0经核实吧主宇智波d楠 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 宇智波d楠吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0http://www.bilibili.com/video/av2075941 东汉末 狼烟不休 常侍乱 朝野陷 阿瞒挟天子 令诸侯 踞江东 志在九州 继祖业 承父兄 既冕主吴越 万兜鍪 纵天下 几变春秋 稳东南 面中原 水师锁长江 抗曹刘 镇赤壁 雄风赳赳 夺荆楚 抚山越 驱金戈铁马 灭仇雠 紫发髯 碧色眼眸 射猛虎 倚黄龙 胆识过凡人 谁敌手 御天下 半百之久 选贤臣 任能将 覆江东云雨 尽风流 千秋过 再难回首 问古今 兴亡事 几人耀青史 芳名留 笑谈间 云烟已旧 终留下 万古叹 生子该当如 孙仲谋 运帷
0秦初并天下,丞相绾等言:“燕、齐、荆地远,不置王无以镇之,请立诸子。” 始皇下其议,群臣皆以为便。廷尉斯曰:“周文、武所封子弟同姓甚众,然后属疏远,相攻击如仇雠,诸侯更相诛伐,天子不能禁止。今海内赖陛下神灵一统,皆为郡县。诸子功臣以公赋税重赏赐之,甚易制。天下无异意,则安宁之术也。置诸侯不便。”始皇曰:“天下共苦战斗不休,以有侯王。赖宗庙天下初定,又复立国,是树兵也,求其宁息,岂不难哉!廷尉议是。
0凡说之难,非吾知之有以说之之难也,又非吾辩之能明吾意之难也,又非吾敢横失而能尽之难也。凡说之难:在知所说之心,可以吾说当之。所说出于为名高者也,而说之以厚利,则见下节而遇卑贱,必弃远矣。所说出于厚利者也,而说之以名高,则见无心而远事情,必不收矣。所说阴为厚利而显为名高者也,而说之以名高,则阳收其身而实疏之;说之以厚利,则阴用其言显弃其身矣。此不可不察也。 夫事以密成,语以泄败。未必其身泄之也,而语及
0严生足下:得生书,言为师之说,怪仆所作《师友箴》与《答韦中立书》,欲变仆不为师之志,而屈己为弟子。凡仆所为二文,其卒果不异。仆之所避者名也,所忧者其实也,实不可一日忘。仆聊歌以为箴,行且求中以益己,栗栗不敢暇,又不敢自谓有可师乎人者耳。若乃名者,方为薄世笑骂,仆脆怯,尤不足当也。内不足为,外不足当,众口虽恳恳见迫,其若吾子何?实之要,二文中皆是也,吾子其详读之,仆见解不出此。 吾子所云仲尼之说,岂易耶
0二十一日,宗元白:辱书云欲相师,仆道不笃,业甚浅近,环顾其中,未见可师者.虽常好言论,为文章,甚不自是也.不意吾子自京师来蛮夷间,乃幸见取.仆自卜固无取,假令有取,亦不敢为人师.为众人师且不敢,况敢为吾子师乎? 孟子称“人之患在好为人师”.由魏、晋氏以下,人益不事师.今之世,不闻有师,有辄哗笑之,以为狂人.独韩愈奋不顾流俗,犯笑侮,收召后学,作《师说》,因抗颜而为师.世果群怪聚骂,指目牵引,而增与为言辞.愈以是得狂名,居长安,炊不暇熟,又挈挈
0古之学者必有师。师者,所以传道受业解惑也。人非生而知之者,孰能无惑?惑而不从师,其为惑也,终不解矣。生乎吾前,其闻道也固先乎吾,吾从而师之;生乎吾后,其闻道也亦先乎吾,吾从而师之。吾师道也,夫庸知其年之先后生于吾乎?是故无贵无贱,无长无少,道之所存,师之所存也。 嗟乎!师道之不传也久矣!欲人之无惑也难矣!古之圣人,其出人也远矣,犹且从师而问焉;今之众人,其下圣人也亦远矣,而耻学于师。是故圣益圣,愚
0君子曰:学不可以已。 青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝;冰,水为之,而寒于水。木直中绳,輮以为轮,其曲中规。虽有槁暴,不复挺者,輮使之然也。故木受绳则直,金就砺则利,君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣。 故不登高山,不知天之高也;不临深溪,不知地之厚也;不闻先王之遗言,不知学问之大也。干、越、夷、貉之子,生而同声,长而异俗,教使之然也。诗曰:“嗟尔君子,无恒安息。靖共尔位,好是正直。神之听之,介尔景福。”
11左页 1854年4月的一个下午。两个武士打扮的日本年轻人,鬼鬼祟祟向美国人马修·佩里的舰队走去。两个年轻人的意图不明,似乎只是想看看“密西西比”号舰长助理斯普尔丁佩戴的表链。他们不懂英语,其中一个年轻人在用手势比划了几次之后,从身上掏出了一封用典雅的汉语写成的信件,塞进了斯普尔丁的背心里。0摘自《青年文摘》2015年第16刊,作者石勇 有个高二的学生,遇到一桩事。有一天,他在睡午觉,旁边有两个同学嬉笑打闹,害的他睡不着。于是,他对同学说,希望他们不要影响他休息,出去玩。同学回了他一句:“为什么是我们出去,而不是你不睡觉呢?” 他告诉我说,那一瞬间,他气得说不出话来,竟然无法反驳。 英国哲学家波普尔在讨论到自由的原则时,也讲了一个类似的例子。 假设有个钢琴家,喜欢在家弹钢琴,而不幸,他有个邻居,喜05一楼喂百度2一楼给百度0一楼给百度6一楼给百度8assignment: i like/ dislike this design- due171Wendy, Kopp."Chronicling the consequences of racism and poverty." Washington Post, The9 2012:Newspaper Source. Web. 30 Apr. 2013. The gaping disparities between children ofdifferent racial and socioeconomic backgrounds take a massive toll on ournation — in moral, civic and economic terms. Yet we also have more reasons for optimism thanever before. Today there is a robust national debate about the best ways tohelp children growing up in poverty and a fully fledged movement dedicated to ensuringeducational opportunity for all kids — thanks in part to Kozol’s writing, whichI have1Sandler, Lauren. "The American nightmare: we have everything the American dream prescribed so why aren't we happy?" Psychology Today 44.2(2011): 70-77. Health Source - Consumer Edition. Web. 29 Nov. 2013. Over generations of prosperity and growth, the American Dream has become an American Expectation—a version of happiness achieved by entitlement and equation: Two fat incomes plus a two-car garage plus two master-bathroom sinks plus two-point-something kids equals one happy family. To be sure, the recession has deferred some of the dream. Still, we imagine that in time we'l42好怀念以前的日子,找到了以前的作品好高兴5engineering design problem statement: the problem is that an apocalyptic storm has hit the nation, taking out all power and gasoline has been depleted and no longer available. you must transport food, water and medicine to nearby areas, using only whatyou have available to power this vehicle. the sun has not shown in weeks, and zombies have stolen all batteries, so you must come up with a vehicle using alternative means. you cannot go outside yourself; zombies sense anything woth a heartbeat and eat your brains. so you need to send your own vehicle.10这里就放置学习科目吧7By Rana Foroohar Monday, Nov. 14, 2011 America's story, our national mythology, is built on the idea of being an opportunity society. From the tales of Horatio Alger to the real lives of Henry Ford and Mark Zuckerberg, we have defined our country as a place where everyone, if he or she works hard enough, can get ahead. As Alexis de Tocqueville argued more than 150 years ago, it's this dream that enables Americans to tolerate much social inequality--this coming from a French aristocrat--in exchange for what we perceive as great dynamism and opportunity in our society. Modern surveys con0一楼空出8一楼百度1Detroit Shuts Off Water to Residents but Not to Businesses Who Owe Millions by Mary M.Chapman,07.26.14 Some 15,000 residential