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  • 目录:
  • 学校话题
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    修正   Maybe I'm not making myself clear. I want to say that ...   What I mean to say is ...   What I'm trying to say is ...   Another way to put it is ...
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    租房场景 房子的类型有: flat, apartment 公寓 dormitory (dorm) 学生宿舍 student hostel 学生旅店 youth hostel 青年旅店 homestay 留宿 当地居民家里. 一般房子有的家电或设施: cstove 炉子 fridge 冰箱 microwave oven 微波炉 washing machine 洗衣机 air-conditioner 空调 electric fan 电风扇 radiator 电暖炉 electric stoves 电炉 wardrobe 衣柜 electric vacuum cleaner 吸尘器 bulb 电灯泡 loud-speaker 扩音机 床上用品及其他物品: pillow 枕头 pillow case and bed linen 枕套和被单 sheet 被单被褥 mattress 床垫 blanket 毯子
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    patriotic [ˌpætriˈɒtɪk; ˌpeɪtriˈɒtɪk] adj. 爱国的 In terms of racial justice, Mr Biden will rescind Mr Trump’s “1776 commission”, which was set up by the outgoing president to “restore patriotic education to our schools” and was criticised for seeking to erase the history of racism in America. 在种族公正方面,拜登将撤销特朗普的“1776委员会”——特朗普建立该委员会的目的是“恢复我们学校的爱国主义教育”,但因试图抹去美国种族主义历史而受到批评。 legitimacy [lɪˈdʒɪtɪməsi] n. 合法;合理;正
    Boris 5-18
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    经核实吧主一名船夫 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 盟友英语吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
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    观点类大作文,社会类话题 Many young people today spend much of their free time in shopping malls. Some people think it has many negative effects on both young people and the society they live in. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 题目来源:2017年1月27日亚太雅思大作文 高分范文示例: Malls are attracting a growing number of young shoppers by creating favorable perception of the mall in terms of convenience, variety, awareness of brands, aesthetics and hedonic factors. I personally agree that too much exposure to an enormous range of products and services
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    Describe a time when you received some good news You should say: • When you received it • Who told you the news • What the news was • And explain how you felt about it 参考答案:【好消息】 When you received it Actually, I have received a lot of good news recently but last Sunday, I heard some fantastic news. It was a sunny afternoon and I was just hanging out in my room when I got a message from my friend Jill. Who told you the news Jill is my neighbor and also my colleague. We work together in the same school. She is a very kind and positive girl who talks to me about everyt
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    每一天背诵单词,练习阅读口语,大家有没有感觉到枯燥呢?想把英语学精深,就要找对方法和技巧,学英语,一开始慢一点不要紧,贵在基础牢固。今天,就为大家推荐的英语学习方法和技巧。希望能对大家的学习有所帮助!   1、句子比单词重要   中国人学英语,最常用的方法是背单词,甚至有人以能背出一本词典为荣,但是词典上的解释是死的,语言的运用却是活的,机械的理解会造成很大的误解。词典不是最重要的,关键在于语境。可以说
    一名船夫 12-29
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    1、解决 Solve, deal with, cope withHandle, resolve ,address,tackle 2、损害 Damage, hurt, injure, harmImpair, undermine, jeopardize 3、给与 Give, offer, render, impartprovide, supply, afford 4、培养 Develop, cultivate,foster 5、优势Advantage,merit,virtue benefit, upside, strength 6、缺陷 Disadvantage, demerit drawback ,downside, weakness 7、使迷惑 Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle 8、重要的 Key, crucial, critical,important Significant, vital, substantial indispensable, imperative 9、认为 Think, believe, insist,maintain assert, conclude, dee
    一名船夫 12-24
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    归于 ascribeto 归于 attribute to 归因于 credit to 把...归给归于 contribute to 捐献,把..归给归于 袭击 assaultn.袭击 onslaught n.猛攻 raid vt,vi.袭击/n.袭击 foray n.突袭偷袭 财产 asset n.资产,财产 estate n.不动产房地产 property n.财产,所有物所有权,性质,特持性 服装 attiren.服装,盛装 gab n.装束,打扮 outfit n.用具,配备,全套装配 轴关键枢 axis n.轴,轴线 pivot n.枢,枢轴,支枢,支点 hub n.轮轴,轴心 hinge n.枢纽;门枢;节点,活动关节,关键;转折点 假定假设 assume vt. 假定,设想,采取,呈现hypot
    一名船夫 12-23
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    在雅思听力备考中,考生需要积累大量的词汇来帮助自己跟上听力的速度,理解听力的场景。接下来小编为大家讲解关于雅思听力词汇备考的两个比较实用方法,希望能帮助到各位考生通过有效的学习,扩大雅思听力词汇量 。   1、词汇书   如果准备雅思考试的时间很短,考生在总结情景词汇的时间又比较长的话,建议这些考生可以直接选择一本词汇书进行复习,尤其是根据书中的情景词汇总结并背诵。   这类词汇书一般是雅思听力考试经常
    一名船夫 12-18
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    go for it to do anything you have to in order to get something 尽力争取;不遗余力去做 A: Do you think I should sign up for the course? It's quite expensive. 你认为我应该报名参加这个课程吗?还挺贵的。 B: If you're sure you'd like it, then go for it. You'll enjoy it. 如果你确定自己喜欢,那就去做吧。你会非常享受的。
    一名船夫 12-13
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    what's-her-name also what's-her-face used for referring to a woman or girl when you cannot remember or do not know her name 当您不记得或不知道她或她的名字时,用于指代她;名叫某某的她,某个她(用于忘记女子的名字时) I gave the report to what's-her-name - the new marketing assistant. 我把报告给了那个叫什么来着——就是那个新的市场助理。 That's the thing that whatshername gave me. 这就是那个叫什么什么的女人给我的东西。
    一名船夫 12-11
