition, Ben can also transform into a living lightsaber, as shown through his Ultra Attack in the game.
        本是一个有白色轮廓线的绿色火柴人,他是Slush战士的一员。他使用一把他可以扔的蓝色激光剑。他的名字,武器以及能力都有参考于星战中的Ben Kenobi
        Slush Invaders
        Along with Sticorey, Ben Stickobi hid in the bushes, waiting to strike the team of Drabs guarding Stedro, Stickyle, and Stucker. As soon as a Drab went to check the bush they were hiding in, Sticorey punched him out while Ben pulled out his lightsaber and starting slashing some Drabs. Just when one was about to shoot and kill Sticorey, however, Ben freed Stedro, Stickyle, and Stucker, and all four stopped and defeated the last Drab. Ben also appeared in the montage, where he hits a Blue with his lightsaber. He later made an appearance at the end of the movie, where he, along with the rest of the Slush Fighters, ganged up on Big Blue.
        本和Coery一起躲在灌木丛里,等着去攻击那些监视着佩德罗,凯尔和塔克的Drab。在Drab走去检查他们躲着的那片灌木丛的一瞬间,Coery将他一拳打倒在地,同时本也抽出激光剑劈砍其余的一些Drab。就在一个Drab将要射杀Coery时,本救出了佩德罗,凯尔和塔克,他们四个一起解决了最后一个Drab。在叠化剪辑中,本用自己的激光剑击中了一个Blue。后来他出现在电影结尾,和其余的Slush战士联合对付Big Blue
        • Ben Stickobi is one of the Slush Fighters captured by Big Blue's men. He is later rescued after beating Drillfield Night.
        本是被Bige Blue手下抓获的Slush战士之一。他在Drillfield Night被打败后被获救。
        • Ben Stickobi is the only Slush Fighter that is a Jedi.
        • Ben Stickobi could have gotten his lightsaber from another Jedi Master (or maybe Stick Waqas made it for him).
        • Ben Stickobi is roommates with Sticorey.
        • Ben Stickobi is the first Slush Fighter to actually be introduced, since he reveals the Stickpage logo before the movie starts, if you watched on Stickpage or Newgrounds.
        • Ben Stickobi is one of the Slush Fighters that references a character or characters from a different movie or game, as he references Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi from George Lucas' Star Wars series and franchise.
        • Ben's locked image shows him tied-up on both his arms and feet by a metal coil and with his lightsaber on the ground nearby.
        • He is the only person who uses one sword as his primary weapon, as the other sword user, Stomar, uses two swords, and Sthomas uses his katana only in his Ultra Attack.
        • He's one of two characters, along with Stick Michael, that can change into a different form. For Ben, he can change into a human lightsaber.

        IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端5楼2017-05-30 19:34

          IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端6楼2017-05-30 19:35
            漏掉的配图:Stick Sean肖恩/Stomar奥马尔/Ben stikobe本

            IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端8楼2017-05-31 13:13
              Steric (Eric) is a light blue stick man with blue outline who's a member of the Slush Fighters. He wields a high-powered sniper rifle and prefers to get closer to his targets in both the first movie and the first game, while in the second game, he wields a sniper rifle. Steric also has the tendency to quick-scope, or shoot without looking into the sniper rifle's scope. This is a reference to many FPS's, but especially the Call of Duty series. He also might be rivals with Stick JK since they are both snipers. Unlike JK, he likes to get up close and personal with his targets.
              Slush Invaders
              In the movie, Steric is first introduced while using his scope. He and Staddison teamed up to take on a small group of Drabs.
              Steric was first seen sniping down a group of Blues and Drabs on the high floors of Slusher, creating an opening to the elevator for Westick, Joshtick and Stick JK to rescue Standrew, who is being held hostage at the highest floor of the Tower. When reinforcements arrived, Steric quickly quick-scoped one of them before doing a 360* quick-scope to eliminate the second Drab that was present. Later on Staddison arrived and took down the third Drab, before using a flashbang to blind the last two Drabs, with Steric taking down one of them and with Staddison taking down the last one before earning a Killstreak Bonus.
              Slush Invaders: Game
              Steric is one of the fighters captured by Big Blue's men, where he was caught by rope on his foot before being dragged upwards by the reinforcement Blues. You can rescue him along with Stomar and Sthomas after defeating them as the Bluish Fighters.
              埃里克是被Big Blue的手下抓获的战士之一。他的脚被Blue援军的绳子缠住并向上拖走。你可以在打败这些由他、奥马尔和托马斯组成的Bluish战士后同时解救他们。
              Steric, along Sthomas and Stomar, are first seen after the assault on Big Blue and his Invaders in Galaxyrise, where him and the other two are imprisoned in a cage, with Big Blue watching them as Stomar tries to reach him with his sword. Later he calls a Blue who is holding a can of Blue Paint, and then dumps it on all three of them, knocking them all unconscious for some reason. When Standrew and the team arrived and broke the cage to rescue them, all three suddenly attacked Standrew, as the Blue Paint corrupted them into becoming their evil counterparts, the Bluish Fighters.
              埃里克、奥马尔和托马斯第一次出现在Galaxyrise,那时他们正在攻击Big Blue和他的入侵者们,同时也是在这个地方,他们三个被关进了一个笼子。在Big Blue观察他们的时候奥马尔试图用自己的剑去捅他。不久他叫来一个拿着一桶蓝色颜料的Blue并将颜料倒在了他们身上,由于某些原因又将他们打倒至昏迷。当安德鲁和他的队伍到达并打破笼子来救他们时,他们三个突然攻击了安德鲁,因为蓝色的颜料让他们堕落成了Big Blue的邪恶同伙——Bluish战士
              After knocking the paint off of them, all of them were freed, that is until Big Blue threw a PokeBall at Standrew, comically capturing the Slush Fighters who were present into the PokeBall.
              在将他们身上的颜料击碎后,他们所有人都自由了,直到Big Blue朝安德鲁扔去一个精灵球,结果戏剧性的将Slush战士关在了里面
              Later on, after they managed to escape from the PokeBall, he and the Slush Fighters began to continue the assault on Big Blue, this time within the Invaders' base on Luna. After the defeat of BigBoi Prime and Standrew defeating Big Blue, who was later revealed to be another innocent stick man corrupted by the Blue Paint, he and the rest of the other Slush Fighters, Stanthony, the remaining Invaders and the Prisoners escaped Luna before it exploded. It is shown that Stick Sean borrowed Steric's sniper rifle to create a portal from Luna to Galaxyrise to escape Luna before the Blue Base exploded.
              不久,在他们成功逃出精灵球后,埃里克和其他Slush战士一起继续攻击Big Blue,这一次是在侵略者在月球上的基地的。在打败了Big Boi并且安德鲁打败Big Blue之后,Big Blue变回了那个被蓝色颜料迷惑的无辜火柴人,埃里克和其他Slush战士们,安东尼,以及剩下的入侵者和罪犯在月球基地爆炸前逃了出去。可以看见肖恩在爆炸前借了埃里克的狙击枪来制造从月球到Glaxyrise的传送门。

              IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端9楼2017-05-31 13:27

                IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端11楼2017-05-31 13:28

                  • Steric was tenth in the lineup when the Slush Fighters were ganging up against Big Blue. He was captured when a rope wrapped around his arm and pulled him away.
                  在Slush战士联合对付Big Blue的时候,埃里克排在队伍的第十个。他被缠在手臂上的绳子抓住并被拖走。
                  • Steric's YouTube account can be found here.
                  • Steric, as a Bluish Fighter, is named Bleric.
                  • Steric, with Stedro, Stickyle, and Stick Michael has two different icons.
                  • Steric plays Call of Duty and Halo
                  • Steric is unlocked in the same level as BriStick, Stomar, and Sthomas.
                  • Steric's locked image shows him sitting with some of the leftover blue paint on him.
                  • Steric is actually more of a crack-shot quickscoper while JK is more of a careful marksman.
                  • Steric is roommates with Joshtick.
                  • At the end of the movie, Steric and Marcstick got hit by tomahawks, which were probably Stick Luke's.
                  • During his Ultra Attack, you can see the word "Unk" in the background, which is referring to his YouTube account, "UnKmyJuNk".
                  • Steric, Stomar, and Sthomas are the only Slush Fighters to make an appearence on the world map.
                  • Steric is actually a word having to do with chemistry.
                  • Steric indirectly helped save everyone during the Moon Explosion, as if it wasn't for his Sniper, Stick Sean wouldn't have created a portal from the Moon to Earth, this can be noted that he did not do anything, but he indirectly saved everyone alongside Stick Sean.
                  • Steric was the only gun character to do a horizontal spin in the movie.
                  • Steric is the only who ever talked in the game, besides Sthomas. He was screaming in agony when a tomahawk struck him.
                  • Steric seems to have a rivalry with Marcstick, as he was saying that Marc would usually run away when the former was trying to show off to the others in the epilogue of the first movie.
                  • He is using an AWP in both Slush Invaders and Slush Invaders: Game, but in Slush Tile Rush, he uses a Hunting Rifle.
                  He was also shown to be using his signature AWP in Slush Dungeon through the forms of concept art before it was cancelled.
                  • The first one being about him ducking and rolling, attacking a blue from afar, and shooting a switch from afar.
                  • The second one being in the unknown pixel land with Sthomas and Stucker.
                  • It seems that Steric is using a Hunting Rifle instead of his signature AWM in the game, as seen in the trailer and later on In-game.
                  A theory for this could be that, after Stick Sean used his sniper to create a portal during the ending sequence of the first game, Stick Sean gave it back to Steric but after the panic escape, he dropped it in Luna before the explosion.
                  Another theory suggests that his AWM Sniper has been badly damaged and was no longer able to be used, so he changed it to using a Hunting Rifle instead.
                  Yet another theory suggests that his rifle is a tribute to Team Fortress 2. If this were the case, he'd be holding the "Hitman's Heatmaker".
                  • He and Stickyle are so far the only fighters featured in one of the series' game logos.