customers have lost water service, and tens of thousands more are in danger of losing it, thanks to past due bills. But businesses owing hundreds of thousands of dollars have not been disconnected, Detroit Water and Sewerage Department records show. According to a department list, the top 40 commercial and industrial accounts have past-due accounts totaling $9.5 million. That list includes apartment complexes, the Chrysler Group, real estate agencies, a laundromat and1Detroit water department now sending shut-off crews to commercial customers By Joe Guillen The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department announced Wednesday that it is intensifying efforts to collect unpaid debts from its delinquent commercial customers. Darryl Latimer, deputy director, said shut-off crews are now mobilizing to go out and cut service to delinquent commercial customers, which make up about 12% of the approximately 90,000 accounts that are at least 60 days past due. Meanwhile, the DWSD has been shutting off water service aggressively for its delinquent residential customers. Latimer1By Sarah Kendzior | Al Jazeera – Wed, Jul 23, 2014 Water is a basic human right. societies throughout history have recognised water as a public good. To treat water as a commodity instead of a right is an act of violence. In May 2014, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon argued that "preventing people's access to safe water is a denial of a fundamental human right." He added: "Deliberate targeting of civilians and depriving them of essential supplies is a clear breach of international humanitarian and human rights law." Water is a right for all human beings. The question1A Right Or A Privilege? Detroit Residents Split Over Water Shut-Offs by Quinn Klinefelter In Detroit, protests continue over the city's massive effort to shut off water to thousands of customers who aren't paying their bills. Activists call the move a violation of a basic human need, while city officials call it an economic reality. Detroit's Water and Sewerage Department has been accruing a massive debt for decades — in part because officials say there was only a token attempt to collect past-due bills. By this year, about half of all water customers were behind on payments, owi1John Wisely, Detroit Free Press 12:47 a.m. EDT July 27, 2014 Detroit has drawn fire from all over the world for shutting off water to customers delinquent on their bills, but the city isn't unique. Cities across the country do it also. In Michigan, Hamtramck, Warren, Pontiac, Eastpointe, Romulus and other cities have shut off delinquent customers as a way to improve collections. Elsewhere, so have other big cities such as Baltimore and St. Louis. "It's universal in the utility world that at some point, you have to shut off service as part of your larger commitment to the community7beside voting for laws, senators also write and sponsor laws. when a senator sponsors a law, it means that he finds the law to be quite important and plays a role in writing and introducing the bill to the senate. for this week, you will be looking at bills that your senator has sponsored17一楼给百度1411directions: this is a pre-writing assignment for your american studies 2014 fall research report and presentation. please answer the following questions to help you later write the essay.7一楼空6directions: look up your senator's most recent vote at http://www.rollcall.com. compare your senator's vote with how his party voted on that bill. also, take a look at your senator's overall voting record, how does he compare with his party?does he normally vote with his party, or does he often vote against his party.6一楼给百度4summery:the affordable care act provided government regulations for the health insurance industry.(in america people pay to go to the hospital, and americans buy insurance which helps pay for expensive medical treatment). - does not allow health insurance companies to drop people for being sick. - limits how much health insurance companies can raise rates. - insurance companies cannot drop people for being too old. - requires all americans to hold health insurance. - the government helps poor people pay for health insurance.5the dodd-frank act was passed to reform the american banks after the 2008 financial crash. - watches large banks, whose failure could cause great harm to the economy. - prevents banks from giving poor people loans they will be unable to pay back. - prevents banks from making risky investments with money. - allows the government to give banks a rating based on how stable they are.2这个贴子用来放置作业和资料的贴子链接