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    pill If a piece of clothing or material pills, it develops small balls of threads on its surface. (衣服或布料)起球粒,起纤维绒球 Fabrics with a large number of loose fibers have a higher tendency to pill. 含有大量松散纤维的织物更容易起球。 a small ball of threads that develops on the surface of clothes or material (衣服或布料上的)球粒,纤维绒球 She sat there sulking and picking the pills off her sweater. 她坐在那里生闷气,一个劲地拽着毛衣上的绒球。
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    亲爱的盟友英语吧的吧友们:大家好! “一名船夫”为本吧吧主候选人得票最多者,共计0张真实票数,根据竞选规则,官方最终批准@一名船夫,为本吧正式吧主。公示期三天。 吧主上任后,请严格遵守吧主协议 https://tieba.baidu.com/mo/q/newapply/rule?from=task,履行吧主义务,积极投身本吧的发展建设,也请广大吧友进行监督。如出现违规问题,请至贴吧反馈中心进行反馈或者投诉http://tieba.baidu.com/pmc/reportBazhu
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    不喜欢的音乐 Describean event where you did not enjoy its music. You should say: What the event was What kind ofmusic itwas What did you do after you heard themusic And explain why you did notenjoyed themusic An event that I haveexperienced where I did not enjoy its music happened when my mom asked me tojoin the squaredancingwithher.Thesquaredancingisanexerciseroutineperformedtomusicinsquares,parksandplazas. It is extremelypopular among middle-aged and retired women who have been referred to as“dancing grannies” bysomewesternmedia.Mostoftime,mymomdancedwiththesedancersafterdinnerands
    一名船夫 11-30
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    喜欢的公共建筑 Describe a public building you enjoyed visiting You should say: When you went there Who you went there with What it was like And explain why you liked going there I enjoy visiting the Shanghai Museum of Glass. The first time I went there was during my elementary school, and I went there for a volunteer training program. With the opportunity, I learned the history of the museum, the origin of different pieces of art, the craftsmanship of glasses, and I was able to introduce my assigned part at the end. The activity was not serious training since the members-oriented were e
    一名船夫 11-29
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    “争分夺秒”,字面意思是不放过一分一秒(seize every minute and second),形容对时间抓得很紧,充分利用时间。 可以翻译为“make full use of every minute; work against the clock。”
    一名船夫 11-23
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    “毛骨悚然”,意思是毛发竖起,脊梁骨发冷;形容恐惧惊骇的样子(with one's hair standing on end; be absolutely terrified), 令人毛骨悚然可以翻译为“make someone's blood run cold”,表示“to cause one to feel frightened or unnerved”。
    一名船夫 11-23
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    “洗心革面”,汉语成语,意思是去除旧思想,改变旧面貌,比喻彻底悔改。 与英文俚语“turn over a new leaf”意思相近,表示“to reform and begin again;to change one's behavior, usually in a positive way”。
    一名船夫 11-23
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    “先来后到”,汉语成语,按照来到的先后而确定次序,可以翻译为“in order of arrival”。 与英文惯用语“first come, first served”意思相近,表示“the first people present will be the first to receive something”。
    一名船夫 11-23
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    “撑场面”,中文俗语,意思是“维持外表上的排场和规模等”,亦作“撑门面”,可以翻译为“maintain an outward show of prosperity”。 也可以用英文俗语“keep up appearances”表示,有“maintain an impression of wealth or well-being”的意思。
    一名船夫 11-23
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    “得心应手”,汉语成语,意思是心里怎样想,手里就能怎样做(what the heart wishes one's hands accomplish) 比喻技艺纯熟,心手相应,可以翻译为“with facility,with high proficiency”。 与英文俗语“in one's element”意思相近,表示“in a place or situation where one is comfortable and does well”。
    一名船夫 11-23
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    “板上钉钉”,汉语成语,本义指在石板上钉上铁钉(nail the slate with nails),比喻事情已经决定,不能改变或事情已经成了事实。 与英文惯用语“cast in stone”意思相近,表示“Completely set, unchangeable; not subject to any amendment or alteration”。
    一名船夫 11-23
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    小时候学会的技能 Describe a skill that you learned when you were a child. You should say: What skill it was How did you learn it What did you do after you learn it And explain how you felt about it I want to share you the story about how I learned to ride a bicycle. When I was in primary school, I was so obsessed with motorcycles and bicycles, thinking that they are the most fascinating inventions of the world. And all I wanted for birthday was a new bike, so that I won’t have to ride my old one with four wheels, which had been used by my brother when he was young. Fortunately, on my
    一名船夫 11-20
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    一个传统Describe an interesting tradition in your country. You should say: What it is What do people do What is interesting about it And explain how you feel about this tradition A tradition in my country is celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is on the 15th day of August in Chinese lunar calendar. During this festival, people would eat moon cakes. Mooncakes are like cookies in shape with various fillings including nuts, red bean, egg yolk and meet, etc. They are round, which symbolises the full moon and family reunion. In addition, during the festival, all family members try their
    一名船夫 11-18
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    经核实吧主一名船夫 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 盟友英语吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