                  IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端12楼2017-05-31 13:29

                    IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端13楼2017-05-31 13:30
                      【Stick Luke/卢克】
                      Stick Luke is a sea green stickman with a blue border who's a member of the Slush Fighters. He has the power to create and throw tomahawks and their delayed Spawnahawk counterparts. This is a reference to Call of Duty: Black Ops.
                      Slush Invaders
                      Stick Luke is seen running into Slusher Wing, throwing tomahawks at every Blue he encounters. Near the end of his scene, he starts using his pistols before running off and slashing a Blue with another tomahawk. Luke later appears to gang up on Big Blue.
                      在电影中,卢克一边朝着Slusher Wing冲去,一边朝着所有他遇到的Blue投掷手斧。在他的镜头快结束的时候,他使用起了手枪,并再次用手斧将一个Blue劈砍开然后离开。卢克后来出现与其他战士一起联合对付Big Blue
                      Slush Invaders: Game
                      Stick Luke is one of the fighters captured by Big Blue's men. He was caught when he and the other fighters in the middle fell into a makeshift pit made by the invaders where he was soon put in a cage and sent into a Binary Cell. He is later rescued after beating Data Wall.
                      卢克是被Big Blue的手下抓获的战士之一。他和其他站在中间的战士一起掉进了入侵者先前伪装好的坑里,并被关进笼子里送进双重牢房中。他在数据墙被打败后被解救出来
                      • Gildedguy says that "he really loves" his Tomahawks.
                      • His real life counterpart plays Call of Duty.
                      • Luke's YouTube account can be found here.
                      • As said by Gildedguy in one of his "Fun Facts" during NG+ Mode, Stick Luke's real life counterpart found over 20 bugs when he was testing the game.
                      • Stick Luke had pistols in the movie, but he never used them in the game.
                      • Stick Luke was thirteenth in the lineup when the Slush Fighters were ganging up against Big Blue. He was captured when he fell into the pit that opened up under him, along the others who were within or did not manage to move out of it in time.
                      在Slush战士联合对抗Big Blue的时候,卢克排在队伍的第十三个。他和其他没能成功躲开的战士一起掉进了打开在他身下的一个坑并被抓获
                      • Stick Luke could be seen in a cage being dragged away by some of the backup Blues in the opening cinematic, along with Stomar and Staddison.
                      • Stick Luke was imprisoned by being trapped in Python codes. This may be a reference to how Stick Luke was one of the only people (excluding Gildedguy) who tested the game for bugs. He also is unlocked after Data Wall, a digital code world.
                      • Strangely, despite being considered a soldier, Stick Luke doesn't wield a gun.
                      Contrary to what some people believe, Tomahawks are real weapons that have appeared all throughout history, mostly used by American Indians.
                      • During the montage between Stick Luke and Steric's scenes, Stick Luke hit only one Drab.
                      • Stick Luke's tomahawks have the ability to knock down a Cobalt in 2-3 shots.
                      • Stick Luke and Stick Waqas are the only input fighters that do not use a gun in the game, though he did use it in the movie.
                      • He received a new character design/accessory in the game Slush Tile Rush, wearing light-purple sunglasses.
                      • Luke's new tomahawk design bears a striking resemblance to Sokka's boomerang.

                      IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端14楼2017-05-31 17:30

                        IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端16楼2017-05-31 18:32

                          IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端17楼2017-05-31 19:34

                            IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端30楼2017-06-02 07:53

                              IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端31楼2017-06-03 17:37