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    拍摄的一张照片Describe a photograph you like. You should say: What the photograph was about When and where it was taken How it was taken And explain why you like it I want to describe my family photo to you, which was taken on my 5th birthday. I couldn’t remember quite clearly, but it seems that our family went to the restaurant to celebrate it for me. Well, on the picture there is my mother, my father, my grandparents, my sister, and of course me, with cake on my mouth. Everyone is smiling on the photo, except me, since I was busy eating the cake. The two people standing behind me ar
    小白云湖 11-17
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    收到的好消息 Describea good news you heard. You should say: Who told you the news Where and where you heard it Whatdid you do after you know it And explain why you think itwas a good news A piece of good news I have heard is theacceptance letter from my dream university. My cousin told me the newssince I was living with him. He came back from the mailbox with my offerletter, and he passed me the letter and said congratulations to me. I waseating my breakfast at that time and I became so excited that I even forgotwhat I was doing. I called my parents and alsotold my friends at the first t
    小白云湖 11-16
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    做的好的决定Describe a good decision you made recently. You should say: What it was When and where you made it What was the results And explain why it was a good decision The good decision I made recently is to quit my unhealthy diet. I am a big fan of sweet food including all kinds of desserts and soft drinks. In recent years, the popularization of bubble tea in China have also made young generations more addicted to sweet food and even a high sugar diet. However, I have a slim body shape because I do exercise every day. Plus, due to my young age, I always believe my metabolism is high
    小白云湖 11-13
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    一句诗句或歌词Describe asentence or a few words from a poem or a song You should say: What it is Which song or poem it is from Howyou have to know it And explain why you like it I will talk about a fewwords from Tagore’s poem Life is like summer flowers. And my favourite sentencein the poem is, Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and Death like autumnleaves. I think the sentence conveysa positive and penetrating theme, and that’s the reason for me to like it. Inmy view, just as he says, if we live, we must make our life as gorgeous assummer flowers, take efforts to bloom, fear
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    一个熊孩子的行为Describea child's bad behavior in public. You should say: When you saw it Where it happenedWhat did the child do And explain how you feltabout it Achild’sbadbehaviorIamgoingtotalkabouthappenedwhenIwasattheairportlastAugust.Myfamilywasaboutto take a summer trip to Tokyo and we were waiting at the boarding gate. Mysix-year-old nephew asked to play video games. To be honest, I didn't want togive him my phone because I was listening to music and I just wanted to killthe boring time on my own. But he kept asking me and I had no choice. When he gotthe phone, he turn
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    一群人的欢乐时光Describesomething you enjoyed doing with a group of people You should say: What it was Where you did it Who you did it with And explain whyyou think it was enjoyable The activity I enjoyed doingthe most with a group of people is travelling. Last summer, my parents and Iwent to Huangshan Mountain for the holiday. Huangshan Mountain is one of themost famous tourist attractions in China duetoitsmagnificentview,anditattractsmillionsoftouristseveryyear.ThemountainislocatedinAnhuiProvince, sowespentabout6hoursdrivingthere.Westartedthetripontheseconddayafterarrivingthere.Mypar
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    小白云湖 10-31
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    浪费时间的经历Describean occasion that you waste your time You should say: When it was Where you were Who you werewith And explain how you feltabout it Weall know time is priceless in our life. But there were still occasions that wewasted time, especially during the recent lockdown of COVID-19, when thepandemic hit a lot of cities in China. At the beginning of the lockdown, I wasstill celebrating Chinese New Year with my family. However, when the holidayreached the end, I got anxious and lost for the online classes. It was amission impossible for me to focus on online teaching when I
    小白云湖 10-31
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    小白云湖 10-30
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    一次迷路的经历Describea time you got lost in a place you did not know You should say: When and where you got lost? Whyyou gotlost? How did youfeel? And how thisproblem is solved? Iwould like to describe the experience I had last year. Last summer vacation, myfriends and I decided to climb one mountain in our city since it was said thata temple was newly built and we wanted to visit it. Itwas our first time going there, and it took a lot of effort for us to find thattemple. But when we noticed the time, it began to turn dark. We checked ourdigital map, it didn’t work because of the lac
    小白云湖 10-30
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    小白云湖 10-29
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    遇到朋友感到惊讶 Describe a timeyou are surprised to meet a friend You should say Who he or she is When and where you met him or her?Why you were surprised? And how you felt about it? Speaking of the topic, I’d like to talk about the timewhen I accidentally ran into an old friend in the shopping mall. It happenedwhen I came back home for my first summer vacation in college. That was a sunnySunday, a great time for shopping. I was frustrated with my schoolwork, so Idecided to go shopping with my little sister to have some fun. Therewas only a big shopping mall in my hometown and that
    小白云湖 10-29
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    小白云湖 10-28
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    汽车旅行Describea long car journey you went on You should say: Where you went What you did at this place Who youwent there with And explain why you went onthat journey by car Speaking of thetopic, I’d like to talk about the car trip I went on with my family lastNational Day. Weplanned to spend the holiday in Beijing. The train tickets were hard to buy, sowe decided to drive there. Everything went on smoothly that day until we droveonto the high way. There were millions of cars on the road and as a result, wecouldn’t move at all. It wasn’t pleasant, being trapped in such limited space
    小白云湖 10-27
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    做志愿者 Describe avolunteering experience you have had You should say: What it was Where it was Why you volunteered And how youfelt about it Speaking of a volunteering experience, I’dlike to talk about the time I spent with Judie, a child with leukemia. Lastyear,Ijoinedthe“SunshineProgram”,whichwasstartedinouruniversitywithanaimtocheerupthechildren diagnosedwithleukemia.Therewere5volunteersintotal.Wegatheredattheschoolgateandtookthebustothe hospital together, On my way there, Iwas quite nervous, because even though I had heard about the dreadful disease,I had never “met” it in p
    小白云湖 10-26
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    一次成功的冒险Describea time you took a risk that may have gone wrong, but turned out well You shouldsay What it was Why you took it What the result was And explain howyou felt about it I'd like to talk about a jobinterview I had last week. A few months ago, I sent my resume to a tutoringcompany in my hometown to apply for an internship as an English teacher for thecoming summer holiday. They invited me to take the online interview last Mondayafternoon. Because this was my first job interview, I was very nervous anddidn't want to mess it up. The interview involved threeparts. In
    小白云湖 10-25
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    家人向你求助的经历Describe a timewhen a family member asked you for help You should say: When it was Who asked you for help How youhelped And explain how you feltabout it A time when a family member asked me for help happened when mygrandma asked me to teach her how to use the smartphone. I bought my grandma asmartphone as her birthday gift when I was in the senior year of university.Since it was the first time that she had got such an intelligent device, shehad no idea how to use it. Then, she called me to visit her at the weekend and mostimportantly, I was supposed to be her teacher
    小白云湖 10-24
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    爽约的经历Describe a timewhen you missed an appointment You shouldsay: When it was Who you made it with Why you missedit And explain how you feltabout it I want to tell you about one experience which happened when I wasstill a primary school student, I was so impressed by the experience that Icouldn’t forget it over these years. Once I had an appointment with myclassmates to go out to play together. We agreed on the meeting place and time,and we all promised that we would not be absent. Early in that morning, I woke up and got myself dressed, then Irushed to the bathroom to wash my face
    小白云湖 10-22
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    穿最好的衣服的场合 Describe an occasion you wore the best clothes You should say: When it was What you wore What it looked like And explain why you wore it On an occasion, I wore the best clothes that happened when I attended my sister’s wedding ceremony. My dear sister got married two years ago and the relationship between her husband and her underwent a lot of hardships. So, I was really happy to see that she finally caught her happiness and found true love. Since I attached great importance to her wedding ceremony, I decided to design a dress by myself to celebrate this precious
    小白云湖 10-21

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